If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Religion | Are Africans Getting Their Money's Worth?
Unity Consciousness #35

Religion Must Fight Injustice

Any religion worthy of African participation, commitment and resources must constantly fight the society on behalf of the Rights Of Creation. If the religion does not, and wants Africans to tolerate injustice on Earth, in exchange for something better after we die, then Africans must recognize, it is a falsified doctrine.

Religious doctrine has been changed just enough to get the African mind to work against itself, while expecting relief from somewhere else. That somewhere else is outside of self and outside of Earth. The religion teaches Africans to place hope in something else and not direct all energies towards that which is causing the suffering. The religion teaches Africans to let someone else handle it (God, Jesus, court, police). The religion teaches this while at the same time supporting the society that says Africans can't and won't do anything to help themselves. We Africans help ourselves when we stop following religion and society blindly. By following them blindly, we are following racism, because religion, society and racism go hand-in-hand-in hand.

If we choose to follow religion and society, we must do so strategically [this is a war], to get what we, African people, need. This, and this alone, must be our priority. We must not get caught up in the reward programs of the society and of the religion. Later for that.

Why Africans Must Say, “Later For That!”

Though “later for that” might sound harsh, “later for that” is exactly what the religion and society tells Africans to do when Africans want a better life – later for that in Heaven; later for that, let God handle it; later for that, patience is a virtue, you have made progress; later for that, the time of man is not the time of God; get it off your mind and don't worry about it by giving everything to God in prayer; later for that thinking and analyzing nonsense, just focus on getting to Heaven where we can lay our burdens down, later for all the past and history, it's over and we just all need to move forward, etc. The worst of all is, when we let someone tell us to “let the system work, handle it and do its job.” Hell, The System is The Problem! Why should we wait and let it work? - unless we're crazy.

For many Africans, religion has us confused by trying to move forward by doing things backwards. There is no way to make better lives using ideas that contradict each other. European ways in an African person helps the person use weakness to cancel their strengths. Though Africans move and work hard, we stay stuck and even our spirits wonder, what the f*ck!? Meanwhile, everybody else continues to pass us up.

A methodical thought process will help Africans figure this out and not make decisions based on emotions, especially fear. This thought process will help Africans understand the version of the religion being followed was setup by the society to maintain the society, not to help Africans on Earth or in Heaven. The system and the religion are both against everything African and have taught us to be also.

It has been made clear, by example after example, when certain members of society suffer, their suffering is met with outrage and sympathy and laws and memorials nationwide. It is not that way for African suffering, not just murders but for the suffering that comes from all the daily ways the entire System Of Racism ensures pain and suffering through inequality for Africans around the world, even in Africa (Mama we understand). Religion is a part of that system that believes it is superior to the African. Therefore, by serving the religion, we serve the instrument of our disrespect and destruction of our people. We help kill our own children. We serve the Master's religion. Maybe one day the master will thank us for choosing to be slaves.

By now, Africans should know religion is a tool to benefit the societies in which they exist. From the beginning, the “version” of religion Africans are following has proven to us, which side of the injustice it prefers.

Religion Promotes The Conscience Of The Country, Not The Creator

In order for religion to be detached from daily struggles of members of the society, it must separate its conscience (morality) from consciousness (awareness). It must speak of possibilities in the future while ignoring today's realities and how the past continues to contribute. This causes religions to be detached emotionally from the suffering of others. This is psychopathy, a mental illness.

The religion does not use its resources, that it gets from those same members who are suffering, to help stop the suffering once and for all. The religion has to divorce itself from its members because the religion is married to the system.

At the same time, the religion, while being emotionally detached from the members, does all it can to keep members emotionally attached to the religion. Do not be fooled, Africans - by the little bits and pieces the religion does to try to make us think it is on our side and cares about Africans. Food pantries, clothes closets, pictures of White folks in Africa, and any other thing that seems nice is to disarm our suspicions of what it is really up to. Religions take from the poor and give to the rich while also helping the rich take more.

Religion without a conscience is what happens when the society does not have a conscience. How can this appeal to Africans - especially when we don't like how it feels? Why doesn't a religion that doesn't fight injustice, disgust us?

I'll tell you why in this first way. Some of us in those religions think we are different from Africans who are not in those religions. Some of us in those religions think we are better than other Africans because we have been blessed and transformed by some power that has changed us, yet has not changed our thinking, our behavior and the lives of our people. Yes, if we were changed, in a good way, we would would do what the religion is supposed to be doing, and fight for our people in fundamental ways that affects their daily lives and every breath, instead of trying to get them to join the religion.

Also, some of us in these religions view the religion as a halfway house to Whiteness. Somehow the religion helps get us out of the imprisonment of Blackness but not fully into the lands of freedom. This is something some Africans are not fully aware of. It is deeply miseducated into DNA. By rejecting African spirituality and accepting the whitewashed version of the same thing (religion), some of us Africans are proving to others we are not primitive. We are proving we have the same intelligence by showing we can think and choose the same religion as the “civilized” people. Because some of us Africans do not know civilization began in Africa, we believe current societies are civilized even though behavior does not support this. Some of us dedicate ourselves to following the rules of religions to the maximum to prove worthiness to worship the image of European males. Though disenfranchised, as is the European female, some Africans are committed to being the best servant of the Overlord. To prove this devotion, we immediately call any African spiritual practice or symbol, things like pagan, satanic, cult, myth and other terms. We are not disgusted at the co-opted religion we've adopted because our African nature is the hidden focus of our disgust.

Now I'll tell you why a second way. We are so busy denying ourselves and thinking our oppressors are smarter than us and know the way to the Creator, we have weakened our connection to our spirit because the oppressors have no connection at all to their spirit – this is obvious. What we do in religion is not the way to fully connect with our spirit. This is also obvious. No oppressor is going to give the oppressed ANYTHING that is going to help them strengthen, improve and be the best they can be. Oppressors must and will do the opposite – give us what weakens us. Any benefit from what the oppressor provides, is far outweighed by the cost to the African nation, unless that benefit is for the purpose of helping the African nation overcome the oppressor.

If religion was the way to strengthen our spirit, our spirit, which is the conscience and consciousness of God, would tell us this is the wrong way. Our spirit would bother us so much we wouldn't be able to stay in the religion. The only other way to stay in the religion is to shut the spirit out and pacify it with emotion. This is exactly what we are doing.

Been there, done that. I was snatched out of the fire and until the fire is out or there are no more Africans in the fire, I will reach into that same fire and grab anyone I can. What use do we have of our abilities if we can't use them to help our people? There is nothing we have that we need to keep, preserve and take with us except our spirit. Shall we let our children burn in a house just because they do not know how to cry out? Shall we let our brothers and sisters burn just because they do not see the need or know the way out? Who are we helping out? Shall we try to make it to Heaven with two hands unburned and have to answer why not? Or shall we get there badly burned and be restored in Heaven because on Earth we gave all we got to Maat.

Are Africans Getting Their Money's Worth?

On the one hand, the answer is obviously, NO.
On the other hand, the answer is MAYBE SO.
Since money has limited value and that value comes from people who believe in it, Africans are getting the same limited value from the same people who set up money, the society and the religion. Africans are getting limited value because, by going along with this version of religion, Africans are showing we believe we have limited value.

Africa, The Holy Land, Spirituality & Religion

African Female Honored In Spirituality, Not Religion

Africa, The Holy Land, Spirituality & Religion
Unity Consciousness #34

After the conquest of Egypt by Alexander the Great, the Greeks, who were always attracted by the mysterious worship of the Nile - land, began to imitate the Egyptian religion in its entirety; and during the Roman occupation, the Egyptian religion spread not only to Italy: but throughout the Roman Empire, including Brittany.

This assimilation of the Egyptian religion was confined to the Gods of the Osirian cycle and the Graeco - Egyptian Serapis, and aimed at a close imitation of the ancient traditions of the Nile - land. Due to the splendor of architecture, the hieroglyphs of the temples, the obelisks, the sphinxes before the shrines, the linen vestments, the shaven heads, the faces of the priests and the endless obscure rituals, the Greeks were filled with awe. Wonderful mysteries were consequently believed to have underlain these incomprehensible things; however the Egyptian religion impeded the rise of Christianity.

The success of the Egyptian religion was due no doubt, on the one hand due to its conservatism; while on the other hand due to the shadowy philosophical abstractions which constituted Graeco – Roman religion, so that the staunch faith of the Egyptians, together with their mysterious forms of worship, led to the universal conviction among the Ancients, that Egypt was not only the Holy Land but the Holiest of lands or countries, and that indeed, the Gods dwelt there.

