If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

African Women Call Out Black Females Who Seek Bittersweet
Unity Consciousness #2024


( 9afy of 11)

For purposes of this message,
African means those who are in their right mind.
Black means those in their white mind.

Time for African women to call out Black females who have lost sight of their Africanness. For now only two aspects are addressed:
The collective
The individual child

The specific way these two aspects are lost is when a female has a child and is never married to the father or becomes unmarried. Then a high percentage of Black females, because of their white mind (suboptimal broken logic), does exactly what whiteness has reprogrammed her to do to fulfill the Asili of Maafa Racism, i.e., the Eurocentric and Wannabe Worldviews.

Time for African women to call out Black females who seek bittersweet victories after feeling defeated for not being wanted or needed or cheated.
Simply put, the bittersweet victory sought and fought for is to separate the child from the collective of the father's side of the family and diminish the esteem of the father in the child's mind, thus diminish the child's love of their own total self wholeness. Thus this causes the child to choose to love half of self but hate the other half, thus setting the child up for self-destruction through internal incongruity.

This takes place while crying for monetary child support while denying the father time with the child, denying decision-consultation and other types of support. All this while wearing the badge of victim and single parenthood sacrifice martyrdom. All this is weirdly twisted while trying to prove to the world she's a good mother. This while making up stuff about the father and magnifying every imperfection and different parenting styles while hiding all wrongs and faults about self.

African women please talk to your sisters and help them recognize their contribution to the situation of an ended romantic relationship or one-night stand or whatever it was. By no means should the child be used as leverage or power to hurt, harm or prove something to the father.

Time for African women to call out these black females no matter how old the child is now. Insist it's time for those mothers to apologize to their children for taking away some, if not all, of their rights of creation.

African unity and the overcoming of Racism depends on this core healing of the family unit even if not all persons are in the same household.

Maybe perhaps get them to admit to themselves that the only reason they did it or do it to the extent they did/do, is because they know the system of white people will help them destroy the father, the child and yourself. Under no circumstances does it help the child to place the father into a system that will go after his resources and liberty. Just because you might not be getting what you want, you then allow the system to take it. Either way the child still doesn't get it, yet the child is further limited from getting to know the father and his family. This limits the child's knowledge of self and all else and a support system.

This Black female white mind broken logic behavior usually takes place when spurred, energized and egged on and on by a group of other outta-their african mind black females and sometimes also there's even a white female agitator friend who is the local supervisor in charge of all their thinking.

Bitterness never turns sweet, only more rancid as griefs seep deeper into prolonged wrongs that become dead wrong reborn in the next generation.
Thus the seeking of bittersweet victory usually results in bitterbitterbitter.

By The Way: For purposes of this message, the difference between being African and Black is the presence or absence of the African Utamawazo, aka Optimal Theory-Based Context Worldview.

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