If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Re-Ap-Praise The Lords, Raise Vibration Frequencies
Unity Consciousness #1668


(Part 9sn of 11)

It's time to add a little bit more, but first, as a slight refresher, see:
1. Vibration Frequency & Involuntary Melanin Functioning, UC#776

2. Feedback Survey Says: Efficiency In A Deficiency Context, UC#1650

Though this message is much longer than anticipated, it still only briefly and lightly addresses the topic and purposely limits the use of metaphor and the length of metaphors which are used.

The most efficient way to raise vibration frequencies and improve melanin functioning is by improving nutrition for each of the four inseparable aspects of self: physical, emotional, mental, spiritual. From the under, over, outer, inner standpoint of the optimal utamawazo, this is the area of choices that has the greatest impact on whether we fail or succeed.

Although this sounds like four, it is really only two: physical, then mind-emotion-spirit.
Though this sounds like two, it is really only one: each representing one-half.

It is not possible to significantly raise vibration frequencies long enough to improve overall health by only addressing the physical. It definitely helps to get more physical nutrition and decrease physical toxins. This can improve physical health, but improvements will hit a wall because physical health is multi-layered and is interconnected to mind-emotion-spirit, the other half needed to achieve optimal physical health. And this is why, though helpful, a physical approach has limitations, yet should still be pursued as we continue to incorporate the other half of self.
If we linger too long without incorporating nutrition for mind-emotion-spirit, then that half of self, will self-sabotage the physical. Not necessarily knowingly. Because the physical is attempting to achieve wholeness on its own while mind-emotion-spirit is operating under a counter context, gains in the physical will be taken away by mind-emotion-spirit.
In order for the physical to get what it needs, it mainly relies on understandings that mind-emotion-spirit has. The physical must keep hope alive that the suboptimal context of mind-emotion-spirit will be sufficient to understand what the physical needs. It won't. Only in small pockets of logic will mind-emotion-spirit be able to assist the physical.
Yet there's a caveat. The physical is not helpless. It has involuntary melanin functioning to assist it, which not only has mind-emotion-spirit of its own, but also a physical.
When we do not voluntarily do what we need to do, for a long time, the involuntary inseparable aspects of self will continue to work behind the scenes of our conscious free will control, to influence us in the right directions.
Involuntary melanin functioning will send additional vibrations to mind-emotion-spirit to attempt to influence us to consciously seek more nutrition for mind-emotion-spirit, thus eventually for the physical also.
To the degree we keep resisting those urgings to get more nutrition and less toxins, is the degree to which achieving optimal physical health is delayed. We only have so much time this time around. Not based on our age, but based on sets of conditions that always change and always interact, until one day, the portion of logic affecting us, that we control, places us in a position where options run out because we did not recharge enough vibration frequencies to help put us in a better set of conditions.
Time will run out on us if we think we can get physical nutrition, yet continue to be deficient in other areas, and more specifically continue to infringe upon the Rights of Creation, especially via genderism and racism and denying who we are as Africans and not moving closer and closer in applying our genetic potential towards its optimal purposes. This is part of nutrition. To not do so is part of toxin, even if not doing so still allows us to have food, shelter and clothing. We are still being killed softly because those thing are equal to being on spirit-soul life support because they only sustain us at the lowest level of existence.

Gains in one area of health will be offset by lack of gain in other areas. One will cancel the other if we seek to be physically healthy, yet we hate our jobs, hate other relationships, and just hate ourselves as evidenced by denial of our genetics to the point we gladly accept the blatant we-should-know-better lie of being less than 100% African.
Our genetics cannot flourish under such conditions. Yes we can still achieve in society, but how much more so if the entire self was in tune and being fine tuned with nutrition? We could re-achieve civilization.

Remember, we all can be saved if we are willing to do what it takes to raise our vibrations. Saved includes salvation of spirit-soul, but for now we'll just apply it to living a healthier life in this dimension.
Lack of movement towards optimal, must by necessity, still move us somewhere. That would be towards conditions that weaken our vibrations, melanin functioning and quality of whole life. At the same time increasing the death of cells which need vibrations to stay alive and repair themselves. Thus to the degree our cells are not getting strong enough vibrations to fight off the vibrations of deterioration, is the degree to which our cells will malfunction to the point of switching to self-destruct mode, which we call cancer.
All of the events taking place in our societies we attribute to human thinking and behavior, is constantly and heavily influenced by the level of vibrations of our melanin functioning.
Most of the people in charge in our societies and in “important positions” in all of our institutions, those people, due to the deep culture part of our cultures, are functioning at low levels of vibrations, low levels of functioning in a healthy balanced wholeness manner. It doesn't matter how much we respect them, truth is they are children, immature in knowledge of self, thus what do we expect as the result of their version of logic. What happens when children run things they do not understand and before they have gone through the developmental processes to acquire the tools and skills necessary to be in charge? Yeah they look grown, but why then, have our societies grown wrong? If in fact we have all this great intelligence in place? Gone wrong in every institution for so long without self-correction? Because children don't know how on their own, especially when they've been taught wrong from both ends, getting smoke blown up through them and through hit after hit on logic through the bong of the okie doke. The results and effects must be to do more wrong than good, especially in terms of self-harm, that seems right and feels good.
Right now, in all societies, the behavior of the status quo, especially those in charge any way, amounts to a cry for help, in the same manner as the “acting out” and temper tantrums and bullying behavior of an immature child. Societies are crying for help but will not hearken to the voice of their most eldest wisest parents.

