If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Hiding Racist Tendencies, Colorism & Genocide
Behind Nationalism & Ethnicity
Unity Consciousness #2000


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I get another sense that all this so-called national pride and ethnic pride is really a facade front to help people hide their racist tendencies and colorism.
We should know all humans have one origin in Africa. Yet, that is ignored and denied when it comes to group pride. People still illogically cling to thinking there are multiple groups of humans who have separate origins such that that would make them indigenous to certain lands outside of Africa. That makes fragmented sense. Yet the grand contradiction is adhered to, spouted and defended. All of it to me is pretended and intended to hide racist tendencies and colorism behind nationalism and ethnicity.

Although we know the beginning of who we are on Earth, we'd much rather put the most recent name for our identity out front which we justify by how we currently look and our most recent geography and cut and paste cultures.

If we are not hiding racist tendencies and colorism, we are least admitting to mental illness.

This must be so to deny who you are from the root up, and instead embrace the most recent fruiting still fed by the root directory of your genetic code.

It's one thing to think differently and another thing to allow looking different to cause disconnected thinking.

Despite our actions, humans crave being African. History has proven this. It's in our xylem and phloem. Soon enough all humans will once again openly praise being African, but not before a generation or more suffers for denying love for Africa behind the hidden justifications of national pride and ethic pride. Both of those are nothing more than genocide (genotype suicide).

Understand clearly that this genocide takes place inside our genetics before it manifests outside. Logic inside attacks, holds back and kills off logic inside. This happens first. And then it spreads coronavirus-like, across Earth. Until at last it reaches the first. Then and there is where it reverses course and quenches its thirst to nourish, then flourish. Just like the genetics of Henrietta Lacks, the scorned and under-mourned whose star thrives. And just like Khefa/Kefa (Eve), also coming back into the four fronts of awareness.

Imagine if different colors of apples, just because of their final color, denied they were all green apples at an earlier point in their phenotypical evolution of a proven formula, adjusted to suit the tastes of a given set of conditions maturing in a new circle of time and space.
In the form of an apple, all apples are green apples first. In the form of humans, all humans are Black Africans First. Now we know, for the most part, most people would not be able to tell what kind of apple a newly blossomed green apple will become, especially if assessed in no near proximity to the tree of its birth. No original point of reference. No grounding context of memory. Yet despite the long period of similarity of all apples, we give them different names at the end of the evolutionary process.
What about the seed? This is quickly interjected into this thought process by those with the tendency to deceive themselves by not allowing the first thought to finish making its point.
Don't be deceived by the seed either, because the seed also has a common origin and an evolutionary process, that connects more than apples, as does the seed of humans connect more than humans.

Thus then, the escape route of hiding from logic always leads into a deeper trap that leaves only one way out - back home.