If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Saturday, February 29, 2020

High-School Dropouts | Turn It Around
Unity Consciousness #2030


( 9age of 11)

We often hear about high school dropouts. Our minds tell us this is talking about people, about children who stopped going to school. Our minds tell us these children don't care, don't want to learn, are problems, useless, bad, ignorant, stupid, unintelligent, poor, come from bad homes, are inner city and a whole bunch more other stuff our minds tell us. All of it is false.

Remember, we are the ones hearing and receiving the words, “high-school dropouts.”
Someone is writing or repeating those words and we are hearing them and reading them.
We are receiving someone else's conclusion and using it as a starting point for our thought processes that end up going nowhere because we conclude what we started with, without any investigation of what is being presented as the truth or as a truthful context.

Where did those other people get the information, the description, the phrasing “high-school dropout?
What if they've got it wrong, backwards, or sideways?
Turn it around in order to double-check.
High Schools Drop Out Kids
That's a different story isn't it?
Is it true that high-schools are the problem that is dropping out kids? Must be. Why else would kids go and then drop out?
I have never seen a child that does not want to learn. Never in any species. Never.
It's prevalent among adult humans but non-existent among human children.
In fact, every person who dropouts of high school is a person who has been learning their entire life. What they finally realize is there is a serious problem with what is being taught and the realities of life. The society is the problem, not the child.

In order for a child to not want to learn, something must beat the hell out and suck the hell out of learning.
Or we could say beat the heaven out and suck the heaven out of learning.

In fact, it is this combination of sentences, that is exactly what happens, and eventually many adults succumb to as a finality.
High-school graduates and college graduates drop out of learning and stick to information that is incomplete at best. They stop learning and revert to what is mostly taught: memorize and repeat what helps you pass the test in school and get by in society.

If this were not true, then the child would have dropped out in primary school or middle school junior high. High-school is when children are taught they are more of an adult and can make decisions, thus they choose to dropout. If this were told to younger children, they'd dropout also. In fact they do in various ways interpreted as being learning problems or behavioral problems.

In reviewing my school experiences from kindergarten to Master's Degree and various seminars, I'm surprised I learned anything at all except how to memorize and repeat what was needed for a test. No need to understand, no need to critically think.

What we also know is true is that even for students who graduate high-school, society drops them all out on the street and say compete, but you can't unless you pay us some money and go to school some more. Thus high-school graduates are made to feel worthless unless they keep playing the game. They then are in no better position than a person called a high-school dropout.

Thus then a person called a high-school dropout is someone who is more awakened to the realities of societies. Most of us take many more years of college and jobs to accept our disillusionment.

Thus it is our societies, our cultures that are responsible for dropping children, not out of high-school but out of society, from birth and at multiple points along the way.

And this is why a whole bunch of folks get dropped out of social security, pensions, life insurance health insurance and other things they thought they qualified for, for life.
People who drop out of high-school recognize the game early on. They are the sane ones.
In the USA, for a great number of our African children, it is better for them to dropout of high-school and start their own businesses rather than be subjected to useless abusive curriculum, teachers, administrators and police and then job markets that give them slim to no chance unless they beg and accept the lowest wage in the worst conditions. Societies (cultures) today are no friends to any children. This then is near the root of the problems among humans and how we move in the world. We are uneducated in what it takes to be holistic, wholeness, wholesome, harmonic, ecosystem universal, fair, just, decent, honest, healthy, sane, balanced.
And this is why every society is filled with a multitude of spiritual problems, emotional problems, mental problems and physical problems. All of these due to our logic. High-school dropouts have at least figured out that the path of schooling they are on is a dead end even for those who continue on as walking dead.

Throughout this African safari, we have used many methods to keep ourselves thinking critically and looking at things differently so as not to get stuck and stagnant on fragments of logic. Turning things around is just one way of doing do so. The worst that can happen is we have two fragments that go together.
Some things only have to be turned around once to bring about significantly more understandings.
Other things have to be turned around and around and around...
This then is exactly how the world works, days turn around, years turn around and so on in larger and smaller ways all things turn around in cycles. We have to purposefully consciously practice moving our logic around so we can understand what is presented to us in one way only, thus keeping us logically limited.
It doesn't mean we have to change our mind about anything or accept it or agree with another perspective, but I can guarantee you, that even understanding racism, will be beneficial, just as understanding all aspects of any truth is beneficial.

Practicing turning things around means you are exercising a fuller ranger of your mind and thought process to help you look at more of the whole picture of what exists and is taking place. That's all it amounts to, which is enough because it is everything.

By The Way, this message is not for those who want to know everything they need to know in life but don't like it when someone else does understand more of the everything they need to know, especially beyond their own rememberings and conceivings and first step believing. I am tired of those people who are not trying to learn to turn things around in their logic.

Renovation Is The Salvation For Highly Suboptimized Minds
Unity Consciousness #2029


( 9agd of 11)

The highly suboptimized mind is a mind filled with umpteen broken links, thus can't think straight for long stretches of time. This is an unhealthy mind, the type of mind that has become normalized in societies. A society is a deformation of civilization, thus an unhealthy mind and a society are extensions of each other.

A suboptimized mind speaks, with conviction, in unrecognized contradictions.

This is the type of mind that must be either gutted and rebuilt or demolished.
An organism of any type, that has a suboptimized mind, must go backwards through de-evolution, taken out of existence, and rebuilt from an earlier state.

Just listen to SOB Trump. His mindset is not unlike the mind of followers of religions who also think and praise the Lord in contradictions.
Many minds have been repaired with renovations that have added up to a complete overhaul of the context and components of their logic. This is one group. However, many also, when confronted with their specific contradictions and the need to fix that broken logic, after repeated resistance and denials, cannot be saved in the form of organism that logic currently exists in because that logic is resistant to wholeness, to healing, to curing, to harmony.

The highly suboptimized mind must go through major renovations, or else, be demolished in place in space and time. Why? Because humans are not the only ones with minds. As the environment changes its mind, it is going through its own form of renovations, thus climate change and all the things taking place within the body of Earth and its structure, composition, formulation and dynamic balance.

In other words, if micro conditions of the human-controlled portion of the world do not cause humans to change their minds voluntarily, the human mind will be changed involuntarily by macro conditions of Earth and even larger matrices. Thus, as you continue to hear, but not recognize, climate change as environmental change, this environmental change is constantly reminding us of the need for humans to change our minds.
Humans are correct when we get the sense that we are running out of time to proactively change our minds. The part we are leaving out is that failure to be proactive will leave us no choice but to be reactive, thus we will be trying to repair a house as it is falling apart. This type of approach in terms of our minds, will result in damage to our physical bodies that house our minds.
Humans are an organism within the organism of Earth. As Earth is climate changing in order to get healthier, humans will be damaged by Earth if we are incompatible with the ways in which Earth is changing it mind from suboptimal to optimal. All of this is already taking place.

Coronavirus Related | Major Points Being Downplayed
Unity Consciousness #2028


( 9agc of 11)

Based on all reports about the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19), it is likely this virus is:
1. Like other viruses in the sense it can be spread through the air and through contact with surfaces that contain the virus.

2. Unlike other viruses, COVID-19 can be spread over greater distances through the air and through moisture such as rain. It has a greater shelf life when it contacts other surfaces and/or can go in and out of dormancy in order to survive longer.

All indicators suggest this version of coronavirus is more durable, thus is able to go undetected on surfaces. It can also travel on other organisms and be transmitted before and after symptoms appear.

This second point is what is being downplayed so as to not let you know that we are in greater danger than these folks want to admit. We know this another way because why else are they constantly telling us there's no need to worry, don't panic, everything's under control? Because the opposite is true. Yet the stock market has panicked, which is them doing that to the market and making that panic seem normal and okay.

Consider the truth of what we are told each year about the flu virus, yet I myself and many others around the world do not get flu shots and we are fine each year. But we are told to be concerned and get flu shots when there's no need to be concerned, except for the weak and unhealthy. Weak and unhealthy describes more people in “developed” countries than it describes people in “undeveloped” countries. Notice how whether or not you have healthcare insurance is not a factor in your survivability of the coronavirus except that over reliance on health insurance to make up for otherwise unhealthy logic makes us more vulnerable to that which the societal systems are ill-equipped to address.

3. Mr and Mrs. Coronavirus 2019 is gaining momentum. Spring rains and wind and warmer temperatures will keep the virus spreading for many months to come until it has ran its course through the human herd of animals. It is a year-round virus. By the time any sort of treatment labeled as effective is developed, the virus will have changed into multiple more versions, just like annual flu viruses.
Current treatments amount to suppressing symptoms with Pain relievers, Cough suppressants, along with Rest and Fluid intake. So basically the treatment is to get more rest and drink more water, and it goes without saying, also get better nutrition. None of this requires a doctor or health insurance which is why people without these things have at least a good of a chance or better than those with “modern” healthcare and why people die in the hospital with modern healthcare. What is also being downplayed is that the problem and solution is not the corronavirus and modern medicine but rather our overall culture (lifestyle worldview) and our level of nutrition, which are one and the same.

Greater sickness across the board is the new normal of the transition period into the New Ages and their accompanying environmental changes. Have we not seen, despite all the progress we think we've made, greater physical sickness along with mental illness, emotional pathology and spiritual corruptness?