This is the short version of the basic cause of all the effects we see taking place. See also opiate and euphoria.
As long as we continue to grow physically in age, but not in mind-emotion-spirit, we will continue to have messed up societies. Upheaval will continue until physical-mind-emotion-spirit is recalibrated to universal vibrations, rather than being mainly dominated by the vibrations of our nations.
One last example. There are many people calling themselves homesteaders, permaculturalists, lover's of nature and lover's of the natural way, yet they're just as disconnected from the whole, racist, gender skewed and clueless as ever. Experience is proof enough. The genetics and epigenetics these people are passing on are not being upgraded and strengthened to be calibrated to the necessary adaptions to restore wholeness. These people can have all the gardens, farms and food forests they want, yet will still be less healthy than someone without land, yet is taking a whole self approach to health. These gains are more sustainable and more quickly obtainable, which will then lead the person back to the land with a better understanding of the extended self, which is an extension of health.

Collective Vibrations

As just said, Raising Melanin Functioning is not just an individual thing, neither within self or outside of self. Collectives can raise their vibrations through conscious collaboration. All other creatures already do this. Likewise the opposite is also true.
This little bit of information links us to the understanding that humans addressing the physical, can borrow from and benefit from humans addressing mind-emotion-spirit, and the other way around. Nobody needs to be perfect in order for the collective to be optimal. Humans raising their vibrations and melanin functioning physically can exchange benefits with those raising their vibrations via mind-emotion-spirit. This of course has limited application because in order for the collective to rise, most of the people must be more healthy than they are sick.
When it comes to collective vibrations, misapplication of helping or harming the wrong collective can be fatal. As discussed elsewhere, if people of the world, help the females of racist collectives achieve power, then those racist females will turn around and up the ante of their racism to take away power from females who are not in the racist collective.

Star constellations and their Ages are major collectives that also contribute to our frequencies and functioning. For a while, a season, a cycle, certain thinking and behavior raises vibration frequencies and melanin functioning, then climate conditions change, thus overall vibrations change. Then those same thoughts and behaviors that worked for us, will work against us, unless that thinking and behavior was already guided by the optimal context, which includes employing dynamic balance.
Thus if the racist collective thinks, and they do, by raising their evil discriminations and delaying recompense, that power will be held on to longer, they have not counted all the costs of allowing ice to accumulate on their branches. When the universe changes, it's time to change logic to match, otherwise, the Universe will assist us and our logic out the door the hard way through a greater devastation than if we had simply cooperated, and done so as soon we knew better. Societies are imploding in umpteen ways. Everything is fragile and insufficiently constructed, especially the money. The stuff humans are doing is small relative to what the superhuman is doing and will do if humans, as a collective, do not move quickly toward optimal logic to match the Ages. We who have not changed will be a toxin to the Age. Everything has an immune system and so do the Ages. The Ages will beat down any logic that does not allow the Age to exercise the full power of its crown. The way things are going, history is going to repeat itself such that, in lieu of human free will willingly changing, superhuman might that is already in everything, will change vibrations frequencies and melanin functioning in ways that will once again kill large groups of humans in a short period of time. This is avoidable but won't be because too much change is required in a short period of time and collective free will is holding us back. When all God wants is yes, we are still seeking success using a failing context. This then tells us that the greater problem, even that which is causing physical cancers, lies in spirit-emotion-mind.

So finally, all the things being talked about to fix this, that and the other in societies, is reckless rhetoric unless it swiftly and significantly and simultaneously provides optimal nutrition to spirit-emotion-mind, which would then turn around and provide optimal nutrition to the physical. This is what it boils down to for any individual-collective combination wanting to raise the viability of their genetics (which includes spirit-soul), such that those genetics remain eligible to continue the process of eternal life.
There are no physical fixes for our societies. Neither will laws will do the trick.

Perhaps A Simpler Way

Focus on improving understandings regarding the fullness of how self is integrated within and without, that is necessary just for us to exist. Forget about, for a moment, all the other stuff we are doing. Then, as we remember to know better, the rest should follow that we should be better.

1. There is no way to raise vibration frequencies sufficiently enough using a suboptimal worldview because such a worldview sub-optimizes our self view, our knowledge of self, how we view ourselves and all else. How are we going to raise our vibrations in any way while the worldview we are using, causes us to lower our vibrations in umpteen ways? This applies to all the big and little pieces of logic we use because that's where the regeneration of the vibration takes place. Vibrations are reincarnated in how we use and relate to information. Everything that exists in any formation, is information. Is anformation. Is another formation of creation.
Revisit the definition of science.

2. There is no isolated item, food, treatment, potion, lotion, method, approach, list, formula or set of steps that will raise vibration frequencies strong enough or long enough for us to reach deep into the core and store of our real power in our spiritual genetics. That power being stored in our genetic library and only accessible through the spirit web. The spirit web is synonymous with the waters, which is singular and plural, like all things.

3. I sorta lied. A person having difficulty accepting or understanding the notion of vibration frequencies and melanin function, could simply do beneficial things that don't require the person to think about vibrations at all. The person could start by reducing and/or removing those things they know drains their energy without replenishing that energy. This has been discussed. One place is “Day 9: Harmony Is Energy Conservation.”

Everybody praises many lords (the things we believe and the things we know).... but not many of us reappraise the lords in relation to how effective those lords are in helping us survive and thrive.
Many of our lords of logic are sufficient to help us survive only if the society survives and only if the society feels obliged to provide what we need to survive. Now raise your hand if you think your society provides what you need to thrive?

For those who didn't raise their hands or hesitated, we have some reappraising to do to see if the rising up we think we do, is true.