The Nile became a centre for pilgrimages in the ancient world, and the pilgrims who went there and experienced the marvelous revelations and spiritual blessings which it afforded them, returned home with the conviction that the Nile was the home of the most profound religious knowledge.

The Greeks failed to imitate Egyptian conservatism and not only in Egyptian cities, with large Greek population, but in Europe, Egyptian divinities were corrupted with Greek and Asiatic names and mythologies and reduced to vague pantheistic personalities, so that Isis [Auset] and Osiris [Ausar] had retained very little of their Egyptian origin. Consequently, as they failed to advance Egyptian Philosophy, so they also failed to advance Egyptian religion.

In other words, no religion of today is superior to the Egyptian religion codified by Africans because that religion was the most encompassing of the relationship of self to all else. This knowledge was hidden from the invaders and colonizers who went on to bastardize the principles in the Egyptian religion. That which was hidden is now being revealed.

Paraphrased from, James, George G. M., "Stolen Legacy: Greek Philosophy is Stolen Egyptian Philosophy," The Journal of Pan African Studies, (2009) eBook, pp. 29-30 (originally published in New York by Philosophical Library in 1954).

Though the original people were made in the image of God, foolishness remakes God, moves the Holy Land, gives history a makeover...

Poem | On The Origin Of Things

African Female Honored In Spirituality, Not Religion
Unity Consciousness #33

The European man [and others] had to deny the female. When you go in the temples he built from the Nordics all the way down to the Mediterranean, you don't see any woman playing the major role.

On the opposite hand, when you go into the tombs in Egypt [Kemet], the woman is all over the ceiling. She is shown as the universe and the heaven. The stars and other planets are painted on her body. She is in the ceiling and her vagina is shown as the portal for man.

For example, In the temple of Het-Heru (Hathor), she is shown giving birth to Ra, the sun [son]. In the morning the sun bursts, a little sprig of green tree is being held in the hand of Goddess Het-Heru and she's smiling at this tree of life. In the same scene, at the other end, the sun is going back into her mouth. It comes through her mouth, through her vagina and back through her body in the 24 hours of the day, life forever.

Whereas the West is talking about an ending of a world, the African is speaking about a world forever - that when your life ends, it is a new cycle for you, a new world for you. The world for everybody else does not disappear.

In the African concept, there is no fire that's going to come and burn up the whole world. There will be the world continuing. You will make a transition, from one world to the next. Your world ends the day you die but a new world begins. That's the African concept.

The whole world isn't going to stop at the same time. That's the European concept.

Who Is The Creator? | Third Basis Using Genesis 1:27

(1) The Concept Of Maat Understanding Alkebulan - Dr. Ben Jochannan

Saturday, November 29, 2014

What Is A Religion | Definition | Unity Consciousness #32

Religion Definition

1. Religion is the celebration of the highest values within a culture. A culture's greatest expressions are codified and that provides the values of their God, Goddess or Deity. (1)
2. Religion is the deification of a culture.
3. Religion is first and foremost about the culture, not about the Creator.
4. Religion is the codified, formalized, dogmatized version of African spirituality. (2)

Definition Of Religion Based On Behavior Of Cultures

1. That which is separated and divorced from nature even though the Creator is nature.
2. A rationale for excluding people. (3)
3. A rationale for disregarding the 6. Rights Of Creation.
4. Something to be displayed in public when necessary to keep the masses under control of the few.
5. A belief that its version of Creation is truer than the original it is based on
6. A servant, tool and weapon of The System Of Human Racism & Other Discriminations.
7. A belief system that denies its origin.

(1) The Concept Of Maat Understanding Alkebulan - Dr. Ben Jochannan
(2),(3) Dr. John Henrik Clarke Origin and Impact of Racism

Black African Unity Begins With Knowledge Of Self
Unity Consciousness #31

As explained in ”Definition of Genius | Demystifying Genius,” by listening to the wrong people and by being taught by their way of thinking, we have learned how not to be geniuses. This interferes with unity.

Knowledge Of Self Is The Way To Unity

Lack of knowledge of self prevents unity among us. We can study ourselves out of this limitation. Unity must first begin occurring within self with the Creator then extend outside self to begin unifying with all else. Unity is this basic process.

Black African Unity is not something we just decide to do and do it. The problem is not that we are incapable of unity with each other, the problem is approaching unity the wrong way.

Anything short of an African consciousness approach to unity will result in behavior that does not reflect African consciousness. This type of unity is easily destroyed by enemies because strong bonds of African values are absent.

It is contradictory to copy behavior of others because that also means we are copying their thinking. If Black Africans are to be unified, we must not simply copy what others are doing.
1. We must either take what they are doing and modify it to fit who we are OR
2. We must copy what Black Africans have done whose ideas on how to do things came from themselves.

The thinking and behavior of other people has a direct negative influence against Black African unity. If we mimic their ways and attempt unity using what works against Black African unity, we must fail every time, in every way, sooner or later.
However, if unity has a foundation of African consciousness which has a foundation of knowledge of self, unifying with others of similar orientation will be automatic and enemies can do nothing, except what enemies do when desperate - kill the body and bomb and burn our businesses as was the case with Black Wall Street.

Knowledge of Self Explained Another Way

Since increasing knowledge of self is a prerequisite to Black African unity, it is explained once more.

“As the capacity for both optimal [unified] and suboptimal [dis-unified] functioning exists within each human being, an optimization process exists whereby progress toward unity consciousness [knowledge of self] can be realized by utilizing any sense of separation from the Supreme Being as the opportunity for edification, growth, and mastery of lessons leading to a deeper, clearer, more cohesive, coherent, comprehensive realization of Oneness.” (1)

Black African Unity Is Inevitable

“African unity will not be denied” per Ancestor Kwame Toure. It is the water behind hundreds of thousands of damns worldwide that are about to give way. As Africans increase knowledge of self, the pressure against what is holding us back, builds.
We must remember, unity is not a human concept. Unity is a universal concept. It is the Creator's mindset from which unity comes and it is in our genes. We must approach unity the Creator's way, not the human way. Our approach to unity must be the way of the human being in concert with creation.

History, both ancient and as recent as today, proves Black Africans are a unifying people. We come together and work together all the time for very important reasons. Once these reasons are guided by the uniting force of knowledge of self, unity will be sustained.

(1) Myers, Linda James, Ph.D. & Speight, Suzette L., Ph.D., "Reframing Mental Health and Psychological Well-Being Among Persons of African Descent: Africana/Black Psychology Meeting the Challenges of Fractured Social and Cultural Realities,"The Journal of Pan African Studies, (2010, June), vol.3, no.8, p. 74.

Definition of Genius | Demystifying Genius
Unity Consciousness #30

Definition Of Genius

As children of the Creator, the Creator's genes are in us. These genes are the source of genius that have been passed on to all creation. Genius is (genes-in-us).

Demystifying Genius

Smartness, intelligence and genius are not rare. What is rare is to be incapable of smartness, intelligence and genius.
All people have 99.9% the same genes. Genius is not in the few, genius is in the many.
It doesn't take a genius to think or figure out anything. All it takes is genius.
Genius is all we have.
Genius is more than enough.
Genius is more than enough because genius is in abundance and abundance is in genius.
Genius is the minimum standard of the Creator.
If we believe we are not geniuses, we do not know ourselves.

Genius is the status quo
When spirit controls
Connecting us to all ways
Knowledge flows

How Can We Not Be Geniuses?

By listening to other people tell us about ourselves to the point we mistrust our own genius. That's how.
By being taught by those not in pursuit of knowledge of self. This causes knowledge to be taught one subject at a time instead of all subjects simultaneously. We have been taught not to be geniuses. That's how.

False Notions About Genius

Imhotep could not have been the first genius since he was not the first person born and geniuses are born every day, all day.
George Washington Carver was not the first or last to talk to plants.
Neanderthals could not have been stupid since they also, are children of the Creator.

Reclaim Genius

The sooner we reclaim our birthright as geniuses, the sooner we can take the direct route out of this mess directly through our genius.
If we are who we say we are, children of the Creator, we might as well act like it, think it, know it, understand it and study it.

As has been told to we,
Know yourself is the key
How much plainer can this be?

There is no genie that grants wishes but there is a genius that does.