Part of the self-correction strategy for elemental souls of life and for Earth is a series of events to reduce the population via sicknesses of their own reshaping, especially among the “haves” in societies because most of them are the weakest in each aspect of self, thus so also in all else.

This then does not bode well for citizens of countries who cannot control their sick behavior. Even so, we still think these sick people have the sense-ability to stop viral avalanches morphing into earthquakes morphing into mudslides, morphing into floods morphing into fires, morphing into windstorms.

4. Now we go back to repeat that this version of coronavirus is contagious before and after symptoms. This then allows the virus to spread more easily. What I am suspecting is that this virus has a minimum two-part survival strategy.
First part is to spread in a mild stage, then secondly mutate within the host or in conjunction with an environment activator.
5. And so now we repeat the issue of to panic or not to panic. COVID-10 is being called an outbreak and global pandemic. There is enormous inconsistency in information coming from supposedly reliable media and supposedly reliable government agencies and universities. These people have been holding global meetings and forums for something we are told is not panic worthy. On the other hand, we are told the seasonal flu kills 40,000 per year, yet where are the global forums and media splash every year about deaths and about the urgency to solve this problem. We are told COVID-19 is less threatening than seasonal flu yet it has caused people to go into action whereas they have not on the more predictably deadly seasonal flu.
The linked video laments the lack of public trust in institutions. This is for good reason. For example, institutions have not called out DNA testing companies on their misuse of the human genome in explaining genetic heritage. The information they present is partially true but mostly misleading. Institutions, in conjunction with their government agency alter egos, are generally not concerned with truth or accuracy until its something out of their control and they want to control the narrative and public response. To their credit, this forum did mention the need to be prepared, meaning get you some supplies that are going to last you two or three months. Preparedness of a broader nature has been the call of this blog since delving into global warming climate change environmental change.

Our logic is as Humpty-Dumpty. It is high and mighty and bloated and precariously balanced on a small foundation. This logic is having a great fall in slow motion all of a sudden as it takes it time through stages, accumulates and hits home. This is being downplayed. Coronavirus is part of the logic of environmental change that will cause Humpty to fall off its high and mighty perch looking down on everyone and everything else. It is the small thing that helps bring down the big thing.

This Just In

More information regarding the connection between coronavirus and 5G as mentioned in UC#2025.

Thus what is being downplayed is the human-made nature of this coronavirus and other viruses over the past several decades. We are being told not to panic because they don't want us to be prepared or get healthy or know not to take vaccines or suspect them as the culprits or listen to anyone but them to lead us to more slaughter.

This virus can be activated with vibration waves from cell phone towers. Be certain the virus is not 100% controllable and once activated can take its own paths and forms. It's like a person wearing gasoline drawers trying to light a barbecue grill on a windy day using lighter fluid and a blow torch. These are the crazies we should be panicked about who flourish on the Asian continent and have crazified the world. Too crazy to panic about our own logic that continues to trust killers who kill by any means necessary. These are the people who have killed more humans and other life forms in the past couple of hundred years than any other period.

See Human Killer Events Are Societal Byproducts, Unity Consciousness #1787

6. And lastly, just in case we're confused about whether or not we should be concerned, just today, the The World Health Organization, for what it's worth, just raised their level of concern to “very high risk” globally. And then comes the contradiction, “we don't see evidence that the virus is spreading freely in communities.” I say, if that is the case that the virus does not spread freely, then why wear masks and do all that is being done? That statement is simply another attempt to say we are very concerned but don't you be concerned at all. This is par for the course of how citizens allow supposed experts to talk to them due to our habit of not being able to process and retain information. How can there be an “outbreak” but the virus is not “spreading freely” yet the virus spreads via the air? Does not the air spread freely? This lack of double-checking of logic, is being downplayed.

Please don't panic. Just take reasonable measures, precautions and preparedness, including fundamentally for the rest of your life, working on changing, adjusting and modifying your worldview and the components of what you think and do. That is the only solution, the only cure, and this is being downplayed that an overhaul is necessary if there is ever to be justice for all or any kind of peace on Earth or goodwill towards all creatures or any kind of return of civilization or any kind of return to people being able to understand and manifest their destinypurposes early in life and live lives free from predictable byproducts of mental illness of societies, of which coronavirus is one of those byproducts of swamp logic that tries to burn off leeches with chemotherapy. All of this is being downplayed because it's all related.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

10 Questions About What You Believe About Climate Change
Unity Consciousness #2027


( 9agb of 11)

When will we learn to discern the explanations we hear and the explanations we confirm within ourselves? Almost all the things we've ever been told, we still believe them, despite their incongruity with reality. One thing that hasn't changed about climate change is that we still believe explanations as to what it is and its cause and its range. This is only possible due the lack of ability to detect contradictions of logic and lack of a wide-enough range of information that allows for consideration of additional views.

1. If humans are responsible for climate change, what humans were responsible for all previous climate changes?

2. If humans are responsible for global warming, what humans were responsible for global cooling, especially Ice Ages? What is it that humans did that caused the planet to go in to a freeze fall? Was it too many wood fires? Was it too much pooping outdoors? Was it eating too many plants?

3. If humans can save the planet, what humans created the planet?

4. Can humans who cannot heal themselves, heal the planet?

5. If you believe humans can save the planet, then why does human-managed water, food, medicine, medical treatments, and other technologies always come with harmful side effects. These are the same people who can't even get on the same page with naming the coronavirus which has had many names such as novel coronavirus, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-COV-2), coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and 2019-nCoV.

6. Do you really think the only hope or main hope for Earth is in the hands of humans? Do you think Earth, who gave birth to and supports all creatures, has to depend on one of it's children when Earth has umpteen more children, and more importantly has parents and siblings and other family members in the Solar System and Galaxy?

7. Could it be that we humans have overestimated our importance, thus have become self-important in a detrimental way?

8. Can a world ran by corrupt leaders and people full of imbalanced thinking do the right thing on a large scale basis for an entity such as Earth that we think is here to be exploited for profit?

9. Can a world full of people who abuse the children of Earth, turn around and treat Mother Father Earth respectfully?

10. What does it take for a glacier to melt? Do you think humans have caused that much of a change in climate that it is melting ice at the poles but has not raised the temperature worldwide by the same amount, especially not even in cities with the most pollution or the largest man-made footprint?

Unity Is a Byproduct Of Education
Unity Consciousness #2026


( 9aga of 11)

Unity is a byproduct of other productions, other conditions, preexisting conditions.

Water is the result of unity.
The Supreme Beingness did not just say to hydrogen and oxygen, “unite!”
No! It didn't happen that way. I know this because it makes no sense because why would God command something to unite without giving it the logic to unite or know how or understand what unite means.

Instead, the Creator gave hydrogen and oxygen instructions on what to do under a given set of conditions. We know this because not all hydrogen and oxygen unites and even though some hydrogen and oxygen does unite, it does not always do so in the ratio of H2O. Furthermore, when hydrogen and oxygen does unite, they then subsequently dis-unite.
Why? How?
It must be based on instructions inherent in each, thus logic thus the information contained that guides thinking and behavior in response to other conditions outside of self.

Therefore, when we take this metaphor and apply it to humans, we are able to understand that humans do not always unite and they do not always unite for the same reasons but when they do unite it is in response to logic within themselves in conjunction with conditions they find themselves in.
We see this play out every single day.
Human unity is a byproduct of information which is logic which is education which is knowledge of self. In addition the timing and shape of unity is influenced by conditions, thus conditions represent the “all else” that is often discussed.
In other words human unity is based on knowledge of self and all else.
This unity does not require healthy knowledge.
In other words unity is not based on whether it is good or bad, right or wrong, healthy or unhealthy, legal or illegal. Unity, all forms of it, is a byproduct. Unity is based on information possessed, the ability to process it and existing conditions.

So to rush to the main point of this message: It makes no sense to say Africans unite or Africans need to unite without first focusing all efforts on educating self with the knowledge of who we are, why we are here as a collective and individuals and how that relates to the conditions we find ourselves in. This will automatically, as a byproduct, produce the type of unity necessary and the types of breaking of other bonds necessary.

1. Education (knowledge of self and all else we need to know)
2. Identity (as African and African only)
3. Unity of thinking (African Asili and Utamawazo)
4. Organization of resources

Reinforcing The Point

Not only is unity a byproduct of instructions, logic, knowledge, education, so also are all things. For instance if you want more money, you can't just say it and get it. You have to learn more about money, what it is, where it comes from, what is it's function, why do you need it and many other questions and aspects. This is not a one-time process but a continuous process that must mature, grow, adapt and change as your understandings change and as conditions change. And this is why we are continuously being fed information in order to maintain the current unity of the status quo and to fuel divisions that dilute our unity in opposing and deposing the elites causing the most grief as thiefs (sp) of peace relief.
Likewise, as said before, you can't just say “Africans we need to unite” and expect it to happen without education taking place that results in the necessary understandings that result in changes in thinking which results in changes in behavior which results in unity.
Now as you can see in the numbered list above, unity is not a primary byproduct of education but rather is a byproduct of education and identity. Even identity is a multi-layered thing consisting of many pieces of logic, more than you can carry in consciousness, thus most of identity, like all other information, resides in the subconscious. This type of understanding is part of education and knowledge of self. Most of us don't receive this kind of education, thus we are thinking and behaving based on information we don't understand or understand how it functions within us.

