If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Significant Shortcomings Of A Centralized Brain
Unity Consciousness #1977


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Due to current prevalent pervasive chronic lack of knowledge of self, humans claim their fame at the top of the food chain is due to their centralized brain, followed closely by our love of “human” as a name.

A centralized brain is a disadvantage to organisms that lack knowledge of self and yet have free will.
In an organism that lacks optimal knowledge of self beyond the halfway point of decrease, that organism will willingly work against itself for free in all that it does.
Every aspect of genetic material, every particle that is able to exist separately, has a brain (instructions).
For instance hydrogen and oxygen, each have brains.

As particles, pieces, bits, bytes, elements, atoms, molecules and subatomic particles combine into compound organisms, each brain must communicate with other brains, or at least the brains it is physically connected to.

As communication decreases, the viability of the organism decreases and parts become greater than their sum. This leads to deconstruction of the organism in preparation for reconfiguration and reconstitution.

Humans have become so enamored of their central brain, they have ignored their other brains, let's say regional brains and local brains.
Not only that, humans have also heavily discounted each other's brains and the brains of all other organisms.

As a result, humans do not communicate well.

The short list of current major shortcomings of a centralized brain are significant reductions in the following areas: (communication, knowledge of self in relation to all else, economies of scale, cooperation, shared responsibilities and purpose). This results in self-gentrification due to specialization that is insufficient to do what other specialists do, yet self-estrangement and divorce is common, even within the centralized brain itself.
In smaller organisms, there is greater awareness and interchangeability of parts, roles and functions. Think of cells as a good example.

All this is to say there are cycles of existence when a centralized brain will lead to the inability to conceive the whole due to micro vision caused by fragmented thinking due to a centralized brain that cannot see beyond its self-centeredness. The centralized brain is not able to perceive the outer reaches or reach out and touch the logic that exists all around it in order to remember itself.

During suboptimal cycles of human existence, a centralized brain is even worse than mind-centered thinking as discussed seven years ago on Day One.
A centralized brain relies almost exclusively on one place of knowing whereas mind-centered thinking relies almost exclusively on one way of knowing. This harmful combination gives birth to another: lack of knowledge of self combined with free will.
Like an exit sign in the matrix of illusion, this sufficiently leads us to better understand why human shortcomings currently have the upper hand in manifesting.

By The Way:
The human brain is divorced into many low functioning parts due to connections not being made through our development process. In the human brain, there is also clearly a disconnect from or decreased flow to its pineal gland,

Also, human skin is a bigger more cohesive functioning brain, especially because it is not dependent on or limited by the centralized brain's lack of knowledge of self combined with it's primary misuse of free will. Skin is not only the first line of the immune system, it is also the first level of sensing and awareness. Ultimately skin, as an organ organism of the human organism, is a vastly bigger brain than the human centralized brain for reasons just stated and also because, though brain cells have several layers, human skin is composed of several layers of cells over a much greater distance.