Poem – Paul Leroy Robeson, Sr.: Speaking Of Genius

Justice Can't Exist Alongside European Thinking
Unity Consciousness #29

Justice Is Optimal Theory, European Thinking Is Suboptimal

"Optimal theory posits [puts forth] the following:

The nature of the particular set of assumptions (e.g., about the nature of reality, knowledge, how one knows, human identity, what is of value), become the intangible force gestating consciousness giving birth to perceptions, thoughts, feelings, meanings, and subsequently behavior.

These principles emanating from an optimal worldview become collectively implemented as social policies, laws, institutional practices and procedures.

[However,] by virtue of its fragmented nature, the current dominant social reality constructed is prone to [human] racism, sexism, classism, ageism, environmental degradation, elitism, rankism, and is thus, termed suboptimal.

A sense of self alienated from its interconnecting core and moral compass informs discontinuous and fragmented perceptions which will fuel thought, feelings and behaviors that extend all the way through to social policies, practices and procedures, and laws. [This fits the definition of Racism]

Institutionally reinforced, the principles underlying a suboptimal worldview will make it virtually impossible to create a just, sacred, and sustainable world.

The fragmented mindset prevents holistic, integrative thinking, and will reflect the incapacity for the higher stages of ego, moral, and spiritual development." (1)

To expect Europeans living in an Ice Age culture, to operate as if they lived in a tropical country would be not dealing with reality. To expect the lifestyle of a man in the Ice Age to have the same moral values compared to a man coming from the sun climate would be opposite to reality. (2)

The World Is Not A Better Place Since European Domination, Unity Consciousness #44

(1) Excerpted, with formatting changes, from ”African Consciousness & Justice For All Is Optimal Theory Based On Optimal Practice”
(2) The Concept Of Maat Understanding Alkebulan - Dr. Ben Jochannan

Knowledge Is Salvation | Unity Consciousness #28
Africans Must Study To Win The Great War Against Racism

What Is Study?

Study is mental food and other forms of nutrition.

Study is whatever is done that improves knowledge of self. It is many activities such as learning genealogy and biographies, conversations, communing, experimenting, introspection, listening, meditating, observing, searching, practicing, questioning, reading, re-searching, reflection, remembering, trying, watching, and more.

Study IS NOT about becoming a historian and remembering a bunch of names, dates and events. Study is for the purpose of understanding. Understanding helps us contruct lives using relationships that match the African way of thinking.

More Reasons To Study

1. Mother Destiny is calling us to Greatness. Through study we answer the spirit's call.

2. To know what must be done in general (what every African must do) and also to know what must be done specifically (what each person's assignments are).

3. We cannot see truth through the lenses of a lie.* Because we have been miseducated, we have been taught lies. It is not possible to do #2 above if our thinking is based on lies.

4. If we want to change our lives, we must change the information we use to guide our thinking. Through study, we give our minds the knowledge it needs and craves. Then our thought process will function on our behalf; therefore, so will our behaviors.
Studying is one of several ways to get mental, spiritual, emotional and physical nutrition and medicine that will help feed our knowledge of self and sense of self and sense of self-esteem that will reorient and rebalance our psyche.

5. Understanding implies studying. If we say we understand something, yet have not studied, we only have someone else's understanding. When we operate based on another person's understanding, it is only possible to believe something. It is not possible to know it.
Belief is a blind choice, which is a guess, because it is absent of understanding. No amount of faith or emotion can transform a lack of understanding into understanding. Study must inform it in order to transform it. Likewise, fear is not a good reason to remain foolish but fear is a good indicator stupidity will eventually develop.

6. Study is each person's responsibility. By fulfilling this responsibility, the Rights Of Creation become realized.

7. Everything we need to know has already been told to us by our ancestors. It is in many forms in our possession and within reach. The African worldview is the way to understanding the way Africans speak and the key to understanding secrets we'd rather not keep.

8. To those who think they know enough to live by: Knowledge needs more knowledge in order to stay fresh, active and growing within and without. In other words, knowledge is the nutrition of knowledge. If knowledge is not being increased, knowledge will decrease.

9. Through study we will be able to know how to adjust what is already being done. Through study we will know what connections to make and what connections to break.

10. Through study, we clear up contradictions. Just because something is right or wrong in society doesn't mean it is right or wrong for us. Racism is right and we know that's wrong. It is wrong to teach truth about history and we know that couldn't be right. Through study, we learn to adjust our value system until it aligns with who we are before we became sick following the ways of the wicked.

Without study, a person who believes or disbelieves can only reach the decision through the use of substitute proof for the truth. We come to know truth through study.

11. Through study, consciousness reawakens. When we wake up, we stop sleeping on the job and the work that must be done will get done straightaway.

12. Study of self is a co-catalyst that move awareness from thinking everything's okay and “I don't need to change” to an honest self-assessment that allows us to at least be able to see the need for self-correction. Self-study does not guarantee we will take additional steps to carry out self-correction but self-study is necessary before correction at the fundamental level can take place.

Knowledge Is Salvation

Knowledge transforms limitation into liberation.

To be “saved” means to be “liberated” from something.*

Some say, to be saved is to be liberated from the sting of sin, the second death. To be saved in African terms means increasing knowledge of self which liberates consciousness from the stagnation of incompleteness (not becoming more unified with creation). This is “sin” to whoever knows to do it but chooses not to. Why? Choosing not to become more unified with creation is to not move closer to the Creator. This denies the Creator the opportunity to experience the triumph of the higher self through us. It is we, who make the world better, by becoming better. This occurs as we transform the limitation of the lower self into the liberation of the higher self.

Through study, we work ourselves (singular) out of our situation (singular). Therefore, we liberate ourselves. Therefore, through study, we work out our own salvation. How? Knowledge changes thinking which changes behavior. Knowledge of self is knowledge of the Creator which automatically aligns behavior with the Creator's. Behavior that matches the Creator's is salvation.

Africans must study. The Creator is studying and so must we. We must study to show ourselves approved and worthy of the Creator's genes that are in us. These genes are the source of genius. It is the destiny of greatness to all who answer the call. Through us, the power and glory of the Creator will once again be made known to all, on Earth, as it is in Heaven.

* Per Ray Hagins.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Poem | Job Lost, Now Opportunities Can Be Found
Unity Consciousness #27

Do not be distraught
When job is lost
Or take evil to court
Where justice is just for sport
And losing games are fought
Thank them for saving your life
From following bad advice
Be grateful there's no more box
Only a circle where nothing is lost
Especially time under a stupid boss
Enjoy being out of the game
Where paychecks cost
This money for your life
Always always capitalism's price
Now's your chance to be retaught
By Great Mother Maat
High Priestess of the labyrinth
Who knows what's in each cabinet
She will show you how to apply
The 2 corners to 3 eyes
As fronts to sides
To cube the elliptical
Then use the optical
To dissolve the illusion
Stay the hand of pain's confusion
So in reality, you'll realize
How to use every resource
In creation in concert
Break out of confinement
For realignment
With duty and assignment

Job Lost? Don't Lose Spirituality

Life Plan | Follow "Stupid" Animals To A Winning Strategy

Self-Esteem | Employer, Employee Differences Poem

Definition | Health Is Knowledge of Self

Giving cells everything they need to do their jobs so we can do our jobs.

South side Of Heaven and Hell | Unity Consciousness #26

Evidently both Heaven and Hell have a south side.

Which one of these two south sides Africans go to depends on which side of the violence they are on.

There must be human racism and other discriminations in both Heaven and Hell because, according to some religions, the way things are on Earth is how they're supposed to be. If this is true, then it must be okay with the Creator also; therefore, both Heaven and Hell must also be segregated with lower class accommodations.

Now we know to expect the same behavior in the afterlife. Just like it is on Earth, as more Europeans and wannabes move into Heaven and Hell, Africans will get gentrified out of both places.

Salvation for Africans, according to European way of thinking, is at European discretion.

The behavior of Europeans who say they believe in Heaven and Hell, clearly shows, it is not the same Heaven and Hell of the scriptures they got Africans following.

The reason there are no black angels shown in any images of Heaven, is that Africans don't get to go to the good side of Heaven. Africans don't get to have the same things in Heaven others are entitled to.

On the south side of Heaven, instead of a river, there's a drainage ditch where leftovers flow downstream from the north side. These leftovers are the fresh fruit from the Tree of Life, because the south side of Heaven is a food desert. The streets are not paved with gold, they are paved with toilet paper rolls and full of holes. Africans can't just stroll around in Heaven like they're on easy street. Africans must tiptoe around carefully so as not to fall through one of those holes all the way to Hell. Even the “good” Africans in Heaven, catch hell, and will eventually end up in Hell right alongside their family members, the “bad” Africans, who will welcome them to reality.