Back to the shaping of water to get our thoughts in order. In order for hydrogen and oxygen to be able to unite, they must recognize themselves and recognize each other, otherwise they might unite with helium and think they are forming water, when they are not.
And this is why, even though Africans are not sufficiently united within self or with each other, Africans are sufficiently united with others and their ideologies, which in no way lend themselves to African unity, no not even as a byproduct. What it does do is lend itself to African disunity. Thus disunity is also a byproduct. It is not a byproduct of who you are but rather a byproduct of who you think you are in conjunction with information you have about many other things. This then is finally influenced by conditions.

By The Way: If we expand these understandings to other groups of humans, their type of unity is based on the same thing. Their unity is also subject to education, the ability to process information and conditions. Because at least one of these things is changing, then so must unity. This then is also true for Africans.

Thus, in the short-term humans have greater free will control over unity; however in the longer-term, it is Earth's changes and Solar System changes and Galactic changes that have the greater influence over unity of humans and all else within their spheres of influence.

I am repeating this one more time. Both unity and disunity are byproducts of multiple factors as evidence by the behavior of hydrogen and oxygen. Therefore whatever unity or disunity exists among humans, it is changing as part of environmental change climate change in order to meet the need incentive of the New Ages of Aquaria and Kepheus. Evidences of this are everywhere among humans in how their thinking and behavior is changing and how they are realizing the nature and worth of their current unity and disunity. Do not be deceived by misinterpretations of what is twisting and untwisting. Current status quos worldwide must fall that follow suboptimal ideologies. They will fall all at once or like dominoes, but they all will fall in response to the rising phoenix souls of life who rule over larger timeframes and larger kingdoms than Earth, of which Earth is a tiny part. None of this is just about Earth or just about humans on this planet. Be certain much more is involved and be certain any means necessary is being used and will affirm and disaffirm whatever you think is possible and impossible. As promised by repeated historical patterns and reminded to us by many human repeaters, if humans do not re-educate themselves into realignment, conditions will realign them the hard way. This then will be the difference between a little byte of discomfort and little bit of pain of fathomable proportions compared to a big bit of discomfort and a big byte of pain of unimaginable proportions that exceeds the terrorism that has long been in vogue by rogues.

Possible Coronavirus Connections & Africa
Unity Consciousness #2025


( 9afz of 11)

Corona, 5G, And EM Disease Templates

The State of 5G in Africa in 2020

Based on the above two articles, if the first article is accurate, then we should expect the first outbreak of Coronavirus in Africa, if there is one, to take place in South Africa.

In a very short period of time of a few weeks, there have been an enormous amount of articles on the coronavirus. Cast a wide net on the internet to search these out if you are interested in gaining understandings outside of the mainstream mainframe matrix that will never tell you enough truth to keep you clear as to what is what and what is really going on. You will have to critically analyze a variety of sources and piece together the truth.

5G and Microwave Radiation

American Embassy Workers Definitely Harmed by Microwave Energy Says National Academies of Sciences

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

African Women Call Out Black Females Who Seek Bittersweet
Unity Consciousness #2024


( 9afy of 11)

For purposes of this message,
African means those who are in their right mind.
Black means those in their white mind.

Time for African women to call out Black females who have lost sight of their Africanness. For now only two aspects are addressed:
The collective
The individual child

The specific way these two aspects are lost is when a female has a child and is never married to the father or becomes unmarried. Then a high percentage of Black females, because of their white mind (suboptimal broken logic), does exactly what whiteness has reprogrammed her to do to fulfill the Asili of Maafa Racism, i.e., the Eurocentric and Wannabe Worldviews.

Time for African women to call out Black females who seek bittersweet victories after feeling defeated for not being wanted or needed or cheated.
Simply put, the bittersweet victory sought and fought for is to separate the child from the collective of the father's side of the family and diminish the esteem of the father in the child's mind, thus diminish the child's love of their own total self wholeness. Thus this causes the child to choose to love half of self but hate the other half, thus setting the child up for self-destruction through internal incongruity.

This takes place while crying for monetary child support while denying the father time with the child, denying decision-consultation and other types of support. All this while wearing the badge of victim and single parenthood sacrifice martyrdom. All this is weirdly twisted while trying to prove to the world she's a good mother. This while making up stuff about the father and magnifying every imperfection and different parenting styles while hiding all wrongs and faults about self.

African women please talk to your sisters and help them recognize their contribution to the situation of an ended romantic relationship or one-night stand or whatever it was. By no means should the child be used as leverage or power to hurt, harm or prove something to the father.

Time for African women to call out these black females no matter how old the child is now. Insist it's time for those mothers to apologize to their children for taking away some, if not all, of their rights of creation.

African unity and the overcoming of Racism depends on this core healing of the family unit even if not all persons are in the same household.

Maybe perhaps get them to admit to themselves that the only reason they did it or do it to the extent they did/do, is because they know the system of white people will help them destroy the father, the child and yourself. Under no circumstances does it help the child to place the father into a system that will go after his resources and liberty. Just because you might not be getting what you want, you then allow the system to take it. Either way the child still doesn't get it, yet the child is further limited from getting to know the father and his family. This limits the child's knowledge of self and all else and a support system.

This Black female white mind broken logic behavior usually takes place when spurred, energized and egged on and on by a group of other outta-their african mind black females and sometimes also there's even a white female agitator friend who is the local supervisor in charge of all their thinking.

Bitterness never turns sweet, only more rancid as griefs seep deeper into prolonged wrongs that become dead wrong reborn in the next generation.
Thus the seeking of bittersweet victory usually results in bitterbitterbitter.

By The Way: For purposes of this message, the difference between being African and Black is the presence or absence of the African Utamawazo, aka Optimal Theory-Based Context Worldview.

Stop Losing Grandma's House When She Dies [& Other Life Lessons]

Monday, February 24, 2020

Less Bothersome Perspective On Monkeys & Niggers
Unity Consciousness #2023


( 9afx of 11)

1. A different perspective on nigger has been discussed several times. Nigger is a superficial pitiful denigration of a deeper veneration for Naga. When you don't understand this, you misuse the word nigger and feel glad about it while hoping others get mad about it way too easily. The receiving side of this interaction must understand the mental illness of the attacker and the need to deal with sick people accordingly by designing lives that causes us to have as little to do with them as possible. Which is what they did in Tulsa Oklahoma on Greenwood.

2. Little monkey say what monkey can't do. The use of monkey, ape, gorilla, baboon, orangutan and other such words, are also superficial stupid denigrations of a deeper veneration of the first humans. So in an attempt to dismiss this firstness, the johnny-come-latelys again resort to name-calling as an attempt to defame the truth. We know we are primates, yet we still deny it or try to lessen the percentage. All humans descended from earlier primates. When you don't understand this, you think monkey is a bad thing, when instead it is a simple truth for all humans. Consider your ignorance when you willing accept being called a lion or butterfly or eagle or fish or some other creature, but when it comes to an earlier primate, your feelings get hurt.

Humans who resist their innate primateness do not sufficiently understand development, growth, process, genetics or evolution, neither on the long-term scale of history, nor on the short-term scale of their own lives from two seeds merging to become one to transform them into their current state. To deny the sameness of being a primate is to deny once existing as two creatures in two organs, then existing in a cocoon placenta watery habitat as an amoeba, then going through numerous stages of transformation to go from looking like a sperm, an egg, an amoeba single cell and into the large specialized formation called humans. This transformation is more dramatic than going from ape monkey primates to human primates.

3. Both forms of this name calling and their open resurgence, coincide with symbolism energy of Kepheus Constellation who is ruling the north and south ends of the galaxy. Kepheus, the ruler of polarity, is preparing humans for cell division by making it clear who is on what side of thinking and behavior. One will be chosen and the other will be left behind, and then the remnants will be combined.

4. Both of these forms of name-calling are prepubescent suboptimal forms of what is maturing and is coming in optimal form. Both of these forms of name-calling are being spewed by poorly raised children masquerading in psuedo-adult bodies. The rest of them (their emotions, mind and spirit) are clearly malformed deformed

5. The time is coming where more and more evidence will appear to continue to confirm we are all 100 % African and 100% Primates.

6. The denigrators of Africans and Primates are denigrators of themselves and are announcer-witnesses who are not the true light but bear witness to the renewed light coming forth by essence of night. They are wanderers in the wilderness of white wisdom coming forth from black brilliance.

7. The two almost fully risen and fully seated Galactic Ages are teaching us to remember who we truly fully originally are. We are going through the period of denial, projection, deflection and reflection which will flip back to where it was such that it was open admiration and acknowledgment.

8. Bottom line, use of nigger and monkey encourages me that we are very close to rapid changes this year 2020 and for many decades to come as Solar System and Earth continue to show preparations of rising out of suboptimal conditions.

