If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Plenty More History To Learn | Poetry Generations
Unity Consciousness #1995


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What I was Not Taught In School As A Black Person - Samuel King

There's a full moon right now at 4am and on the other side at 4pm, the full sun also illuminates the landscape. There's plenty more starlight where those come from, from the older people around us, from books in stores, from books online, from articles, from videos online, from each other no matter our age, from spirit-soul within that causes us to sleep to learn and learn to wake. There's plenty more where that came from, from the next step we know to take, from what we initiate is the same as the reach towards the ever-coming one who comes in many forms to teach and never takes a break.