The reality is this:
If you follow the same beliefs
as the murderer and thief
on Earth
to whom your life has no worth
you will also suffer the same grief
in Heaven and Hell
and your only equality will be your hurt

Perhaps then, the Heaven seekers, will learn to listen to their ancestors, the true knowledge keepers of the way.

Earth Is Practice For Heaven

Behavior on Earth automatically puts each person on the waiting list for Heaven (Amenta) or Hell (Abydos). Behavior determines this. Behavior can move a person from one list to the next with enough sustained change. Both Judas and the rich young ruler almost made the change from going the wrong way. They came close. They were right there at the verge of understanding. If we understand their stories we will understand where we are at this moment of decision.

If only Judas and the rich young ruler had used the thought process. By going a little further into analysis, life would have been very different for them, even in the aftermath of one-time or long-term error. Neither of them went deeper into themselves to find their bearings. They gave up by giving in to the habit of listening to what they were used to following. They followed the pre-programmed thought process in their mind. They did not understand -
the thought process
is to help align us
with the Divineness
inside us
so spirit and ancestors can guide us
the thought process
is not to confine us
to what somebody else has told us
and thus
get us
to mistrust
our own genius
and do the minus
by following the teachings and thinking of the soulless
as they suck and drain our resources

Salvation is behavior in concert with creation.

Teaching Proverbs | Animism Definition Rejected - African Spiritual Practices Accepted

African Personal Responsibility Definition
Unity Consciousness #25

Personal Responsibility

Africans know, just because someone has their foot on our neck, it is still our responsibility to breathe. We would not be here if we were prone to giving up and prone to blaming someone else and doing nothing else. We have taken the odds as they are and have put forth tremendous effort to survive. We are a people who take responsibility for our responses to the behaviors of others.

With that being said, just because we take responsibility, those who have caused situations, do not get to escape responsibility.

Africans understand simultaneous responsibility. Yes, we are responsible for changing our thoughts in order to change our situation. At the same time, others are also responsible for changing their thoughts and doing something about their behaviors that harm others.
Africans do not rely on others to change, but we still hold them accountable. We hold them accountable from now on until the results of their changes are evident. This will be so even as we change our situation because we must always be wary and aware of the negative thoughts still resident in the population so as not to let our guard down during the war.
We hold others accountable for not divesting themselves of all the benefits of the past and present. We hold them accountable for continuing what their forefathers and mothers have done. We hold them accountable for their laws. If things were fundamentally different, the amount of effort Africans are used to putting in to stay above water would automatically propel us to the sky, in the face of far less resistance. In other words, we would leap or fall forward when a wall is removed we're pushing against. Natural order and balance would reestablish itself. It hasn't and is going in the opposite direction.
Now that we have Willie Lynch understanding we will go from seeing the necessity to be twice as good to thrice as good. This is entirely within our responsibility and entirely within our created capability.
Historically, as we remember the accomplishments of our ancestors, we see we have been at least 5 times as good at one point based on the fact that, through Africans, all fundamental knowledge in use today was transferred from the Heavens to Earth. No one in history comes close. No one in history has been around as long as us. We have continued to excel to this day. This has been explained in ”Study Perspectives: Later Stone Age.”

Anyone who claims contributions can only do so because it is built on an African origin of knowledge. This is true outwardly and inwardly. Anyone who creates anything today can only do so due to DNA. Every person's DNA has an African origin and African roots. Not by a little bit, but by a lot. Most differences in people today are falsely enhanced and are superficial, especially relative to the commonality we all share.

All groups of people have African origins. They are either direct descendents of those who migrated from Africa or the direct descendents of those who had already migrated from Africa and migrated some more. In essence, there is only one indigenous people and only one indigenous land. We are all Africans from Africa. The sooner we reconcile this understanding the sooner we can get on with our greatness.

It is necessary to state these facts emphatically to offset the false notion that Africans have no history, no contributions, no culture and are of far lesser value, though children of the Creator, yet deserving of far fewer rights. Of course none of this is true. It is so not true because all other groups have “borrowed” huge amounts from our history, our contributions, our culture and our spiritual philosophy and traditions. This just came to me from the ancestors within. Perhaps when it comes to our contributions and culture, the reason we haven't missed them is because they are in use throughout every society's systems.

I recall as a child in my twenties that a male from western Asia told me my people had no culture. I had no response. This did not help my self-esteem. I wish anyone would try that today. Yet, this is still being done to our children and us every day in every way. We are being told and shown who they are and who we are and most of it is a lie. The Willie Lynch Speech is a lie detector. This is the power of knowing ourselves, truths about ourselves and about other people. No one will be able to pull the Willie wool over our eyes.

Our Responsibility Does Not Excuse Others

It is fake to imply and explicitly state Africans are weak in the willingness to overcome through their own efforts. It is fake to say we are trying to wallow in misery, blame someone else and wait for “massa” to return to his pre-Ice Age status of human being.
Those who quickly try to shift clear and present responsibility from the attacker to the victim have bought into the notion of feeling ashamed of blaming the attacker. They are ashamed of us. They also feel their “making it” is jeopardized by those who have not “made it.” This is their secret sin. They also clearly deny we are still under attack in a war because they are attempting the impossible - allegiance to two flags.

Excerpted from Real True Willie Lynch Speech Letter & More

Each person has the responsibility to take their unique combination of genetics and improve upon them.

Choice & Decision Analysis | To Each His Own – An Escape Route From Responsible Thinking

I had to accept responsibility for fear.

Values cause failure or success.

Definition | Racism Is Defined As White Supremacy
Unity Consciousness #24

Racism Means White Supremacy

Racism is a global system of behavior organized by persons who classify themselves as White whether consciously or subconsciously determined. The goal objective is for White genetic survival on planet Earth and to prevent White genetic annihilation. Because on this planet, the vast majority of people have melanin in their skin and they are Black, Brown, Red and Yellow. All of those people are genetically-dominant compared to people who classify themselves as White.

Racism is a system. It is not institutional, it is a system. A system encompasses institutions. Racism is a system. The system is global. It is global as well as local. There is no place on planet Earth where Racism defined as White Supremacy does not exist. It is everywhere.

The system of White Supremacy establishes specific patterns of behavior in all areas of people activity:

1. Economics (includes all industries not listed below such as food, medical, clothing, personal products, housing, television, news media, weather media, internet, social media, search engines, email providers, automobiles, phone makers, phone companies, etc.)
2. Education (is the same thing as Science)
3. Entertainment (Sports)
4. Labor
5. Law
6. Politics
7. Religion
8. Sex
9. War - internal military (police)and external police (military)
10. Non-profits [my addition]

All of this can be summarized as culture. Everything that is done 24 hours a day by this collective is for the purpose of establishing, maintaining, expanding and refining White Supremacy.

Understanding Human Racism White Supremacy Still Exists

Police Psychology, Violence & Guns
Wilson & Ferguson – Legal Representatives Of America
Unity Consciousness #23

The Truth About Police
The Best Place To Live?
How can a place to live be nice
When trying to live costs you, your life?
The love affair with guns by European males has been explained by Dr. Frances Cress-Welsing. I will now blend her ancestors with mine.

Because Europeans are mutations, phenotypically speaking, they fear genetic annihilation. In order to compensate for the genetics they don't have, but African males do, European males use the gun as the “Great Equalizer.”

Hunting Psychology

European male police officers are hunters of life not protectors of life. They are hunting buddies in legal uniform. During an episode of Cops, the TV series, I watched one of these European male cops and his big police dog, chase a black male. After catching him, the officer was so elated he couldn't contain himself. Not elated for catching the person. He said words that were obvious he was elated because of the thrill of the hunt and indicated he couldn't wait to do it again. Sounds like slavery days don't it? It is still this way.

European males have extended their assault from just African males to an all-out assault on all creation. They like to shoot anything whether it's moving or not. They like to shoot the air, rocks, bottles, cans, trees, water, animals, insects, you name it. They like the feeling of power of squeezing the trigger and being able to direct a projectile into something. They like watching stuff fall apart, explode and die. They want power but only if they don't have to get too close to use it. This is their brand of courage because they live in fear of everything more powerful than them – the natural world and the Africans.