As also discussed, what does it tell you about people who must not only devise a system to try to stop you, but also spend their lives looking for every opportunity to cast aspersions because their multi-leveled racism is not a sufficient diversion, in their own minds, from the true truth. The whites know it, the chinese, the japanese, the koreans, the white jews, the indians, the arabs, the latinos, the natives know it and all other groups by any name whose restraining and defaming aim is against the African. Although you Africans might think Africa is merely a target, it is only so because Africa is a shield that is held up for us by the Supreme Being when we embrace the responsibility of maturing in knowledge of self.

9. Remember, everyone is in control until they are not. No one is ever able to identify the exact moment they began to lose control, even though it happens over and over again. Likewise different societies and their favored groups have been in control historically, and then they were not. There is no precedence for this to not happen again. There is also no precedence for Africa and Africans to not continue to regroup and figure things out the ways we repeatedly keep doing. This then is the true unsettling fear. Not just because of first truth recognition, but also because of second truth recognition. This also has a second set of truths, which is: they are trying hard as hell as a collective to stop us, and can't succeed, even as we are scattered and disunified as a collective without a singular African First directive. The obvious follow-up thought is what happens when they do gain knowledge of self and become unified? And this is why all efforts by all racists collectives are dedicated to attempting to keep us from becoming unified in anything that connects to African Pride. This includes getting you focused on Gay Pride and all such other suboptimal identifiers of self. This then, item #9, is a brief and succinct explanation for all thinking and behaviors by all racist collectives. We Africans worldwide have taken their best heavyweight shots for 14 rounds and we have not yet thrown or landed one solid punch because we are fighting without listening to our four-corner crew.

10. For the Initiate seeking to become Adept, we recognize how many racist name-calling attack defaming events take place in February during “Black History Month.” Those on the losing side of Maafa Racism can't dare rest for one second because their victory has never been secured. They need to try to create unhealthy energy during a month of widespread remembering of history targeted to uplift Africans and remind folks of the self-evident barbaric weakness nature of racism beasts, red, yellow, white and brown, pink, off-white.

11. None of this should be misconstrued to make it okay for racists to use nigger or monkey. Even though terms such as these are their only “come back” against us because clearly Maafa racism ain't enough to stop Africans from regaining their first right birthright in time in this space.

Imagine if you were a dictator trying to stop a revolution and despite much resources, you still resort to name-calling as a weapon. That tells a lot about the effectiveness of your supposed other strengths. By the way guerrilla warfare is a disguised way to also announce the coming of the Big Gorilla Kepheus and his gang of apes. It foretells of grassroots revolution taking place by any means necessary in any combination of species. Expect it not to be only a human revolution of African spirit-soul. Many events of nature are also part of the legion of boom and doom.

12. So whenever I hear the words nigger or monkey, I hear Nana Baba's words reminding us we have no friends, we have no friends. Thus I also hear unite, unite, otherwise shut up, quit crying and just take it, because you are not willing to take steps to break out of it despite the main door being open. Therefore, for the immediate time being, there is no longer use for hoping.

Barack Obama's Four Greatest Gifts To Africans
Unity Consciousness #2022


( 9afw of 11)

1. Barack served as another part of the process to help us remember when we ruled the world and that it was possible again. Barack was the more general widely-accepted public face of this truth that re-presented African rulership to the world in a non-African consciousness, non-Diasporan perspective. This was not Barack's intent.

Let me say it again. Long before Barack Obama, there have been numerous people and movements to help us Africans remember when we ruled the world. These efforts at truth-telling have been denigrated under the nomenclature of Afro-centric even though lie-telling is promoted under the Euro-centric worldview and multiple other worldviews of wannabes. The term Afro-centric has caused many Africans to not believe in themselves as greatness for several hundreds of thousands of years. Up pops Barack and suddenly all the ground work laid by many ancestors gets a publicly accepted face, although not the narrative, thus the belief in ourselves as world rulers existed at mostly a subconscious level for most of those who had not yet remembered this truth through the plethora of history, current, recent, ancient and ancient ancient. What existed at the conscious level was mostly a proud to be black brief relief and now we have the first black president of the USA.

2. Barack followed the urgings of his spirit to pursue a path which made him the prepubescent human metaphor for the coming Ethiopian King in the form of Kepheus. This was not Barack's intent.

3. Barack, just by being who he is, tried to get us to get it through our thick heads, that when someone is seeking something and, in order to get that something, is willing to throw, push, kick their friend under a bus, any bus, that we should never trust that someone seeking something. In fact, we should also go back and review all previous encounters to understand how we didn't notice this sooner.

4. Through his thinking and behavior, Barack proved #3 to be an accurate truth we Africans should always adjust to the moment we recognize this double-edged sword character flaw that once unsheathed from the covering of our belief, that that throw any friend under a bus character flaw will simultaneously continuously cut individual Africans and the African collective. This person has crossed the point of no return.

Fast forward to today and Jay-Z throwing Colin Kaepernick and Africans under the bus for demanding social justice specifically the killing of black males. Yet many people still trust Jay-Z is for Africans. Remember, Barack also did things to help black folks, but when it was time to “come up” he betrayed us. Jay-Z did the same thing in order to be initiated into the white supremacy club. To hell with him and dem.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

The New Abnormal | America Is The Greatest Country
Unity Consciousness #2021


( 9afv of 11)

Only a sicko says America, meaning the USA, is the greatest country, and by that statement mean America is a good country and the best that has ever existed.

Now I understand why the favored group would say this. It's part of the intentional illusion delusion lie they must uphold to feel good about their spirit-soul.
The lie of America being great in a good way has been mentioned a thousands of times on this blog. I'm not going to bother breaking it down again. If you don't know by now, you'll never know.

If you can't work out the logic to understand that yourself, and you still agree that America is the greatest or you say there's no place else you'd rather be, then you, despite all else about you, have become the new abnormal.

To say America is good or to say America is a great country or to say America is the greatest country ever, and mean those statements in a good way, is evidence of a tormented thought process that malfunctions every step of the way and spits out false narratives.

Africa Have to Teach The History Of Our Ancestors And the Great Things They Have Accomplished - Akon

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Mama Said If You Don't Have Anything Nice To Say
Unity Consciousness #2020


( 9afu of 11)

Why is it that only African mammas are mostly the ones who tell their children, “if you don't have anything good to say or nice to say, don't say anything, keep your mouth shut, bite your tongue, walk away, keep silent, be quiet?” Clearly I have combined multiple versions of the saying.

White mammas or people of other colors, obviously don't give this same advice to their children nearly as much.
Evidences are the daily lies still being cultivated in cultures.
Evidence number two is the still high prevalence of folks calling black folks niggers.

This then leads us to the necessary conclusion that white mammas, and others, are telling their children, “don't saying anything nice about blacks unless it limits them,” I.e,, “what a good athlete, singer, entertainer,”

This must be so, why else are these types of comments so prevalent?
Where was this form of shoot-to-kill violence learned?

Why else would folks just come out their mouth and call black people niggers as if those folks have been holding that thought in all day and the moment they see a black person, they let it rush out to take the pressure off their thoughts that they just need to share? What in the hell is wrong with their mammas?

I suspect black people who use the statement, “my mamma said if you don't have anything good to say about a person, don't say anything,” that that African is using their mamma as an excuse because there are two or more people listening.
It must be an excuse, because we all know that same black person who listens to the advice of their mamma in public, doesn't do so in private. Thus they will not hesitate to say something bad about another person, even if they have something good to say about them.

And they should say both, privately and publicly. It's the truth ain't it? If not, then peace be still in the troubled waters of your mind.

Why isn't there also a saying that goes, “If you don't have anything bad to say about a person, then you really don't know them?” That might be a saying we could all agree on.

I'm not holding back on saying either the good or the bad.
Your boy Jesus didn't hesitate to speak the good truth and bad truth about others or another person, i.e., Peter, Judas, James, John, the rich young ruler, Pharisees, Sadducees, and so on.

Nigga Please! Who You Calling Nigger?

by Baba Usekhu Neberter

I am you in my corrupted form
You are me in your perfected form
You are further away from perfection
Than I am from self-correction
I have said both the good and the bad
So both mammas will be mad and glad
But as for you, what inside you lit your fuse, tripped your trigger
That has you so confused about who you calling nigger?
Is your self-esteem that distorted that your thoughts are contorted
When you see yourself in the mirror your knowledge of self is disfigured
So to confess the truth inside you cannot hide
It must be reported, as you look at me, the mirror of you in much clearer view
It doesn't take nerve to say nigger when you are letting me know you are disturbed
And are crying out for help that you didn't get at home
Nigga please! as you drown in self-doubt
You figure the only way out is to call me nigger
Mispronouncing naga or nga, my true born name
That identifies the seed from which you and I came
You are actually my nigger
A much bigger form of embedded chigger
Running around my ass
Trying to dig in again and again
So you can suck my flow and last
You're a clown in makeup and exaggerated features
Encouraging your spirit-soul in the bleachers
To seek satisfaction through distraction
That still can't free what is bound
Because you can't rise higher practicing subtraction
From the reacher you're trying to pull down

See, what does the bible say about speaking bad about a person

Philippians 4:8, Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable— if anything is excellent or praiseworthy— think on these things.

See tongue evil, tongue good, tongue bad, lips evil, lips good, lips bad, mouth evil, mouth good, mouth bad, speak evil, speak good, speak bad, speech evil, speech good, speech bad

So now, upon further consideration of the truth, are you still only going to speak one side of it and blame it on your mamma?

