If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Simple Lies Told | Jeffrey Epstein & National Health
Unity Consciousness #1679


(Part 9sy of 11)

You can always tell the general overall health of a society based on the majority of its citizens.
When the majority of citizens are unhealthy, simple lies are told.
Because that's all that's needed.

By “health” I mean the optimal definition, the one that includes the combination of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health.

We are told Epstein tried to kill himself unsuccessfully BEFORE being put on suicide watch, then he successfully killed himself AFTER being put on suicide watch.
In other words, if you want someone to kill themself in jail, put them on suicide watch.
Then tell the public you weren't watching.
In other words, those of us who believe that must think suicide watch is one of those optional policies and procedures that you really don't have to follow, because who would, because suicide watch is not all that serious, and by not following “protocol,” there can be no harm, no foul.

Now we review what is meant by “suicide watch.”
Check on someone every 30 minutes. In other words, contrary to clearheadedness, we are being trained to think, it's not possible to kill yourself in 30 minutes, so as long as there's a 30 minute check, no one can kill themselves. How much sense does that make when we know it only takes a few minutes of not breathing, to die?
Secondly, why are we not asking, don't they have cameras they can monitor to keep check on prisoners constantly?

We foolishly believe jailers cared enough about human life to put someone on suicide watch because that's the right thing to do, yet the jailers did not care enough to actually watch, thus negating the purpose of the watch, thus negating the believability of this whole “suicide watch” aspect of the story.

The Lie That First Caught My Eye

The autopsy was inconclusive.
Say what!?

How can a medical examiner coroner examine a person who committed suicide and then not be able to figure out how the person died (committed suicide), and furthermore, not even be able to determine if it was suicide?
Yet, we are told right away by the media in every story, it was a suicide. (this is the way our brains are trained)
Who told the media it was a suicide?
The cops. The trustworthy copouts whose “code of silence” is a pervasive form of violence.
Yet a scientific approach to determine the cause of death could not be determined. Therefore, we are to believe the copouts can determine the cause of death but this could not be corroborated by the medical examiner after a thorough scientific objective competent autopsy.

Then comes the follow-up lie. The lie that's sandwiched in and told so fast, we have to swallow without tasting what it is.
The follow-up lie is “The medical examiner deferred to federal investigators.”
Ah, now we're back to the biggest liar, the government, who represents all of us citizens who are littler constant liars to self, thus to pretty much everyone else.

How can an autopsy be both “inconclusive” and “deferred to federal investigators?”
Which is it?
If the autopsy was inconclusive, there's no need to defer to some other agency. The autopsy is what it is, you did your best.
However, if the medical examiner decided not to make a determination, and instead, let federal investigators do so, then the autopsy was not “inconclusive.”

Some more of the whats and whys we believe that don't add up within the Epstein scenario and neither adds up when we compare to and contrast against a broader set of experiences.

Epstein is guilty of all charges.
Epstein is the only one or main one.
Epstein, though a billionaire deeply connected globally, was the only powerful person caught up in this scandal. He was the mastermind and the one who carried out all aspects.
Epstein wanted to die.
Epstein tried and tried again and succeeded against the odds of doing so under a suicide watch that wasn't watched.

Consider a fuller range of truth. If it makes sense for people to kill themselves late night or early morning when fewer people are around, then isn't that also the perfect time for someone to murder the person?

We are unhealthy because our logic skips all over the place in our thought processes like a badly cared for scratched genetic record. Yet the band(its) and players play on.

Then we are told that such and such government person or agency is now demanding an investigation. In other words, we are told to relax we got your back, and we do and just sit back, because we know the government is concerned with finding out the truth, and then, presenting it to the public.

To put someone on suicide watch is an almost perfect way to kill someone by setting up the alibi (the need for suicide watch) in advance. To call an autopsy related to a prison suicide inconclusive, is to aid and abet the chain of lies. To believe what we are told in this scenario, is to also do the same as citizens. Suicide watch, as proven by many other suspicious deaths in jail, is a way to establish plausible deniability to cover up the lie you're about to do to cover up the lie you are.

Jeffrey Epstein was murdered to protect many “powerful” less-tainted sainted people. Not only the wealthy involved in the crimes Epstein is accused of, but those who are also involved in many other crimes that Epstein and his elites are involved in.
See the Giza Death Star website for a broader perspective of Epstein articles than the ones you receive from your much beloved believed media outlets.

Those guards and medical examiner involved in the Epstein murder are going to die mysterious, quietly kept deaths, just like all those soldiers involved in the Osama Bin Laden assassination and just like all those New York firefighters who were about to discover all the explosives in the World Trade Center, so those buildings were imploded with the firefighters in them to bury the evidence and distract the public with sympathy for first responder lives so we the public wouldn't be able to figure out or even notice the mountain of lies surrounding 9-11 quickly started to melt like a snow job in light of day.

Once again, the fooled in America, will believe even the simplest lie.
So I just repeat what all evidence already shows: National health is at an all-time low, cancers at an all-time high.
Which is what “making progress” will do for you, when healthy progress actually isn't so.

If we don't take anything else away from this message, take this:
Before a person will believe a lie, they must be set up to believe the lie.

The set up always takes place in logic, in information the person has, in the person's understandings.

It becomes increasingly more difficult to lie to a person whose logic is maturing, whose thought processes are maturing, who is maturing in knowledge of self and the ability to properly compare that knowledge to all else.
And this is why, as children mature, they stop believing the lie about Santa and other acceptable lies.
However, something happens to stop our progress, and we regress as we get older by putting our trust in societies to lead and guide us in the ways we should go. Essentially then, we become children to the society, thus vulnerable by free will to believe a whole new set of simple lies that our new parents think are okay to tell their citizen children.

When will we recognize that most of the major media outlets are parrots who say what they are told to say for pay? We should stop thinking a reporter has done any sort of critical thinking in regards to the information being presented. And even if they do, we should doublecheck. This includes all of the media on television we turn to “to get the truth” told to us in bite-sized pieces we can easily chew and quickly swallow.

Note: However simple a lie is, often involved is the use of words we're not used to hearing and not sure what is meant and not sure how those words are psychologically influencing us to do things, don't do things, think things, don't think things.

The connection between constant simple lies and national health is a scandal not plainly told.

Let White Males Themselves Tell The Tale

This section is for those who get confused defused by the thought of the word “conspiracy” and hate the thought of disbelieving the authorities, of their logic, because Stockholm syndrome runs deep. Besides who wants to admit the person or group or society they love is a psycho-sociopath? It would bring into question our own level of mental health wouldn't it?
You don't get to be a rich white male anywhere in the world and not be able to get out of any amount of trouble, that is, unless you have pissed off other rich white males.
You see how easy it is for white male cops to get away with murder in your face.
Do you really think this country has evolved to the point that it cares about human trafficking and sex trafficking and white female trafficking, more than it cares about white males and more than it cares about money?
America is founded on human trafficking.
America is still sustained on human trafficking under a different name.
America elected the most in your face racist on the ballot. Who cares if Trump likes grabbing women by the pussy, he's a rich white male. In other words, making America great again means going back to the time when white males had carte blanche to do anything. Last I checked, Epstein was white, rich and tied in tight to the white is right collective mentality. For a rich white male, human sex trafficking is a non-crime or at worst, a misdemeanor punishable by a fine and community service.
Don't forget, the “too big to fail” era was not too long ago. It really meant, “too white male to fail.”
Ain't nothing changed in those brains except to become further deranged.
Therefore, there's more to the Jeffrey Epstein story that made his white maleness useless. And that only happens when you start to develop a conscience and threaten the fragility of other white males.