Orgasmic Psychology

To European males, shooting a gun is orgasmic. When they become police officers, they can't stop after just one shot. Bullets are their ejaculation. Any grown person knows, once any male pulls the trigger on ejaculation, it is nearly impossible to stop it. This is why African males are shot numerous times until the police officer has shot his wad (emptied the weapon). When multiple cops are involved, we now understand why all of them shoot at once and empty their weapons. To them it's like a gang bang. Since they are dudleys and Africans are studlys, they have to fu*k the brother up. When they shoot 12-year olds from their cars and instantly when they arrive on the scene, that is the same as premature ejaculation.

Shooting metal sperm into an African male feels like domination to a Son of a Gun because it is the only way the European male can outdo the African male in an erection.

Thus what can be said about their physical sex life is that it mainly falls into categories such as bland, healthily emotionally detached, violent (unhealthily emotionally detached), aberrant. And so you can infer the domino effects upon their mates and children and other social relationships that they consider to be normal and "in good shape."

Police Psychology Is All-American

Violence is an all-American pastime. Since violence is ingrained in American institutions that operate 24/7, violence is the most participated in activity. We know power in the hands of the miseducated and uneducated is a dangerous thing. America is a prime example.

Without the gun, America would not exist. This is historical fact. Also, since America has pledged allegiance to violence, they cannot co-exist with anyone, not even themselves. These are historical facts.

Now, we should no longer be surprised at the behavior of police. The police are the internal military. The military is the external police. The term “police brutality” has become mostly redundant. It's like saying “violent violence.”

Yet, if there were no guns in America and European males still had all their other weapons, most of them would quit.

According to one report, in America, there are 4 times as many gun retailers as there are McDonald's restaurants. I would not be surprised if soon, guns are sold at McDonald's or can be ordered with a pizza for home delivery.

Psychology of Emasculation Is Overpowering

Consider what police have to work with. To go along with their official power, they also have cars that go twice as fast, tanks, trucks, water cannons, sound weapons, all forms of guns, grenades, tasers, gas, batons, mace and training in how to harm, maim and kill. They are trained mercenaries. They have all these weapons and are trained at home, at school and in society that violence is the first and best way to achieve and maintain power. Even so, they do not feel powerful because they recognize they need all this just to handle and stand up to an African male, even a teenager, who has no other weapon than his genetics. They feel emasculated from the start and this is why genetic annihilation looms large in their psyche, thus their behavior.

To compensate for this feeling of inadequacy, a gun is their performance enhancing drug. It allows them to stand face to face with the African male child and African male adult. Without the gun, the law and the people on their side, they would run. Even with the gun, they have to hurry up and shoot before they start shaking. Wilson's testimony, though mostly fiction, is true in his psycho-sociopathy world of fear. He, like most, are unfit for duty unless duty is to serve violence and protect the System of Human Racism White Supremacy. We must conclude one or the other.

Blow Job Psychology

Far too many police officers live in fear and act as bullies. They instigate fights. They have all this “power” and walk around with a mental and emotional hard-on. They need to show someone they are powerful. They are always fearful and quick to anger. This puts Africans in a position with only one possible maybe way to survive. Acknowledge European males are the “Masters of the Universe” which gives them satisfaction and helps them release their pent-up inhibitions that they are still in control. By doing everything they say and nothing they don't say and by not asserting legal, civil and human rights, we give them a mental and emotional blow-job. After that, they might let us live if we let them feel on us (body search) and thank them for giving us a hard time and letting us pay (give us a ticket). Without any or all of this “backing down from humanity” behavior, Africans are subject to at least some abuse and brutality, if we are fortunate.

Power outside of self is the European male's only identity. He needs to feel secure in this insecurity.

No Sanity, No Security

No African has a fair chance in a society heavily armed but not heavily up in arms against violence of all types to body, mind, emotion and spirit.

Wilson & Ferguson are just more of the same that has never changed. Michael Brown is my child and I don't have any children to spare as psycho-sociopaths free each other and give each other free reign to kill again in hopes of causing African genetic silence – an impossible task only fools undertake.

As usual their focus is superficial
When life is spiritual
Mother is at the perimeter
To help break this temperature
As last nerves sear
End nears for my ringing ears
Bullets killing me loud and clear
Ancestors, we are still here
Following instructions, for more to appear
So stinging tears are replaced
By resounding singing cheers

This is part of the series on violence (Unity Consciousness #19 - 22.) beginning with Definition | Violence Begins At Home

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Poems | Violence Continues, Masquerades At School
Unity Consciousness #21

Every day, millions of graduates masquerade
From violent homes to violent schools
Where children are taught violent rules
And that violence is a game they must play
In order to protect their pay
There is no place in America where it isn't this way
Whoever can show me one place
Has forgotten to take their medicine today

Schools Of Violent Thinking

The effects of school-based miseducation, with its false notions and lies, are the secondary cause of violence in America. Miseducation has been discussed numerous times.

School Systems Of Violence

School systems teach violence by teaching hatred. This is done textbook style. The content devalues groups of humans and other life by not including them in the proper context. This keeps people from knowing who they really are which is a personal attack upon the senses.

This daily school-based trauma, supported by the home, helps children become bullies who then become adult bullies in societies in places like the illegal system.

This daily school violence helps children shoot each other since respect for others is taught out of them.

Violence must get worse because most people can't withstand a stressful assault constantly for years. Many are going to freak out and act out because they have no idea how to find a way out or work it out.

Those committing violence in America are products of its homes and schools. Those who support this kind of school system as the best thing going must be crazy. Any person who lacks a thought process to give themself a fair chance at reaching understanding, is in big trouble.

Violence Is Not A Respecter Of Persons

Violence, like all other things supported by a society, will seek the epitome of expression.

It is a shock to the system of any child to be born in Creator mode and then by age ten or so get forced into country mode or some other, non-universal way of thinking. Since it is impossible to deny truth when the higher spirit is in control, both emotion and mind have to behave as renegades against spirit. This creates internal dysfunction, internal commotion, internal confusion, internal struggle and internal violence.

A constant flow of garbage into the mind from schools, sets a society up for violence for generations in ways they know not.

Violence always escapes its host and, if uncorrected, always outgrows its host. The host can no longer direct the violence and thus the violence, being no respecter of persons, consumes its host.

Since America has supported itself on violence since infancy, it is only natural this immature country will continue to act this way until it gets an old fashioned butt whooping. This is exactly what's coming from the black matter and black energy of the universe, Sirene Oshun, Netta, Nehanda, Sekhmet and Garvey riding high in the wind directing them.

Coming To Conclusion

It is quite the sick, ridiculous contradiction to send children to school to learn to be the the best they can be but give them a bunch of lies about who all people are originally. The only way these false notions can come true is to discriminate to violently make them come true.

The use of violence
As the greatest resource
Is a clear lack of competence
Especially spiritual intelligence
Thus a nation of pretense
Soon to be spoken of in past tense
For any society that defines power as something outside of self, the natural result must be ever-increasing violence.

Since power inside self (knowledge of self) has been lost and its replacement (what the society offers as a means of identity) is inadequate, a society of power-starved people will behave violently because they think it is their best option to survive and experience a full life. This need for expression is what creation is predisposed to seek in concert with creation not by violent means. Violence in the home, school and society ensures this ain't happening now or never. Why? First, violence is used to displace knowledge of self, then violence becomes the means to secure things to replace the missing knowledge of self. Violence is the society's way of life. It is all they know, something history readily shows. There is no benevolence except for the strategic use of malevolence. Understand this and we will move on.

Many problems stem from a loss of individual power.

Poem | Legal System Of Violence - Unity Consciousness #22

There are many predictors of violence. Mind-centeredness is one of them and either leads to or stems from mental-illness.
With these two sicknesses in control
People cannot be healthy spiritual
So their capacity for justice is zero
They mock the admonitions of Mother Justice
Steal ten commandments and say, “trust us”
To support a money-making profession
Faking repentance, feigning confession
All for genetic survival which is impossible
Because medicine is removing this obstacle
The antidote is being passed around
Seek the natural wherever it is found
Which knows decisions coming down
Enough! Comes the thunderous sound
Add lightening to these heightening days
Purify countries with citizens as slaves
The verdict in the sky on black lit display
Reads, “Convicted, insides to be set ablaze”
Prepare the gallery, but not their way
If America makes one more giant leap to add to the many this century alone, all the shams will come off covering the cesspool. Right now is past the time to heed the signs and make focused use of time. Right now the crazy people are getting sicker, don't know why they are, and are running scared. They are moving into cities, seeking safety when there's none to be found. The universe, something they've always feared, is changing faster and faster. The house of cards, toothpicks and superglue just ain't holding up like it used to. This is nothing new in societies who have yet to head in the direction of becoming civilizations. A society is to a civilization as a human is to a human being. The former immaturing, the latter maturing.