Monday, February 17, 2020

25 Reasons Why We Should Not Hold Teachers In High Esteem
Unity Consciousness #2019


( 9aft of 11)

I know there are some teachers who spend their money in the classroom.
I know there are teachers who do a good job.
But is that enough for teachers, as a whole, to be held in high esteem?

As far as I can tell, teachers as a whole, only strike when it comes to their paychecks.

If teachers, as a whole, were concerned about doing the best job possible to help the students be the best they could be, you would think teachers who love teaching, would normally and naturally, as a collective and as a part of their collective bargaining agreements, demand the school system put them and their students in the best position to succeed.

1. Teachers would demand free lunches for all. An option for parents to donate money could be used to assist students in any area of school activities they need assistance.

2. Teachers, as a collective, are supposed to be smart enough to figure things out. They should yell and tell Jeff Bezos, instead of putting 10 billion aside to save the planet, it would be better to revamp all school systems so the result could be better educated students, thus this would result in better thinking and behavior, thus save the planet and solve thousands of other problems. I am not impressed by Amazon the Gargantuan Gangsta's charity or motives.

2. Teachers would demand conditions are changed that create the need for students to be put in detention and suspension. How can a teacher love teaching but not care about their students but instead send them out of the classroom?

3. Teachers would demand supports for themselves and for students to solve discipline problems.

4. Teachers would demand the abolishing of all idiotic school policies that have nothing to do with the joint success of teachers and students.

5. Teachers would demand better curriculum that told the truth in a more diverse way.

6. Teachers would demand better facilities and supplies or at least facilities and supplies on an equal basis in their state.

7. Teachers would demand more time to keep in touch with parents and make it mandatory that parent contact take place at least twice per month.

8. Teachers would demand all classrooms be staffed at all times with one or two aides who are teachers in training or trained community-parent volunteers. Hospitals are filled with volunteers, why not schools?

9. Teachers know the partnership between themselves, the child and the parent is critical. Teachers would demand all levels of administration also act as good faith partners and not as legaltarians who hate children.

10. Teachers would demand the abolishing of half-days for students. It's wasteful. This could be time for teachers to work from home.

11. Are teachers just satisfied following the rules and getting paid? It seems that way today.

12. I know you'll say the parents are responsible for all of the above. I say, do the parents have a well-funded union that fights for them and are parents organized to pay dues and get what their children deserve? Where is that happening?

13. If teachers are going to use their unions for fair wages and benefits, but not for anything else relating to their job that actually helps the students, then what is it that the teachers really care enough about to fight for and strike for?

14. There's nothing wrong with teachers looking out for self, but should we hold them in high esteem when they themselves are not willing to fight to uphold the profession of teaching as judged by its results, which in no way is determined by grades?

15. What is the range of things students are learning while interacting with the school system and busing system? And how do those things help or harm them as part of the total preparation for being the best they can be in life?

16. For the most part, it appears schools, even the supposed best, are mere markets to train laborers and workers for someone else. Is that what teaching is supposed to teach?

17. Have we all become numb like teachers and the profession of teaching?

18. Look at the children and the foolishness they continue to perpetuate generation after generation in the form of us as adults. Has the teaching profession really ever upheld the highest universal standards of teaching or do schools merely serve interests that promote inequalities of resources, power and control?

19. A survey of the evidence says yes. Which is why we should no longer automatically hold teachers in high esteem unless the results warrant it.

20. The sensibilities of children are assaulted in school more than anywhere else after being assaulted at home by same system educated parents who just go along with the deranged educational system. Yes parents are responsible but not on their own, if in fact such a thing as a community and nation exists that insists we are all in this together and we all must contribute and think and act in such a way that contributes to the greater good.

21. What is the greater good?

22. Ask your teacher. Every teacher should know the answer. If they don't, then why the hell teach and what are you teaching if you have no measuring stick of context to know if the lessons being learned by students fit the objective? You can't know if you don't know the purpose of teaching or the purpose of education.

23. Which is, prepare the student for the proper use of power, thus knowledge of self and all else, thus also recognize self and all else as both teacher and student. Thus then the purpose of teaching and the purpose of education are one and the same and is all about preserving the unity of the collective so the collective can be perfected.

24. Finally then since all of us have been taught by teachers and are teachers ourselves and have parents and are parents in some sense, then all of us are ultimately and primarily responsible and we should not hold ourselves in high esteem as long we allow the debacle of misguided education and terrible teaching to continue to terrorize fresh young lives that could save us from ourselves if we, another lost generation, were not in their way.

25. How ridiculous a society do we have that we put so much time, money, emphasis and other resources on every election, but we do not, as communities and states and as a nation spend any focused set aside collective time working on solving the problems of education – which are the roots of almost all societal problems. The problem is not the politicians or the laws or the enforcement or the adjudication, but rather the cancerous mass of the problem is extremely suboptimal education of the people in the society, no matter how highly touted the school or college is. Until education is fixed from the foundation up, there is no hope for any society on this planet. We will continue to waste away in our beloved education ideologies that amounts to weaker and weaker wisdom. Meanwhile we praise teachers. For what? For teaching children to repeat the same mistakes? Historical patterns of what is placed in motion on the wheel, makes us certain our children will fail us as we have failed them and were failed. Who doesn't know that school bullying and bullets flying are precursors in preparation for wars outside the school system? We are indeed teaching children to think and behave in ways that beckons Armageddon. All because we fail to face the truth, tell the truth and reconcile the truth. Hopefully Har-magedon will come forth first along with its legion of Master Teachers.

Strange & Usual Happenings | Poem
Unity Consciousness #2018


( 9afs of 11)

Strange & Usual Happenings

by Nana Usekhu Neberter

No difference can be made without the same
This may or may not seem strange
Just as not all fought for gain
Extends the reins of Age old reign
Or expands the grounds of free range
Beyond much space and time attained
All such efforts to reclaim, restrains
But not superlatives trending by name
Who rise by fame with ready aim
Sparks whet themselves on war and game
Fighters amass on hills and plains
Steadily rearrange what was obtained
Simple things like joy and pain
And good sense to distinguish twain
Difference and same won't be explained
As twilight masters effect change
Decisions to raise and raze are sustained
Lovers grasp for what they claim
As bonds break clasps and unions form again
Both terror and wonder are exclaimed
When the new rhythm commands the refrain nonstop
Logic that make the most sync is repeated more often than not
This may or may not seem strange
Nothing that makes a lot of difference can be achieved without a lot of the same
This is what is happening
Ever-coming words, as always are manifesting causing climates, environments, societies and all sorts of organisms to change.
This time, we are alive during a large shift in momentum, thus large scale changes in ways of living are happening.
Will we make the same mistakes and sit back and watch those of evil intent prepare for another level of onslaught or will we repair our connections and prepare? Will we do something different this time around and avoid the mistakes of logic and trust of not heeding the glaring signs that we made in Africa, in the Americas, after 1863, after 1963, after 2008 and many times in between?
It's time to change what is strange and usual in our thinking and behavior.
Organize your mind and combine with others. Don't wait for African unity to be televised before you decide to be strange and usual where you stand.

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Questions ISO Answers Through Conversations, Part 3
Aliens versus Aliens, Who Wins?
Unity Consciousness #2017


( 9afr of 11)

Humans on this planet are afraid of aliens from another planet. Therefore we would treat them as enemies and attack them. When we do encounter aliens full scale in a manner clear to everyone what do you think is going to happen?

1. If any alien can come to Earth, the chances of us being able to defeat them are slim to none, especially with guns and other military weapons. Our best chance would be to sicken them with stupidity. education.

2. If humans are able to travel to another planet and encounter aliens, the chances of us being able to defeat them on their own planet, are slim to none.

3. Why would aliens be able to defeat us on “our” Earth? Because we have proven to be a disharmonious people and disharmony, the lack of harmony, the inability to coexist is a fatal flaw.

Questions ISO Answers Through Conversations, Part 2
Aliens Questioned & Answered Here & Often Elsewhere
Unity Consciousness #2016


( 9afq of 11)

I love aliens. Aliens fascinate me. By the end of this message you'll understand why.

Imagination Frees The Minds...
1. ...So imagine, if in the movie sense, an alien came to you and said “take me to your leader.” Who would you take them to?

2. Why?

Talking to an alien for the first time is not a new imagination or a new question. The internet is filled with responses to “what would you ask an alien?” And this is why I have changed the question somewhat and have also taken twenty minutes to consider what I might ask. We will also skip past the obvious question of how are we both able to speak and communicate in the same language?

Revised Question: What would be your first question to an “alien” if you knew that that question would determine the nature of the rest of your relationship?

Possible Answers That First Came To Me. Obvious follow-up questions not listed:
1. What if I told you my leader is my spirit?
2. What are your views on living in harmony?
3. What is the highest law you obey?
4. Who is greater?
5. Who rules and who serves?
6. Are you willing to have a series of conversations until neither of us have any more questions?
7. What are all the ways you view me?
8. How can we help each other?
9. How can we assure each other that we are not enemies?
10. What are the most important things to you?
11. Who are you?
12. Where did you come from?
13. Why are you here?
14. What is our sameness?
15. What do we have in difference?
16. Which of these are most important?
17. What do you enjoy doing?
18. What do you hate doing?
19. What do you think about the behavior of humans on this planet?

