If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Pandemic, Pangaea, Nucleus & Virus
Unity Consciousness #2013


( 9afn of 11)

A nucleus contains the main genetic material for the organism.
Any portion of an organism that is able to reproduce the organism, contains a nucleus.
A nucleus is a seed and all synonyms.

Africa is the nucleus of this planet.
Africans are the nucleus of humans.
Africa and Africans contain the main genetic material for Earth and humans.

A virus is genetic material with the ulterior motive of wanting to control the nucleus in order to reproduce the the maximum number of viruses and proliferation of creations by sucking up all resources. A lesson not yet widely learned is that a virus pretends to be a friend, but is an enemy, no matter how much money it has. The virus always pretends to come in peace and to come to help and to come as a partner, but nothing, absolutely nothing could be further from the truth.

Here's another truth we know full well, but not enough of us know it too well. Any genetic material that wants to takeover the nucleus will never function in the best interests of everything in the cell or the cell itself. In human terms, any human who wants to takeover Africa, will never function in the best interests of all humans nor in the best interests of Earth. And neither will those humans function in the best interests of their countries or the people in their countries, no not even the favored group.

This must be so, because any genetic material or human that attacks the nucleus is a cannibal, not of something else but of self. No one wins in the hands of a virus, no not even the virus, because its life is short-term and based on the regal flaw of diminishing returns. And this is exactly what plagues humans and Earth today, the virus worldview of the Asian continent that has infected the world.

The virus logic is now on its last surge in Africa. I hope the coronavirus kills the virus in every way possible.

As already known, the nucleus contains the antidote. Not by itself, but through the assistance of the immune system at large of Earth, Solar System & Galaxy.

Almost all humans are following virus logic because the virus has corrupted the original optimal information coming from Africa and Africans. The virus has created a shadow nucleus of information instead – a false room within the womb. In other words, whiteness and its wannabe colorations and racial categorizations, are the shadows of blackness and black brilliance. And now it is the other way around, which is why things are inside out backwards and upside down.

Remembering The Nucleus

One of the meanings of nucleus is “to cut in pieces.” A nucleus cuts and separates genetic material in order to get things done, evolve and reproduce. This is why Earth was one land mass but separated into several. And this is why humans were one group and separated into umpteen. All due to what each nucleus was designed to do and supposed to do. Separation is a normal part of the process.

Another meaning of nucleus is ”to tie.” A nucleus, splices, joins and combines genetic material. And this is why new land masses form from that which has been separated and why humans recombine all the time. Think of the Bering Strait. Re-unifying is a normal part of the instructions of the nucleus.

Right now we are in the process of reunifying as guided by the nucleus of genetic material in us and the nucleus of genetic material in Earth, Solar System & Galaxy. The virus knows this and is trying to stop it. The virus is even trying to stop Earth from healing itself. A healthy Earth will kill the virus because of the conflict the virus has with it. Stop listening to these people talking about doing anything to save the planet or the environment or any organism or species. It's all fakery to avoid doing anything fundamentally healthy. You see how badly they screwed up organic food and how ridiculous is their legalization process of cannabis. The intent is not to help anyone become healthier. The presidential election in the USA is a choice between different sized piles of shitty logic.

Thank God that what is going on is about far more than humans or human races. The entirety of creation, including viruses, are in the mix of the same war.
There is nothing new under sun and there is nothing new to the nucleus.
Nothing will be new this time around either.
Here's how the nucleus takes back control of itself and the cell.
The greater immune system kicks in and lends a helping hand with a handful of five things.
1. Medicine/food.
2. Water.
3. Rest.

Because Earth and its inhabitants are in pain, everything is inflamed, thus the need for climate change to raise the temperature to a feverish pitch in order to deal with it. Earth itself is sick enough to cause the temperature to rise, plus humans have polluted outer space as well.

We discussed unity and how it fell apart and will come back together. Now we must understand at least one precondition to a virus being able to takeover a cell. We were just reminded that a cell is always about doing what it must do to function. This includes frequent cell division. Cell division is a perfect time for a virus to takeover.
Africa was in the middle of cell division when it was interrupted by invaders of the African cell (continent). At the time of the invasion, Africa was divided into kingdoms of loosely knit tribes, that were perhaps subjugated as well. The main virus particle was the missionaries filled with religious logic. Religion is a virus to Africa and Africans. Religion kills black folks. Religion, by any name or blackified form, is the same as drinking poison laced with sugar. You can't pretty up a pig, take it inside, and not expect it to destroy your house.

This understanding, combined with previous messages, is enough to understand there are several dynamics that cause major changes in the control center of cells, of organisms, of Earth, of humans.

4. An event or series of events that reduce the viability and population of the virus, not just physically, but in all areas of its strength and strongholds.
5. An infusion of reawakened and reconfigured knowledge into the genetic material that allows it to strengthen itself and fight from inside the cell subconsciously and consciously. Earth is not deaf, mute or dumb and neither are the organisms within Earth that it signals.

Everything that's going on right now, has been experienced before. This is just another go round. Be certain that Nucleus in many forms and places will continue to do their thing and play a role in ensuring all fortunes are reversed to ensure the reversal of course for Earth health, Africa health, and African health. Thus then, by default, also for all other organisms that are not thinking and acting Virus-like. A major reset has always been a part of who controls Earth – as directed by the rulers of the Ages.