Gun-Ho-pelessly Out Of Control

Not only has America instituted a self-sustaining system of Human Racism and other discriminations, copied by many nations, it has unwittingly created a value system and culture of violence. The people are hopelessly devoted to Yurugu – completely dedicated to the incomplete - their only deity – now a casualty of an ill-advised war against the only Superpower.

America has been in more wars and supported more wars than any country in history and has done so in an extremely short period of time. 500 years ain't long y'all compared to Africans who reigned for thousands of years at a time in a Golden Age manner not in a Dark Age manner.

Once we put American behavior, past and present, through the thought process we will be led to many conclusions. Here are a few:
1) “Greatness,” American-style, is the willingness to use guns and kill people by any means necessary.
2) Police are trigger happy.
3) People on the streets are legally gun-toting and trigger happy.
4) The actions of police, people on the street, the military at home and abroad, along with entertainment and media - all help program, desensitize and normalize violence as an acceptable way of behavior.
5) Citizens co-sign all violence.
6) All the stuff America blames others for is America's fault.
7) There's not enough room for all the chickens across the world that are coming home to roost in America.

Legal System Of Violence

Each of America's institutions are violent institutions because they are part of the System of Human Racism White Supremacy. The only way to not see them for what they are is to climb to the top of mountains of evidence to overlook the facts. Then sign off on a lack of evidence. Then come back down, carefully, so as not to disturb the evidence, order another slice of apple pie, settle for crumbs and put some away for retirement, all for the price of ancestral lives.

Inflation is nothing compared to the rising costs of illusion that requires the acceptance of violence as a way of life. When a society supports the disregard for rights, it also undermines its stability and thus shortens its lifespan to the degree of the deadliness within.

Just so no one feels left out, there is front line violence that is easily noticed and there's behind the scenes violence that supports the front line and also does other violence in slower, more subtle ways, yet still just as harshly felt.

Natural Laws Always Prevail

When violence tries to invade a person whose natural immunity of knowledge of self is intact, this natural sense beats it back. However, when knowledge of self is based on false evidence, this natural sense from the Creator is replaced by common sense of the perpetrator. This artificial feeling of protection and artificial intelligence is no match for a natural killer such as violence.

All this is making the Creator sicker and moving to stop the pain quicker.

Psychopath + Sociopath = Supersickness

By definition, those with callousness towards violence are a combination of psychopath and sociopath. Once again the people have mutated and once again, it is non-beneficial. The mutation has combined two sicknesses into one supersickness called psycho-sociopathy. The people have devolved to become hard-wired towards violence through their recent DNA ancestors. They are also socialized towards violence at home, school and through all major institutions.

If violence was not taught continuously after birth, a person hard-wired for violence could be taught and socialized out of it. The person would be able to overcome the behavior of their ancestors. Since they haven't, this is one of many reasons The Past Always Matters. The inherited illness of enslavement is brought from the past into the present, not in the few, in the many.

If this was not true, they would vote discrimination out of office, but they don't. If this was not true, they wouldn't give discrimination a gun and say go and police those worthless primates and we will give you protection. If this was not true, there would be so many of them fighting against any injustice, America would have to give up under the pressure of the people's will. Just because there may be a handful of “good” ones (those who might maybe die on your side and is not actually an infiltration spy), ain't reason enough to change the business we must be about.

Quit swallowing and repeating every statement these people make. If it was something you needed to know, they wouldn't say it. Quit drinking all brands of institutionalized Kool-Aid®. While you're at it, leave cool whip alone too.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

A Good Offense | Violence Ends At Home
Unity Consciousness #20

Based on the continuing results of sick societies, it remains obvious most do not have the kind of home training that will ever cause a change to civility. We must not judge things based on being able to be in the same countries, schools, communities, workplaces, religions, bedrooms, restaurants, sporting events, holidays and traditions, etc. The behavior or the lack thereof tells the truth of thought processes being taught at home. Nothing else should be expected, hoped or believed. Anything that appears to be a good thing coming from them, as Kwame Ture puts it, “is the result of a double lie.”

In the article, “Violence Begins At Home,” we are reminded children deserve a good defense. This list contains strategies for a good offense – which is always the best defense.

1. The freedom of children is dependent upon our political engagement in the struggles for justice. We cannot ignore the world and still retain the ethical credibility of any religious faith. To love one's neighbor means making a political commitment to make the world a habitable place for one's neighbor. (Segregated Outcomes For Children)(paraphrased)
2. Values cause failure or success.
3. Understand the neter of climate change/global warming.
4. Snap out of it.
5. Black out.
6. Parents Coping.
7. Get small, act large. Get large, act small.
8. Learn better habits.
9. Free the mind by expanding it until it is larger than that which tries to confine it. To the degree we increase our strength is the same degree we dilute the strength of our enemies including the enemies within.
10. Get healthy.
11. Understand genetic capabilities.
12. Understand how chronic illness mentality conflicts with the Rights Of Creation.
13. All power or all perish. To the degree we increase our strength is the same degree we dilute the strength of our enemies and transform the lower self within.
14. Learn and teach how to process thought.
15. A new approach to relationships.
16. Cancel cable, get away from the TV and study.
17. Get fundamental.
18. Redirect resources.
19. Get real.

Definition | Violence Begins At Home
Unity Consciousness #19

This is a follow-up to Thought Process & Decision Breakdown.

This is also in defense of the inherent goodness of children.

A child should not have to go through a thought process that deals with violence, especially violence at school or at home.

What Is Violence?

Besides what obviously qualifies as violence, lies are also acts of violence. Violence is whatever interferes with the ability to live in unity consciousness with Creation. All denials of the Rights Of Creation are acts of violence. Violence can be on purpose or by mistake.

Violence can also occur as a result of neglect as explained in ”Family Planning Developments, Self-Esteem And Abuse & Neglect Context.” A rampant fundamental form of neglect is not teaching a child who they are.

Whoever does not know they are a child of the Creator born through the womb of Africa is malnourished. This must be true since body, mind, emotion and spirit do not have what they need to live in a healthy state of wholeness.

On The Origin Of Things.

Knowing the place of your ancestral birth, helps you find your way back to the place of your spiritual birth.

If you don't know who you are, you have been neglected. Without knowledge of self, self-esteem is significantly reduced. Esteem must be found in other things outside of self.

This is a state of violence because it interferes with unity consciousness.

Not knowing self fosters self-violence because a person can't know what's good for them without first knowing who they are.

Children want to learn who they are and what they are capable of.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Genetic Salvation For Children, Mothers & Fathers
Unity Consciousness #18

Each child is a unique combination of the complete ancestry of their parents.

Parents are simply a child's two most recent ancestors.

No Child is 50% Mother and 50% Father

Just like the child, the mother is also a unique combination of her ancestors, both male and female. This is also true for the father.

Each egg and each sperm contain unique combinations of DNA. Each egg the mother will ever produce are all different. The same is true for each sperm the father will ever produce.

If each egg and sperm were not different, children from the same parents would all look and be alike. Even children of multiple births are different. Also, children who are supposedly identical physically are only identical to the lazy eye. They are not identical genetically either.

What Percentage of Each Parent Makes Up The Child?

Even though half of genetics comes from each parent, that 50% is not half of just that parent. That 50% is half of that parent mixed in with and all their ancestors. The result is a 50% blend of all ancestors where each ancestor and each parent represents a tiny fraction of the 50%.

A tiny fraction of each parent is passed on to the child. Who each parent has become at the moment of sperm and egg production has been added to the genetics of the rest of the ancestors already in them.

Therefore, each child and each person is a tiny fraction of their parents, grandparents, great grandparents and so on all the way back to Africa to the neters to the Creator. All these fractions add up to equal 100% of the child.

Basic Example

Just because a child is a chemist and the mother is a chemist doesn't mean the child got all their ability from the mother. The child could have gotten some chemist ability from the father even though the father is not a chemist.

For instance, the father and his ancestors could have passed on 25% of the child's ability and the mother may have contributed 75%. Chemist ability was not strong enough to manifest in the father but it was enough to contribute significantly to the child.

Each Child Is 100% Creation

We know the total of each child's genetics must add up to 100% no matter the combination. Since all genetics are the result of creation, 100% creation is who each child is.