Upon further reflection of the question, I expand my nomenclature and remember that we are all aliens, strangers, foreigner in more than one way. As humans on Earth we treat each other as aliens. The word alien, by itself, does not mean good or evil. Yet we tend to treat those we don't know or things we don't know as being either good or evil. We tend to treat them as either friendly or enemies. Rarely do we see the potential in them to be both.

So now comes one more question:
What is the most important question to ask someone you don't know, if you knew that that question would determine the nature of the rest of your relationship?
I hope to God nobody says: what's your name, where you from, what do you do, how do you know so and so, and all such other non-primary questions that are the lethargic legends of most human gatherings.

Questions ISO Answers Through Conversations, Part 1
Unity Consciousness #2015


( 9afp of 11)

I am always looking for another way, perhaps a better way, at least for the moment and the day, to get through to me, myself and I.

One of the ways this blog can be summarized is as Questions In Search Of Answers.
Questions ISO Answers Through Conversations & Inner Sessions is another stage of working through questions and answers through interactions. Questions in ISOlation in search of Relations with their coordinations.

Usually I hold onto questions unless more information comes through to warrant a stand alone message or a section of a message. As the result of simply living, like all of us, I have tons of mental notes and notes in other forms, that contain unanswered questions and incomplete answers. These questions, more than the answers, tend to get buried as more questions are uncovered.
What seems to hold true is that questions are the first part of answers and the other way around.
1. What bible did Eve & Adam read? Or Abraham & Them or Peter and Them?

2. Do you really think Jesus just died 2000 years ago?

3. Considering what we know about the existence of humans, do you realize how ridiculous that is? Despite reading, once upon a time I never really thought of it that way or questioned it either.

4. So what is the value of all that book reading a lot of people are doing? Especially those in favored groups in their societies.

Self & All Else Described Through The Metaphor of Worlds Of Questions – James Baldwin

5. Isn't racism a jihad?

6. If you said no, they why is racism justified by God, according to the JC Bible?

All religions condone racism, otherwise, it wouldn't be happening.
All followers of religion believe racism should exist, otherwise they wouldn't allow it and still pretend to be committed to the religion.

7. Isn't jihad another form of jah and isn't jah short for jehovah?

8. You say you don't follow any religion, but isn't your culture a religion?
The way you behave about your sacred most high unassailable culture, it most certainly is if it separates you from your good sense of humanity and superhumanity.

9. Why do we still hear and use certain words and think they only have one meaning and only apply to one thing or group?

10. What word in any dictionary only has one meaning?
11. What word is only understood one way?
12. What word only applies to one group or culture? Not even God or a whale have lexicons of their own.

Only those words for which we have not read further about and enlarged the world of our minds. Therefore neither can our spirits climb beyond the supposedly free, but definitely willful intent of our minds.

13. What is a book?

14. How can a person be educated, and yet, not know? Not even know the very things by which and of which they were educated.

15. How can a person be educated, and yet, still be a slave or enslaved in the society to which they obey?

16. Is it more okay the higher the pay or based on what job titles say?

17. What does this then say about the nature of our education?

18. Doesn't it say we have been trapped and tricked into the smallness of our understandings of and use of nomenclature?

19. Isn't the notion that, 'I read therefore I know what I need to know,” a false notion?

20. Who is better off, the person who has read a book of lies and believes it or the person who has not read the book and is unaware of the lies?

Idiotic And/Or Psychotic False Narratives | Africans Complain
Unity Consciousness #2014


( 9afo of 11)

This is a false narrative if it intends to make you think Africans are the only ones who complain.
To recognize this, all you have to do is stop ingesting a narrow range of information.
All you have to do is ask questions.
I'm pretty certain this has been discussed.
All you have to do is use some good sense any day of the week for one day and you'll recognize that all groups of people complain.
Not only that, they complain all the time and do nothing about it.
White folks have built their lives around complaining. They all have problems and have not done anything to improve their lives. Same is true in China, Russia, England, the Latin World, Arabian worlds and anywhere else people are. Look at their countries, look at their lives, look at the disparities, look at the protests, look. This has been going on for decades at least, yet those people in those countries have not done anything to solve their problems. The best that can be said is that they have agreed to attack and take advantage of others.

Look at how long people in most countries have been complaining about elections. Nothing has changed.
Look at the normalcy of corrupt leaders. If anybody has corrupt leaders it's those who pretend to be the place everybody wants to go to. There's a lot about Africa and Africans that are false narratives if you think it is exclusive to us. In fact, it's downright idiotic. But to be fair, it's probably more psychotic.

psy·chot·ic - relating to, denoting, or suffering from a psychosis.
psy·cho·sis - a severe mental disorder in which thought and emotions are so impaired that contact is lost with external reality.

This then is the basis for psycho-sociopatheticism because the ability to relate and interact is also impaired. You can't think this way and then act differently.

It is rare not to be dealing with someone who is mentally ill, emotionally ill, physically ill, spiritually ill.

To think and believe Africans are the only ones who complain and complain and complain and continue doing the same things, is the same false narrative as Africans don't read. The debunking of these false narratives is self-evident, if you know yourself at all and are the least bit honest with yourself.

The list of idiotic psychotic false narratives about Africa and Africans is long and wrong, if it is meant to indicate the problems are related to Africa and Africans alone.

The only thing that makes these false narratives true is repetition and belief, because otherwise you can't help but run into and recognize the truth everyday all day about Africans and yourself, no matter who you are, whether you are African or not.

One of my biggest problems as a Negro was that I read too many books manipulated by white folks and I'm gonna keep complaining about it. Meanwhile white folks keep complaining about fake news and doing nothing about it while still believing it while creating it. And the list of complaints goes on and on in every country and culture. If this were not so, all of you would have stayed your asses in your “own”countries such as England and would not be loving going to Africa, the "New World" or around Africans anywhere who do nothing but complain.

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Pandemic, Pangaea, Nucleus & Virus
Unity Consciousness #2013


( 9afn of 11)

A nucleus contains the main genetic material for the organism.
Any portion of an organism that is able to reproduce the organism, contains a nucleus.
A nucleus is a seed and all synonyms.

Africa is the nucleus of this planet.
Africans are the nucleus of humans.
Africa and Africans contain the main genetic material for Earth and humans.

A virus is genetic material with the ulterior motive of wanting to control the nucleus in order to reproduce the the maximum number of viruses and proliferation of creations by sucking up all resources. A lesson not yet widely learned is that a virus pretends to be a friend, but is an enemy, no matter how much money it has. The virus always pretends to come in peace and to come to help and to come as a partner, but nothing, absolutely nothing could be further from the truth.

Here's another truth we know full well, but not enough of us know it too well. Any genetic material that wants to takeover the nucleus will never function in the best interests of everything in the cell or the cell itself. In human terms, any human who wants to takeover Africa, will never function in the best interests of all humans nor in the best interests of Earth. And neither will those humans function in the best interests of their countries or the people in their countries, no not even the favored group.

This must be so, because any genetic material or human that attacks the nucleus is a cannibal, not of something else but of self. No one wins in the hands of a virus, no not even the virus, because its life is short-term and based on the regal flaw of diminishing returns. And this is exactly what plagues humans and Earth today, the virus worldview of the Asian continent that has infected the world.

The virus logic is now on its last surge in Africa. I hope the coronavirus kills the virus in every way possible.

As already known, the nucleus contains the antidote. Not by itself, but through the assistance of the immune system at large of Earth, Solar System & Galaxy.

Almost all humans are following virus logic because the virus has corrupted the original optimal information coming from Africa and Africans. The virus has created a shadow nucleus of information instead – a false room within the womb. In other words, whiteness and its wannabe colorations and racial categorizations, are the shadows of blackness and black brilliance. And now it is the other way around, which is why things are inside out backwards and upside down.

Remembering The Nucleus

One of the meanings of nucleus is “to cut in pieces.” A nucleus cuts and separates genetic material in order to get things done, evolve and reproduce. This is why Earth was one land mass but separated into several. And this is why humans were one group and separated into umpteen. All due to what each nucleus was designed to do and supposed to do. Separation is a normal part of the process.

Another meaning of nucleus is ”to tie.” A nucleus, splices, joins and combines genetic material. And this is why new land masses form from that which has been separated and why humans recombine all the time. Think of the Bering Strait. Re-unifying is a normal part of the instructions of the nucleus.

Right now we are in the process of reunifying as guided by the nucleus of genetic material in us and the nucleus of genetic material in Earth, Solar System & Galaxy. The virus knows this and is trying to stop it. The virus is even trying to stop Earth from healing itself. A healthy Earth will kill the virus because of the conflict the virus has with it. Stop listening to these people talking about doing anything to save the planet or the environment or any organism or species. It's all fakery to avoid doing anything fundamentally healthy. You see how badly they screwed up organic food and how ridiculous is their legalization process of cannabis. The intent is not to help anyone become healthier. The presidential election in the USA is a choice between different sized piles of shitty logic.

