If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Monday, February 17, 2020

25 Reasons Why We Should Not Hold Teachers In High Esteem
Unity Consciousness #2019


( 9aft of 11)

I know there are some teachers who spend their money in the classroom.
I know there are teachers who do a good job.
But is that enough for teachers, as a whole, to be held in high esteem?

As far as I can tell, teachers as a whole, only strike when it comes to their paychecks.

If teachers, as a whole, were concerned about doing the best job possible to help the students be the best they could be, you would think teachers who love teaching, would normally and naturally, as a collective and as a part of their collective bargaining agreements, demand the school system put them and their students in the best position to succeed.

1. Teachers would demand free lunches for all. An option for parents to donate money could be used to assist students in any area of school activities they need assistance.

2. Teachers, as a collective, are supposed to be smart enough to figure things out. They should yell and tell Jeff Bezos, instead of putting 10 billion aside to save the planet, it would be better to revamp all school systems so the result could be better educated students, thus this would result in better thinking and behavior, thus save the planet and solve thousands of other problems. I am not impressed by Amazon the Gargantuan Gangsta's charity or motives.

2. Teachers would demand conditions are changed that create the need for students to be put in detention and suspension. How can a teacher love teaching but not care about their students but instead send them out of the classroom?

3. Teachers would demand supports for themselves and for students to solve discipline problems.

4. Teachers would demand the abolishing of all idiotic school policies that have nothing to do with the joint success of teachers and students.

5. Teachers would demand better curriculum that told the truth in a more diverse way.

6. Teachers would demand better facilities and supplies or at least facilities and supplies on an equal basis in their state.

7. Teachers would demand more time to keep in touch with parents and make it mandatory that parent contact take place at least twice per month.

8. Teachers would demand all classrooms be staffed at all times with one or two aides who are teachers in training or trained community-parent volunteers. Hospitals are filled with volunteers, why not schools?

9. Teachers know the partnership between themselves, the child and the parent is critical. Teachers would demand all levels of administration also act as good faith partners and not as legaltarians who hate children.

10. Teachers would demand the abolishing of half-days for students. It's wasteful. This could be time for teachers to work from home.

11. Are teachers just satisfied following the rules and getting paid? It seems that way today.

12. I know you'll say the parents are responsible for all of the above. I say, do the parents have a well-funded union that fights for them and are parents organized to pay dues and get what their children deserve? Where is that happening?

13. If teachers are going to use their unions for fair wages and benefits, but not for anything else relating to their job that actually helps the students, then what is it that the teachers really care enough about to fight for and strike for?

14. There's nothing wrong with teachers looking out for self, but should we hold them in high esteem when they themselves are not willing to fight to uphold the profession of teaching as judged by its results, which in no way is determined by grades?

15. What is the range of things students are learning while interacting with the school system and busing system? And how do those things help or harm them as part of the total preparation for being the best they can be in life?

16. For the most part, it appears schools, even the supposed best, are mere markets to train laborers and workers for someone else. Is that what teaching is supposed to teach?

17. Have we all become numb like teachers and the profession of teaching?

18. Look at the children and the foolishness they continue to perpetuate generation after generation in the form of us as adults. Has the teaching profession really ever upheld the highest universal standards of teaching or do schools merely serve interests that promote inequalities of resources, power and control?

19. A survey of the evidence says yes. Which is why we should no longer automatically hold teachers in high esteem unless the results warrant it.

20. The sensibilities of children are assaulted in school more than anywhere else after being assaulted at home by same system educated parents who just go along with the deranged educational system. Yes parents are responsible but not on their own, if in fact such a thing as a community and nation exists that insists we are all in this together and we all must contribute and think and act in such a way that contributes to the greater good.

21. What is the greater good?

22. Ask your teacher. Every teacher should know the answer. If they don't, then why the hell teach and what are you teaching if you have no measuring stick of context to know if the lessons being learned by students fit the objective? You can't know if you don't know the purpose of teaching or the purpose of education.

23. Which is, prepare the student for the proper use of power, thus knowledge of self and all else, thus also recognize self and all else as both teacher and student. Thus then the purpose of teaching and the purpose of education are one and the same and is all about preserving the unity of the collective so the collective can be perfected.

24. Finally then since all of us have been taught by teachers and are teachers ourselves and have parents and are parents in some sense, then all of us are ultimately and primarily responsible and we should not hold ourselves in high esteem as long we allow the debacle of misguided education and terrible teaching to continue to terrorize fresh young lives that could save us from ourselves if we, another lost generation, were not in their way.

25. How ridiculous a society do we have that we put so much time, money, emphasis and other resources on every election, but we do not, as communities and states and as a nation spend any focused set aside collective time working on solving the problems of education – which are the roots of almost all societal problems. The problem is not the politicians or the laws or the enforcement or the adjudication, but rather the cancerous mass of the problem is extremely suboptimal education of the people in the society, no matter how highly touted the school or college is. Until education is fixed from the foundation up, there is no hope for any society on this planet. We will continue to waste away in our beloved education ideologies that amounts to weaker and weaker wisdom. Meanwhile we praise teachers. For what? For teaching children to repeat the same mistakes? Historical patterns of what is placed in motion on the wheel, makes us certain our children will fail us as we have failed them and were failed. Who doesn't know that school bullying and bullets flying are precursors in preparation for wars outside the school system? We are indeed teaching children to think and behave in ways that beckons Armageddon. All because we fail to face the truth, tell the truth and reconcile the truth. Hopefully Har-magedon will come forth first along with its legion of Master Teachers.