This is extremely good news! Being 100% creation is salvation.

Each person contains abilities yet to be expressed. If these abilities are possible in creation they are also possible in each child of Creation.

These abilities might not reveal themselves if the conditions to activate the abilities are insufficient or a child is unaware due to failure to heed parental advice to Know Yourself.

Another reason these abilities might not reveal themselves is if no situation arises to use them. Therefore, whatever situation children of Creation must face, already within DNA are the instructions (ancestors) waiting to combine and transform themselves through Kemistry to handle the situation. Nature is made of keys.

Each aspect of creation must have many options and backup plans in order to remain in sync with an ever-changing universal ecosystem – in sickness and in health.

This has been more fully explained in ”Definition: Human Genetics' Changing Influences & Responses.”

There's More To Salvation Than 100% Creation

Genetics, DNA, ancestors, parents, natural world, Universe and Creator are all words for the same thing. They are in unity in consciousness. Each word means children contain powers and characteristics that can combine and recombine until the right combinations are found that are needed.

Each person has the responsibility to take their unique combination of genetics and improve upon them. This improvement is done through knowledge of self which is unity consciousness which is Maat which is oneness which is completion which is salvation.

The Creator is experiencing the universe through each person in their unique way because each person is a unique combination of the Creator. How each child, mother and father live is sending feedback to the Creator. The Creator is using this information to make adjustments to the Universal genetics because the Creator is seeking the best combination that allows Creation to live as intended. Each person's interaction with creation enhances Maat (understanding) within the Creator.

So before there is need to put emphasis on what's going to happen in the next dimension, judgment day is happening every day in this way: “Did the child do better once the child knew better?” This will automatically answer what's going to happen next.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Thought Process & Decision Breakdown
Unity Consciousness #17

Practice The Thought Process

Each time we say the word “think” or “thought” we could use that moment to consciously practice the thought process.

Each time we hear someone use the word “think” or “thought” or read each word, we could practice using our thought process to see if we come up with the same conclusions and decisions. Here is just one of thousands of daily examples.

A high school student recently stated he “has a hard time thinking a mass shooting could happen at his school.”
One of our main questions should be, How can this be in light of numerous school shootings in America in recent years?

Breakdown The Statement Being Made

The main words in the sentence are “thinking” and “hard.”
“Hard” is more important in this sentence because this teenager finds it hard to think. He is not saying he can't think.
Why does he find it hard to think? Most likely it's due to fear. Fear gets in the way of clear thinking.
As a result, this soon to be legal adult has basically decided “it can't happen at my school.”
We know this is an inappropriate conclusion and decision.

Brief Breakdown Of The Process

What makes thinking about something hard?
When there's no process.

In the absence of process, what happens? The mind follows the strongest influence related to the thought.

In this example, the strongest influence is emotion. The conclusion reached through the emotional thought processor is given the greatest weight. So based on the emotion of fear, the decision is reached that it can't happen at my school. The result is an inappropriate decision.

If this teenager was taught the thought process, the mental thought processor would also process information. In this case the information is historical evidence of the trend, nature and widespread distribution in school shootings. The mental conclusion would be that it could happen anywhere and this would at least be given equal weight to the emotional conclusion. As a result, the child would likely reach the decision that it is possible for a shooting to occur at his school no matter how unsettling the realization is.

This is very different from deciding it can't happen. The thought process is the difference between inappropriate and appropriate decisions and behaviors.

Summing Up The Breakdown

From this breakdown of the thought process, we can easily see how just one single missed step, incomplete information or assumption can significantly change how life is lived. Due to cause and effect, the thought process affects conclusions which affects decisions which affects behaviors which affects desired results.

We should use the thought process and the Prayerful Religion Review as two, of many, powerful tools to help us live as intended.

We must use our time and other resources to investigate thought processes to ensure they are not detrimental. This applies to our thought processes and the thought processes of others.

How To Get Past Fear

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Thought Process Definition & Example | Unity Consciousness #16

In order to think - - thoughts must process. There must be a thought process and a thought processor.

Thought Processors

We compare words to food and say, “food for thought.” because processing food is similar to processing words. See, ”Understanding Digesting Information.”

The main processor humans use today is the mental processor. We also have physical, emotional and spiritual thought processors. All four of these processors are intertwined and inseparable in the brain and in every cell.

Thought Processes

Not only do most of us use the mental processor as our main processor, we also have one main thought process. This process is a set of steps we use as our “go to” thought process when thinking about something consciously or not. This process has already been setup (designed, installed, programmed, and set as default) in our memory. It is this main thought process we use most often to make decisions. From this thought process we develop numerous variations to deal with different situations and topics.

Deeper Into Thoughts

Because we have been miseducated (disconnected), we must go back and fetch it (the proper education) and get reconnected.

We must reconnect to thought processes that lead to all things natural, thus universal.

If we are going to progress (move towards oneness), our thoughts must contribute to this process. Our thoughts are the guiding force of our free will. We cannot continue to use our thoughts to move towards individuality that is disconnected communally.

The thought process below will help us recognize adjustments to make. It is helpful to take notes to free up mental workspace. Writing stuff down makes it easier to start and stop this process without forgetting.

Thought Process Example

1. Identify Reasons for going through the thought process such as “Is this relationship healthy?”
2. Identify Responses that will result from the decision to be made. “Will I do something?” or “Will I do nothing?” For example, if the relationship is not healthy I will leave, if it is healthy I will stay.
3. Identify Results desired such as “I want to know myself, keep growing into myself, give love, receive love, get married and not lose who I am intended to be.”
4. Research external information. Here are some tips.
5. Recall internal information already possessed.
6. Reflect on the information from a mental viewpoint.
7. Reflect on the information from physical, emotional and spiritual viewpoints.
8. Relax. Ask one question such as “What should I do?” or “What is my core being telling me?” then get quiet and meditate on the results desired in Step 3.
9. Re-search what's unclear, incorporate clarity gained and rewrite answers to Steps 1-3 if needed.
10. Rest and nutrition are essential to this process. Stop consciously thinking about the information. Do other things.
11. Re-search what's unclear, incorporate clarity gained and rewrite answers to Steps 1-3 if needed.
12. Record conclusions arrived at mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.
13. Rate each conclusion by assigning different weights based on importance (value system), then combine and blend.
14. Repeat any of the steps above as necessary.
15. Review and test conclusions by questioning information and assumptions the conclusions are based on.
16. Review all steps to this point if questionable sources or assumptions are found hiding in thoughts.
17. Reach a decision.
18. Remain as is for at least 3 days if possible and don't consciously try to figure anything out in regards to the pending decision.
19. Review and test the decision by talking through “what if” scenarios.
20. Repeat any of the steps above as necessary. If no changes, implement the decision.
21. Revisit the decision as experience is gained. Compare to results desired.
22. Revise thought process as necessary and recheck all major, life-affecting decisions.

Overall, we must not try to guide the thought process, instead, let it guide us. It is our process isn't it? This is why we must design our own thought processes, put them into place and allow them to automatically assist us, behind the scenes, most of the time, the way all good, sound, fundamental thought processes do. This will require practice.

If our goal is to seek truth, we will not try to overrule the conclusions reached because we don't like what we've come up with. We must allow the evidence to speak for itself to an open-mind. If we don't like what the evidence reveals, it's a good thing to go back through the process and double check ourselves. After a few times of coming up with the same conclusions, it is what it is. The alternative is to skip the thought process and just make decisions Willie-silly.

Put at least one decision through this process. Since this path will be different from the main one currently in use, could that change the decision slightly, a lot or not at all?
Why? Why not?

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Real True Willie Lynch Speech Letter & More
What's Real & What's Fake
Unity Consciousness #15

1. What's Real

We are in a war. We must be if we are being attacked mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically. Any information that helps improve understanding also improves chances of winning.

What's Fake

Those who are paying attention to minor details, relatively speaking, at the expense of the war. This is being done by attempting to erode the confidence in a document causing us to pay more attention to what's going on or at least gain a more informed perspective.

2. What's Real

The essence, substance and main points of the Willie Lynch Speech.

What's Fake

Focusing on "Is the Willie Lynch Speech real?"

3. What's Real

Flooding the internet and all other media with critical analysis of historical lies told by the enemy, most of which can be easily proven with mountains of evidence. This is necessary to offset the smooth sounding lies all over the internet, education system, religious system and all other institutions.