Thank God that what is going on is about far more than humans or human races. The entirety of creation, including viruses, are in the mix of the same war.
There is nothing new under sun and there is nothing new to the nucleus.
Nothing will be new this time around either.
Here's how the nucleus takes back control of itself and the cell.
The greater immune system kicks in and lends a helping hand with a handful of five things.
1. Medicine/food.
2. Water.
3. Rest.

Because Earth and its inhabitants are in pain, everything is inflamed, thus the need for climate change to raise the temperature to a feverish pitch in order to deal with it. Earth itself is sick enough to cause the temperature to rise, plus humans have polluted outer space as well.

We discussed unity and how it fell apart and will come back together. Now we must understand at least one precondition to a virus being able to takeover a cell. We were just reminded that a cell is always about doing what it must do to function. This includes frequent cell division. Cell division is a perfect time for a virus to takeover.
Africa was in the middle of cell division when it was interrupted by invaders of the African cell (continent). At the time of the invasion, Africa was divided into kingdoms of loosely knit tribes, that were perhaps subjugated as well. The main virus particle was the missionaries filled with religious logic. Religion is a virus to Africa and Africans. Religion kills black folks. Religion, by any name or blackified form, is the same as drinking poison laced with sugar. You can't pretty up a pig, take it inside, and not expect it to destroy your house.

This understanding, combined with previous messages, is enough to understand there are several dynamics that cause major changes in the control center of cells, of organisms, of Earth, of humans.

4. An event or series of events that reduce the viability and population of the virus, not just physically, but in all areas of its strength and strongholds.
5. An infusion of reawakened and reconfigured knowledge into the genetic material that allows it to strengthen itself and fight from inside the cell subconsciously and consciously. Earth is not deaf, mute or dumb and neither are the organisms within Earth that it signals.

Everything that's going on right now, has been experienced before. This is just another go round. Be certain that Nucleus in many forms and places will continue to do their thing and play a role in ensuring all fortunes are reversed to ensure the reversal of course for Earth health, Africa health, and African health. Thus then, by default, also for all other organisms that are not thinking and acting Virus-like. A major reset has always been a part of who controls Earth – as directed by the rulers of the Ages.

Third Party Agreement: Me, Myself and I
Unity Consciousness #2012


( 9afm of 11)

...in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established. (Mt 18:16)
The word is established by either two truths or three truths.

Let the prophets speak two or three, and let the other judge. (I Cor. 14:29)
In other words, let two speak and let the other verify or double-check.
In other words, compare two and check with the third, then compare the other two, and check with the third. Then do it one more time.
This process compares the three, two and one and combines them. This is self-checking several ways.

Thus then, there is always a third party involved in all transactions. The third party is the one more additional party than we think is present and involved. This is true whether we are dealing with ourselves or with someone or something else.

When it comes to me, myself and I, each of these are a third party that can, should and must be used to verify, judge and double-check the word, the logic of the other two. Why? Because they are one.
Then and only then, when two or three agree, shall every word be established in heaven as it is on earth.

Me, myself and I, although thought to be the epitome and trinity of individuality, it is also the epitome and trinity of collectivity.
Me, myself and I can never be only about the individual or only about the collective.
It is always about both, despite our level of awareness.

My self is remembering I am me all along but not me all alone.
I was born in stages, thus then like pages, my book of life means I was born in parts, two part, three part harmony.
I was complete from the start but not totally finished.
And this is why there is destiny because there is destination because the journey continues for each aspect of self to find its way back together again.

In the realm of totality, this automatically causes me, myself and I to agree individually and collectively.

Each form of self: me, myself, I, is a word of truth and witness to each other. Each one is a way to look at self from different angles, different perspectives. It goes beyond I as first person, me as second person and myself as third person. Yet the three must agree, eventually consciously. It goes beyond the active, passive and reflective-introspective. Yet the three must agree, eventually consciously. Each bears witness to the other. They are a form of double-checking and triple-checking self. In our cells, this is the like rna, drna, mrna and trna. It is also like protons, electrons and neurons. Also sun, moon, earth. Also do, re, mi and parent, child, spirit-soul and mine, yours, ours and IU, we, us. These are some of the third parties that must agree, consciously eventually. How many more threesomes are we aware of? Write them down. It's like the free your mind game we played trying to see how many words we could make out of one word. Isn't this the same process used by the Supreme Being to create self, extended self and all else?

We are talking about “identity,” a topic often specifically overtly expressly actively discussed.
Consider an often used statement we all make: I am ...........
I is I.
Am is Me.
The blank is Myself.

Each time we make a statement about ourselves and say I am this or I am that or I am African or I am any of the optimal or suboptimal identifiers of self, we are making a statement about me, myself and I.

When one person refers to themselves as me, myself and I, it is the same thing as someone else referring to the person by their name, you, yourself.

See what the future holds for the Initiate seeking to become Adept in Iself. Another three parties who are already in agreement and waiting for us to make the connections.

Suboptimal Learning Context Infects & Inhibits Self-Esteem
Unity Consciousness #201l


( 9afl of 11)

We and I continue to encounter folks posing as various collectives who don't want you to know what they know and don't want you to get a bump up in your self-esteem by learning what they've learned.

I'm going to rush through this message because I've touched on it several times.

We all feel good about ourselves when we learn something. Cool.
I also understand why some people don't like it when somebody else also learns it also.

This is usually because that thing, that something that that person has learned, is their primary measure of or significant portion of their self-esteem.

I see this poor deficit thinking and bad bent out of shape behavior most often in people who feel like they have paid their dues and have learned something that has been approved by the world to be expertise, skill and knowledge.
Then when someone else comes along and understands something without going through the same approval process, that person is hated on and their understandings are diminished in the eyes of those who need it most.

What's really wrong with us that once we've gone to school for something, gotten a job and getting paid for something, that then we think that nobody else can be or do that something unless we make sure we separate ourselves somehow so that the way we learned is held in higher esteem?

What we are doing is disrespecting all ways of knowing. Thus we are disrespecting the all-knowing and disrespecting ourselves as children and creations of the all-knowing. If god's children can't learn things in different ways, then who else can? We are conflicted with conundrums and contradictions.
This then is a goopy solidified sickness of the suboptimal worldview.

The sick ones will ask you for your credentials. Justify what you know based on what another human approves as acceptable. How weak-minded we are to accept such logic.
Under this thought process, the Egyptians, the enslaved and all other Africans would not be qualified to know what they knew and do what they did. Instead they would have had to wait around for current day credentialing to become validated in their knowledge of self-esteem. And this is exactly what the European worldview has done to most African achievements that have ever existed. We Africans learned in ways dem Europeans did not, could not and have not. Thus to help their self-esteem, the knowledge of Africans is diminished. We people of today are doing the same thing because we think we know something and someone who has not followed an acceptable path of learning, is not someone we can also learn from. Be certain this does not harm the one who knows, only the ones who think they are the only ones who do.
Because we accept this logic, this is why it is hard to unify and why the white man's ice is colder and so on and on do we give doofus deference to one way of knowing and doing things. We Africans are guilty of doing this to other Africans.
I am not just a rich man or a poor man or a beggar man or a thief and neither a doctor, lawyer or indian chief. I am not these small things. I am all things.

I know because I am.
I know more the more I know about being I am.
I am the metaphor of knowing.
I know more than myself and more than me, yet I know less than all three combined.

Learn More How To Remember More
Unity Consciousness #2010


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Through the logical use of metaphor, it is possible to learn more and remember more.
This requires the African Utamawazo as a worldview.

Discussed before is the concept of learning that takes a single metaphor and builds on it.
For example, the metaphor of the two truths.
Or the metaphor of darkness and lightness
The metaphors of the eight principles and characteristics of everything.
Or the metaphor of the seed.

This is what Malcolm X did. Listen to how he uses metaphor.

Everything is a repetition anyway.
The logical use of metaphor takes advantage of learning one metaphor very well, then using that metaphor to learn other metaphors but only learning the difference in the metaphor rather than re-learning another entire metaphor.
So in other words, as discussed elsewhere, learning one metaphor leads us to and connects us with the universal. Then those truths can be found and seen in other metaphors, recognize them, become aware of them, but there's no need to learn them because they are the same as in your primary metaphor.

Pick a metaphor, any metaphor, expand it to the universal truths it contains, and then learn everything else from there.
This is how you can learn to remember more.
Everything you seek to learn you should be seeking its universal truths and connecting them to your primary metaphor. In doing so, you will automatically and more easily be able to recall information because all of it is connected to one metaphor.
I have simplified this explanation but you can and should and must feel free to use as many metaphors as you like, as your primary set of metaphors.
Such as the metaphor of the circle.
The metaphor of spirit-soul.
The metaphor of the seven elementals
The metaphor of the primordial four.
The metaphor of the four inseparable aspects of self.
The metaphor of nutrition.
The metaphor of one and many.
The metaphor of first and last.
The as below, so below.
The metaphor of the butterfly.
The spider's web
The world wide web.
The metaphor of water.
The metaphor of the fish that became a star.
The metaphor of the star that became a fish.

Learn what is common in a metaphor to something else you already know, then all you have to do is remember the differences.
Differences are few, commonalities are many.
You will reach the point where you understand that even differences are common among metaphors. The same differences among humans exist among other organisms.

Simply put, everything is a metaphor and is part of other metaphors.
You are a metaphor and so is everything associated with you.
This is why we can, should and must make logical use of metaphor in order to learn more and remember more forevermore Amen-Ramen, whether as A-Human, A-Women and A-Men.

