If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Destitute: The Good, The Bad & The Uati
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1193


(Part 9cm of 11)

We've recently discussed constitute and prostitute in conjunction with assembly and everything else. Now, in seeking understanding of destitute, the path leads from “AS” to “AT.” Before we move back to AT, we will start where we're “at.”

Suboptimal Definition Of Destitute

Destitute is said to mean "abandoned, forsaken," lacking resources, impoverished.
See the previous message for a detailed discussion of the prefixes DE & DES.
“Stitute” is “Statuere” which means to put, place, stare, to stand, make firm, be firm.

AT Least, AT Most

AT means fat, outcast, unclean, filthy, father, priest, divine father in the form of the child who became the fakher of the makher, babe, infant, lad, child, divine child, fatherless child, mother, divine mother, sleep, image, type, to build, form, weave, knit, the loom (a later form of the womb), ear, circle of time.

Word variations: fat, Ata, Fata, Kat, Atem, Atmu, Atum, Atom, Aten, Adonai, Adonis, Ar, Al, El. (BB 57/69, 223/235, 264/276, 320/332, 328/340, 461/473); (NG1 275/293, 509-10/527-28); (NG2 267/275)

When we function in harmony with each other, we become destitute in a good way because we function as one and only as one; however, if we do not also function as more than one, we become stagnant in one form, thus we become destitute in a bad way.

Likewise, if we do not function in harmony, we become destitute in a bad way, especially in regards to the most basics needs that sustain health. Under these circumstances, mindset and context, working together delays suboptimal destitution; however, if the collective does not change context, inevitable destitution will come in a suboptimal way and the end will be worse than the beginning. And this is why many people who depend on the suboptimal context for survival, kill themselves when faced with suboptimal destitution.

One of the basic unities we must achieve is the reconstituting of feminine and male energy. This is an obvious problem worldwide that has led to the majority to be suboptimally destitute in spirit-soul and also in the physical were it not for the revolving diminishing returns cycle of pay, work, pay.

Optimal Definition Of Destitute

Some of the meanings of “AT” are, “outcast, destitute, orphan.” At also means the opposite of these things. It is possible to be destitute and be in the in crowd, not by yourself and have worldly wealth.

In the AT circle of Preexistence, the Creator was The Only One. The Creator was destitute, yet in harmony.
After duplicating, The Creator became two. Now there was the AT and the AS (Existence). The Creator was no longer destitute and no longer stagnant. Now there was thAT and thIS (AS), or as we say “this and that.”

Now there was The One & The Other (One). We now say, one or the other (one).
Finally we say: this, that and the other to unknowingly account for the trinity of duality.

As we learned in the previous message, DE, DO & UT are the same and mean: make, act, perform, cause; to put, to place, first and last note of the musical scale, doremefasolatido.

This tells us destitute has meaning in UAT, WATER, ATI, MAAT, duality and everything good and bad, including UT-opia and ATI-opia (Ethiopia Paradise). Not the Ethiopia as bounded today, but the Ethiopia several tens of thousands of years ago that encompassed the Nile Valley and contains the sacred secret birthplace.

1. Destitute means both scarcity and abundance.
2. We become destitute when we are two or more and should function as one and the other way around.
3. Destitution is cyclical and inevitable.

I AM Destitute And I Am Coming Out Of One & Into The Other

I am destitute in the suboptimal sense but destitute in the optimal sense. Thus, I am destitute in the optimal sense in those things in which I am destitute in the suboptimal sense. In other words, to lack resources in the suboptimal sense, yet be destitute in the optimal sense, causes me to become destitute in the optimal sense in resources. This becomes magnified when prevailing star energies are on the optimal side. Yet, the first responsibility is to continue to mature in understandings of self and all else and apply that to basic needs.

The commonality of titute meaning to stay means duality stays. Even so it changes between good and bad and all forms and combinations of optimal and suboptimal.

The prostitute constitutes the destitute in water by having nonstop sex in a cave with the free and the enslaved. This is, in so many ways, the good, the bad and the uati.

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