What's Fake

Relentless pitbull-like investigators of truth who do not do what is real in the section above. There has been plenty of time to dig deep into all the historical inaccuracies in existence prior to the introduction of the Willie Lynch Speech. Are you not concerned about exposing major lies that have us trapped into modes of thinking and behavior?

4. What's Real

Those who have tried to discredit the Willie Lynch Speech have not done so sufficiently. At best, they only have circumstantial evidence and nothing conclusive. Their conclusions are based on thin threads, subjectivity and leaps of logic also known as faith.

What's Fake

Attacking peripheral facts while undermining trust in each other. [Note: All people have trust issues with each other. One of the advantages others have had is knowing they are in a war for survival and not having to fend off attacks from multiple groups.] The Willie Lynch Speech leads us to this understanding. This improves our odds.

5. What's Real

What is widespread and front and center in the media and in the top search results is usually what the enemy wants you to think. Search engines are not objective. How can they be when they are designed by subjective people who are not ordinary people?
What the enemy denies is truth. What the enemy supports is false. Whoever the enemy tries to discredit, we should listen to.
Whatever the enemy tries to make sure you know is a myth or hoax, even if it is, it must also have significant benefit to us, otherwise the enemy would leave it alone.

What's Fake

The enemy is interested in truth.

6. What's Real

21 Behaviors To Counteract The System Of Human Racism White Supremacy

What's Fake

Those on our side publicly questioning helpful information. This is an indication the impetus of the pushback against the Willie Lynch Speech has its origins in the enemy camp and in the enemy still deeply encamped within some of us. This is exactly what the Willie Lynch Speech is talking about.

7. What's Real

Africans know, just because someone has their foot on our neck, it is still our responsibility to breathe. We would not be here if we were prone to giving up and prone to blaming someone else and doing nothing else. We have taken the odds as they are and have put forth tremendous effort to survive. We are a people who take responsibility for our responses to the behaviors of others.

With that being said, just because we take responsibility, those who have caused situations, do not get to escape responsibility.

Africans understand simultaneous responsibility. Yes, we are responsible for changing our thoughts in order to change our situation. At the same time, others are also responsible for changing their thoughts and doing something about their behaviors that harm others.
Africans do not rely on others to change, but we still hold them accountable. We hold them accountable from now on until the results of their changes are evident. This will be so even as we change our situation because we must always be wary and aware of the negative thoughts still resident in the population so as not to let our guard down during the war.
We hold others accountable for not divesting themselves of all the benefits of the past and present. We hold them accountable for continuing what their forefathers and mothers have done. We hold them accountable for their laws. If things were fundamentally different, the amount of effort Africans are used to putting in to stay above water would automatically propel us to the sky, in the face of far less resistance. In other words, we would leap or fall forward when a wall is removed we're pushing against. Natural order and balance would reestablish itself. It hasn't and is going in the opposite direction.
Now that we have Willie Lynch understanding we will go from seeing the necessity to be twice as good to thrice as good. This is entirely within our responsibility and entirely within our created capability.
Historically, as we remember the accomplishments of our ancestors, we see we have been at least 5 times as good at one point based on the fact that, through Africans, all fundamental knowledge in use today was transferred from the Heavens to Earth.. No one in history comes close. No one in history has been around as long as us. We have continued to excel to this day. This has been explained in ”Study Perspectives: Later Stone Age.”

Anyone who claims contributions can only do so because it is built on an African origin of knowledge. This is true outwardly and inwardly. Anyone who creates anything today can only do so due to DNA. Every person's DNA has an African origin and African roots. Not by a little bit, but by a lot. Most differences in people today are falsely enhanced and are superficial, especially relative to the commonality we all share.

All groups of people have African origins. They are either direct descendents of those who migrated from Africa or the direct descendents of those who had already migrated from Africa and migrated some more. In essence, there is only one indigenous people and only one indigenous land. We are all Africans from Africa. The sooner we reconcile this understanding the sooner we can get on with our greatness.

It is necessary to state these facts emphatically to offset the false notion that Africans have no history, no contributions, no culture and are of far lesser value, though children of the Creator, yet deserving of far fewer rights. Of course none of this is true. It is so not true because all other groups have “borrowed” huge amounts from our history, our contributions, our culture and our spiritual philosophy and traditions. This just came to me from the ancestors within. Perhaps when it comes to our contributions and culture, the reason we haven't missed them is because they are in use throughout every society's systems.

I recall as a child in my twenties that a male from western Asia told me my people had no culture. I had no response. This did not help my self-esteem. I wish anyone would try that today. Yet, this is still being done to our children and us every day in every way. We are being told and shown who they are and who we are and most of it is a lie. The Willie Lynch Speech is a lie detector. This is the power of knowing ourselves, truths about ourselves and about other people. No one will be able to pull the Willie wool over our eyes.

What's Fake

Implying and explicitly stating Africans are weak in the willingness to overcome through their own efforts. It is fake to say we are trying to wallow in misery, blame someone else and wait for "massa" to return to his pre-Ice Age status of human being.
Those who quickly try to shift clear and present responsibility from the attacker to the victim have bought into the notion of feeling ashamed of blaming the attacker. They are ashamed of us. They also feel their “making it” is jeopardized by those who have not “made it.” This is their secret sin. They also clearly deny we are still under attack in a war because they are attempting the impossible - allegiance to two flags.

8. What's Real

Willie Lynch Speech is a valid summary that helps explain history. Even if it is an allegory, allegory is used by all people to teach lessons, especially in their religions. But unlike religion and education, at least the Willie Lynch Speech has begun to wake us up rather than put us to sleep. I suspect this has a lot to do with the negative attacks as to authenticity and the further maligning of Afrocentric as eccentricity when Eurocentricity is the real falsifier.

What's Fake

Characterizing the Willie Lynch Speech as a simplistic explanation of tactics of enslavement. It is not necessary to have a comprehensive understanding in order for an explanation to be useful. This explanation does not violate the truth then and the truth now.

9. What's Real

Even if the tactics described in the Willie Lynch Speech started in the 1900's, what naysayers fail to understand is everything that existed then was simply a version and transformation of what existed before. Likewise, what exists today is a version of what existed in the 1900's. The content of the Willie Lynch Speech exists in substance today and has for the past several hundred years. It has only shape-shifted.

What's Fake

Suggesting other books of slaveholder tactics are more appropriate when these books have not been able to accomplish what a single speech has. It is inappropriate to substitute an unproven tool for a proven one. This would only take away momentum, which is the enemy's intent.

10. What's Real

It matters not that we have resources when our minds are messed up. It matters not when we are following so many other ideologies foreign to our nature. It matters not that we have resources, we still want our sh*t back and monies owed. The judgment is valid until satisfied.

What's Fake

To suggest we use our minds and yet undermine what is helping us get our minds together. Yes, we have resources and billions of dollars and we work hard as hell to get it. The enemy simply takes money and makes (prints) money and uses it to fund studies and work against us. We are so powerful, one Speech can defeat all their supposed intelligence.


If you don't know poking yourself in the eye makes it difficult to see, but then you find out and also that the enemy taught you how to do it, it's a wonderful revelation. This is what the Willie Lynch Speech helped accomplish for many. For this reason, and all other reasons in this article, the Willie Lynch Speech is brilliant and masterful. There are dimensions to it for every level of learner.

I will continue to refer to the Willie Lynch Speech, a document deeply grounded and based on facts. Its content is evident and relevant both past and present. Willie Lynch ideology is part of the ongoing System Of Human Racism White Supremacy. Willies are all around us.

Although we are in a war, we are still not the aggressors. We are in a defensive posture or at least should be. The Willie Lynch Speech begins to wake us up to what's going on and brings clarity to our experiences.

This war will not be won or lost based on who wrote something. It will be impacted not knowing strategies of the enemy.

Let us be clear about the main objective of this war. If the enemy wins, there will be continued suffering. When we win, there will be harmony and peace on Earth. This was the case prior to the enemy's rising.

With or without the Willie Lynch Speech, many people are in slavery and don't know it. They readily embrace the Lynch-like tactics being used against them. In doing so, they ensure the same or worse tactics will be used against their family, children and friends. If something allegedly made up can wake us up, let's make up as many speeches as possible and attribute them to other “good ole' boys.” There's enough to go around.

Meanwhile, as we expend resources on the trifling and trivial, the enemy is in preparation for continued war on another level: The Navy Plans Electromagnetic War Games Over National Park and Forest in Washington State

Keep The African Promise To A Nation