What you have just been shown in the sentence above is at the crux roads of the lesson.
Do not allow different forms, broken connections and spaces between to prevent you from recognizing, reconfiguring understandings, reconnecting metaphors and gaining more understandings.

This will become easier for you once you begin to think in metaphors and remember things in images and conceive of things as pictures. In that manner, each picture will contain a lot more than a thousand words, it will also contain many concepts and metaphors. Thus learning by metaphor is a way to concentrate and condense a whole lot of information into a metaphor, thus you only have to learn the metaphor rather than try to remember all the detailed information. The detailed information will come back to your conscious memory because you have learned it through metaphor. The metaphor will help you recall the details.

All master teachers make full use of the logical use of metaphor, including Master Teacher Adonai-Tzva'ot.
This must be so because I Am Metaphor I Am. I am all that, That is Metaphor. That connects one form of I am to another form of I am. I am that I am.

I repeat these things more often sisters and brothers because we are in the Age of Awakening which also means the Age of Knowing, Showing and Going. As a result, if you are aware of this and make conscious use of the logic of metaphors, you can and will learn more, without you really knowing it. This will take place simply because you are learning metaphors and how to connect them in as many aspects of each other as possible, then the few differences that you might not know how to connect, you will be able to connect them to another metaphor. It is a beauti-ful way to learn and is much easier, as we work hard to understand the nature of the metaphor in all information and experiences.

In doing so, your cup will no longer runneth over, because you will have expanded the cup metaphor to the bucket metaphor to the lake metaphor to the ocean metaphor.

Here's a helpful hint to the extent of my understandings. Search the words: beginnings that keep going.

Understand what is taking place all the time. Everything is a metaphor in motion.
Search logical use. This will lead you to other explanations on this topic. Also Mdw Ntr and sign language.

Each time you perform a “google” search, you are making logical use of metaphor. You are trying to type in a combination of keywords that will give you the results that will give you the answer that will give you the understanding you are seeking. Keywords are metaphors. Words are metaphors. You have to connect metaphors in the form of words. Not only that, but you also have to connect essential common words that inherently will lead to websites that contain a fuller explanation of that combination of keywords.
Also, when we ask any question, we are also already making logical use of keywords that we choose carefully to get the desired results, thus understandings. This is what we are doing when we are in school trying to learn something.
So now go back to the school of self-study and reteach yourself things you already know and learn them through conscious awareness of the metaphor and metaphors that that topic is. You will begin to realize you know things you didn't think you understood. You will no longer have to doubt your ability to know a lot more of all else and yourself.

Friday, February 14, 2020

Save Your Own Black Ass, Perfect Malcolm X
Unity Consciousness #2009


( 9afj of 11)

This is yet another note to self, thus extended self, because spirit-soul as Aquaria and Kepheus and Malcolm X is awakening. No not in all of us, but in those who, not having good sense of vision to see what's going on, still have enough good sense to listen to and learn from plain spoken truth. This is an amazing grace sensing ability that hearkens to the sweet sounds of truth to help keep us from being totally deaf, dumb and blind in all aspects of self.

Malcolm X is all over this blog because I am X.

Any person who has a problem with Malcolm X, also has a problem with me. I used to be that person who had a problem with myself. I was my own enemy.
Malcolm X is an epitome of liberation and salvation. If not, Malcolm Little would never had been reborn as the announcer in human form of the superhumans to come.

If at any point in history or now or in the future, we begin to listen to and follow through with the Malcolm X logic in us, then and only then will we move from succumb to overcome.

Despite the many great ancestors we speak of in recent times, for the most part, Malcolm X spoke more of the totality of ideas that we need to turn the tables for at least 13,000 years.

The True Malcolm X Parts 1 & 2 | Historic Speeches

As you develop more of a specialization in good sense, you will begin to recognize that the spirit of X, Malcolm X is trying to save everyone from themselves, to the degree they can be saved.

Good sense can be called Malcolm X. All we need to do now is specialize in and perfect the logic of Malcolm X.

Be certain to understand, that with or without any us of, the spirit of Malcolm X is being perfected and so is any means necessary.

As much as I hate the lesser good of the okie doke, I love it even more when the okie doke is okie doked. This then is the perfection of the okie doke which is also part of the same spirit perfecting itself through us and despite us

Thursday, February 13, 2020

More Wombs, Tombs & Cocoons Than We Realize
Unity Consciousness #2008


( 9afi of 11)

Much has been said about the womb, cocoon, tomb trifecta connection as the same thing in different shapes, forms, fashions and frames.

If that which enters into any one of these forms, does not move through that stage as it should, sooner or later, it will be moved out of that stage. The direction of movement will be backwards in order to go back and fetch it and regain momentum to go forward to perfect it through the stuck stage.
Imagine what happens when that which is in a cocoon does not transform and break free of that space. Both the container and its creation suffer. The cocoon will become the tomb and the thing destined for the next level forward will be sent to the next level in reverse. This backward motion will not stop unless counterbalancing motion takes place.

Each one (womb, cocoon, tomb) is an incubator, that if not properly interacted with, becomes the suffocator.
Likewise, in the same manner, we can see how an insulator can become an exposer of that which has been shielded and protected.
We know an enabler can become that which disables.
That which privileges can become that which disadvantages.
If we do not become transformed and graduate beyond being insulated, enabled or privileged, then that space of being will begin to have the opposite effect. Before this happens, the need has already existed for us to become exposed to more, become more capable and use privilege to remove the handicaps of unearned handouts and helping hands that have delayed development.

Here is another set of examples.
That which frees from the encountering of resistance and restrictions for far too long, becomes the restrictor.
That which motivates too much, becomes what stagnates.
That which initiates all the time, becomes what stifles.
Each one is fine, but not all the time.

Evolution requires we change in order to move through progressions. If we don't, there comes a point when the change always taking place in other progressions, moves us to the next regression for a do over as required by de-evolution.

This involuntary backwards motion is caused by imaginary lines in the logic somewhere in one or more of our minds that combine to form boundaries of behavior.
These logic-composed boundaries seal our fate by forming an impermeable impenetrable seam that allows no escape until the expanding bubble breaks.

This explains what is taking place across the landscape in different shapes, forms, fashions and frames. Other progressions are moving things around and in and out of tombs, cocoons and wombs.
Our problems, solutions, successes and failures are all based on the concepts of this message. We are either progressing and maturing, even though it might seem like we're not or we have stagnated for too long and are regressing, even though it might seem like we're not. In between these two basic directions of travel, there are many side roads that can be either helpful or harmful.

Our thinking and behavior as individuals and as a collective can be summarized under these concepts. Here's one brief, more concrete example out of many plaguing us - the issue of unity. More unity behavior as a collective depends on more unity behavior as individuals within ourselves which depends on continuous learning (which unifies internal logic). Thus the lack of continuous learning should be viewed as more of a primary root cause for the lack of unity. As we are living lives, doing things, acquiring things, able to maintain food, shelter, clothing, and move about in society, all of those motions may seem primary but they could be a false positive built upon a slowly eroding foundation because despite all we are doing, we are not learning what we fundamentally need to learn, not even as a result of the things we are doing.

So now, you, the reader, the encounterer of this information, truthseeker and initiate of learning, can take the above example and apply it to other issues we are facing and also apply it to successes, even if superficial successes. By doing so you will see that learning is a big part of moving forward, backwards, sideways, zigzag or not at all, even while having the sensation of moving, even though other things are moving you more than you are moving you. Of course, we should know by now, that learning, like all things, can take place in a way that helps or harms due to the process by which we learn and due to what we are learning.

Our lives consist of a multitude of places that are essentially entering places as wombs, intermediate places as cocoons and exiting places as tombs. These places are not just physical, a lot exist in the mind, spirit and emotions.
If you do not progress in your logic in your thinking in the information you are using, then you cannot progress in your behavior, thus you cannot progress in what is fundamentally essential to life, and neither can pairs, larger groups or collectives.

Be certain that right now in this world, learning is taking place in individuals, thus in all other groupings. We are in a progressive stage of the larger cycle of powers that be. These powers, as discussed elsewhere are helping us move forward, stagnate and regress, depending on which way we are applying our energies.

Lastly let us remember that none of this begins in our current lives. It begins in ancestor lives before we were born and will continue in descendant lives after we die and move on to another place of being; therefore, we must not judge things simply by the span of our current lives. We already know that makes no sense. We can clearly see how what previous generations have and have not done, affect us now and, as a partial example, that what has been deemed as successes, actually turn out to be failures or at least the pathway to, and what has been deemed as failures turn out to be successes or at least the pathway to. Commentary on this example is cut short because it's up to you to reflect on these things and fill in other commentary as it applies to you and the examples you think about or whatever it is you think about in life. All of it or any part of it can be put into the framework of this message in order to assess what is what and thus at least gain a little more understanding.

Everything and anything taking place around the world in human affairs and even in the climate, can be understood better, using this framework. This is simply one way of looking at things and one way of knowing. If other ways and methods have not worked, try this one for a minute. If you already know what you need to know, then this method can be used as a means of comparison, contrast and double-checking to see if there is anything useful yet to be found.