If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Saturday, January 6, 2018

P-re-fixing Prefixes of De & Des
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1192


(Part 9cl of 11)

Brief List

Defend, decrease, dew, dear, demonstrate, delight, delicious, deep, deity, dessert devise, derive, desire, desert, describe, definition, decision, deter, determine, develop, descendant, definite, deliver, devil, delve, detect, dead, defeat, demon, detriment, despicable, defect, decorate, devote...

This is enough to prove “de” and “des” have good and bad meanings.
As a quick second example: “unbelievable” means not or don't believe, yet “understand” means do “derstand.” Thus, “un” means both do and don't. Thus, most, if not all, word forms and prefixes and suffixes have optimal and suboptimal usages. This, “the Bible” tells us so: God is good, but “gods” are not. But what “that Bible” doesn't say to complete the thought is that gods are good, but God is not.
And this is why it is possible to be damned if you do and damned if you don't.
Context makes all the difference to know which way is currently correct.

Breaking Down The DE

According to English-based word origin explanations, “DE” denotes separation in space and means away, down, down from, from among, off, away from, concerning, by reason of, according to, down to the bottom, totally, thus completely.

Based on the brief list above, we know DE also means the opposite of these things such as “come,” “together,” and much more.

Because the English Languish is a metaphor for how what was originally African has become scattered and fragmented, we can make better use of English by degframenting, reconstituting and synthesis resizing.
So we add back in, other forms of DE in order to more fully understand what DE means.

DA means to divide.

DI two, double, twice, apart, asunder, through; thoroughly.

DO means: make, act, perform, cause; to put, to place, first and last note of the diatonic scale, a substitution for UT.

DIE from de, die, dice, do. Past participle of dare to give, to play, a stamping block or tool.

DES is a variation and continuation of DE. One meaning is “twice" which is related to duo and two. This we already knew from our ongoing foray into duality.
DES also means apart, asunder.

Most, if not all, words have had periods of time when their good and bad definitions and meanings were in common usage among the masses. This we have earlier discovered several times. One of those discoveries relates to the N word, Nga, Naga, Nigga, Nigger, Inca.
We have now reassembled and summarized to make it easier to retrieve this logic when needed.

If we don't know anything, we at least know there is a good and evil spirit or at least there's a good mind and an evil mind. Two forms of the sem same thing.
Therefore, since everything is a manifestation of spirit, then there must be good and bad forms of everything.
More appropriately put, the same spirit manifests self in different ways.

Note 1 : We have remembered the multiple dual meanings of the phrase “DO or DIe.”
Do or die applies to a suboptimal coercive duress back-against-the-wall context.
Do or die applies to an optimal basic needs context.
Duality or die always applies dynamically.

Note 2: Another time we previously learned about the two-sidedness of all creation was when we discussed good and evil discrimination. Yet again when we went over good and evil manipulation. And we all know about good love and bad love, so investigate further when someone says I love you. Has the love taken away from or given to knowledge of self, thus health, i.e., optimal beingness??

Note 3: When we review definitions and meanings of the following words, we will see the same things as in all forms of DE and DES. Words such as Khekh, As, Ter, Sex, Water, Womb, Khaos, Khat, Khefa, Zero, Early Formation, Preexistence, Nothingness, Ankh, Signature, Nuter, Stars, Genetic Potential, Duplication, Cloning, rNA/drNA, Seeds, Plants, Cells, Nutrition, Cycles, Process, Motion, Dimension, Spirit-Soul...

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