If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Monday, February 10, 2020

Specialize In At Least One Good Sense
Unity Consciousness #1999


( 9aez of 11)

We have several superficial senses.

We have even more deeper level, sensing abilities.

Pick one.

Specialize in it. Study it, practice it, strive to perfect it.

As you do, you'll develop the good sense to recognize things just as if that sense was sight. Because it is.

So I'd like to, if you don't mind, call having any type of good sense, “specializing in sight.”

Any ability has the capability to help us see or blind us or keep us somewhere in between.

Once you specialize in any sense or sensing ability, you will mature through the process of developing good, better and best (optimal) sense of discernment.
This is true even of our superficial senses, because good sense leads to another or at least to a deeper sense of that sense, depending on if you keep learning.

Sight, as we know, like any good sense, is not just for the moment.

You can tell if you have a good sense if you are able to do at least one of the following:
1. Detect and understand what is taking place in the present.
2. Detect and understand what has taken place in the past.
3. Detect and understand what will take place in the future.

For instance, if you can smell something in the moment or that was there before you, or is coming your way, then you have a good sense of smell and a good sense of sight through smell.
In this manner, if we're not able to see a lie with our eyes, hear a lie or feel a lie, then perhaps we can learn to smell a lie, I,e., I smell a rat, a dirty funky rat. Thus one good sense can help us make up for a portion of deficit in other senses such as when we are mesmerized by our eyes.

Unfortunately y'all, far too many of us (the overwhelming majority) don't have any good sense at all to be able to understand anything past, present or future. This is a fact of our wayward ways of life.

And this is why we need to consciously decide, focus and specialize in, what I summarize as, sight.

I saw this message develop right before my mind's eye as I was reading how we are still confused about basic things such as human origins or the repetition of the okie doke. We are unable to see either looking backwards, around or forward. This caused me to see the need for us to specialize in sight.

When will we see the way to find our way?
When we specialize in at least one good sense of self.