If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Saturday, August 31, 2019

Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds & Demons
Unity Consciousness #1710


(Part 9ua of 11)

While searching for info on the connection between Abel and Devil, Lucifer said, “I am Luci. Lucy. I'm the Devil in the details you're looking for.”
Subconscious khekhed in live streaming into consciousness......Lucifer was an angel in heaven....Luci is related to lucid and lucidity you just wrote about regarding remembering....Lucifer was in heaven. Lucy in the Sky...with angels.....with stars.....with diamonds......with demons....Lucy in Sky with Diamonds is about Lucifer in the Sky with Demons....the song is a hidden reference and homage to the Devil.........but it's actually a prelude to the rise of the fallen one who has been unfairly characterized......it is an announcement, just as was the song that announces the Age of Aquaria by the Fifth Dimension, Let The Sunshine In.

Who Lucifer IS SAID TO Represent

In describing Lucifer's fall from heaven, Isaiah 14:12-16 calls Lucifer the Son of the Morning. We now know this is SUN of the Morning, in other words, The Morning Star. Same as Jesus the bright and morning star.
Lucifer is accused of wanting to ascend into heaven, rise above the clouds, become the Most High and be exalted above the stars of God. Who doesn't want to be the highest form of the shining star they are? Lucifer is also accused of wanting to sit upon the mount of the congregation, in the north. Who doesn't want to go to heaven and rise above earth and the low-lifes in Hell?
Instead of Lucifer being given a fair trial, Lucifer is ganged upon, beat down and cast into the pit in Hell. Lucifer is called a man.

Revelation 12: 7-9 says Michael and his buddies cast out the dragon and his buddies. The dragon is called “that ancient serpent.” Then the dragon is called every name in the book, Devil, Satan, Adversary.

Who Lucifer REALLY Represents

1. In the Great Year, The Age of Virgo is when seed is planted. During the Age of Pisces, the seed is brought forth as SITON. This is a form of SATAN, Setan. Siton is the child of the virgin mother Virgo. No father noticeably involved.

2. Virgo, the virgin Mother is Isis and Venus and Hathor and Hathor-Nut and Aquaria. The seed she conceived is the elemental soul of life of the ever-coming one who takes six Ages to be reborn.

3. Hydra Constellation is called the serpent and the bright stars of this constellation are said to have the same influencing effects as Venus and Saturn. This is a form of the ancient serpent. The “sacred year” was that of Sothis and the inundation, the year which opened zodiacally with the sun in the sign of Leo, and the heliacal rising of Hydra and the Phoenix, a fixed point of commencement in Stellar Mythology. (NG2 312)

4. The Great Mother Typhon was the first serpent and The Ancient Serpent. Her son, Sut, Set, Satan, was the second serpent. Jesus Horus is also a serpent, the third serpent, in the original mythology and so are the Elohim. The Father is the fourth serpent.

5. Sut Satan was, and still is, a twin. Horus Jesus is his twin brother.

6. Shem and Sem are Egyptian type-names for a woman who bears. Sem signifies fertility, breeding. Summer, harvest. Shem is also known as the Morning Star. The Morning Star, as Venus was the star of stars and was named Zipporah and LUCIFER.

Summary Points

1. The JC bible presents a worldview of the male Father as God in the Highest.

2. The JC Bible is one that favors Jesus as the Son of God The Father. However before Jesus Horus was King, Sut Satan was King as the Son of God the Mother Of All Living, All Creation, including the Mother of two Twin Sons and the Mother of the Father. This is the Ancient Serpent, the Dragon who came out of the waters of Nun in the heavens and out of the waters in South Karua.

3. However the JC bible is greatly confused because it is trying to rewrite a story about the Sun while it is in the underworld and make the story seem to be about a human son on Earth. This magnificent problem caused the plagiarizers to turn the interactions between elemental souls of life, into human conflict by confusing the metaphors of the Nile Valley Mythology Eschatology the JC bible is based on even though the JC bible also draws upon several other versions in the known world at that time, some of which are Chaldean, Phoenician, Arabic, Greek, Latin, Roman, Gnostic.

4. Lucifer is an Angel of Light just like all other angels are. (BB 196)

5. Sut was the soul of life in darkness in the southern polestar Sothis in Canis Major Constellation. Canis Major, by name is a constellation full of dog-stars. Sut was the Big Dog, the Alpha Dog-star of dog-stars. A star of stars, just like Venus as the Mother. Therefore Sut was already the first to be the God Most High. He was the Morning Star. Sut was the guide of ways for souls. He also helped humans keep track of when the year started. As the polestar of the south, Sut was the first to sit upon “the mount of congregation.” Sut was also the Most High in the northern heaven before Jesus (Horus). Sut was the constellation Cynosura or Ursa Minor as one of the constellations of the never-setting stars. Furthermore, even the Moon of God, as Taht, was the Most High God before the Sun of God was even a twinkle in the full moon of Lunar Mythology.

El in the highest was the star-god on the summit of the mountain, who in the Kamite Egyptian mythos might be Sut, Seth, or Anup at each end of the celestial pole. This is El-Shaddai, the most high god, El-Elyon, whom the Phoenicians also called Israel. This is the God at the northern celestial pole, Anup. (another form of Sut). Thus Lucifer was already Top Dog-Star as both Polaris South and Polaris North. This matches what was found elsewhere that Jacob actually is the dark child, the elder twin. (AE1 499)

6. The Great Mother was symbolized by the Great Bear Constellation. This was first Most High God in the north. We are talking about these constellations because they are full of stars, stars to live by, stars to navigate by, guiding stars. These star constellations represent thrones of rulership in the heavens. Both the Great Mother and her first black light soul, Sut already had stars higher than the white light soul of Horus Jesus and the Father God. (AE2 590)

7. The Great Bear Constellation was also used to keep track of time. In conjunction with Sut's Southern Sothis (Polaris South). Sut was later replaced by Anup who was replaced by Taht-Hermes who used the Moon to keep track of time along with the Great Bear. This gave us a 365 day year and 7 day week and 30 day month. The Moon then became the guide of ways for souls. (AE1 307, 369). (NG2 12, 290). The full moon is a representation of the conception of Jesus, or better said as the entering of Sut-Osiris into the cocoon womb of the Moon to be transformed reborn as Horus Jesus. The Polestar was God and the Moonstar was God before the Sun was God.

8. The Father as God and the Sun as God, didn't take place until the Solar Mythology Eschatology. Last in the cycle. Neither God the Father nor God the Son of the Father were the highest in the beginnings when humans recognized Gods. The Sun was next to the last God by which humans venerated and used to keep track of time. The Father was the very last one to become Most High. The JC bible misrepresented The Mother, the first son Sut, the second twin sun Horus (Jesus) and the Father. Everybody is off center, thus we are out of balance in how we interact with self, each other and all else.

9. Whenever constellations move out of primary position, it is often described as a FALL or a DELUGE or some kind of catastrophe or transgression. (AE1 467, 469)

10. To use Michael as the deposer of Sut from the throne is to leave out Anup and Taht-Hermes. Also Michael was low angel on the totem pole in the seventh heaven. By the time Jesus was trying to rise, there were at least ten heavens with higher ranking angels than Michael Lamech. Besides, Michael is actually one of Sut Satan's angels since Sut, at the time of his deposing, would have had to been ruler of the northern heaven.
Tell me something. Why didn't Jesus fight his own battle?

11. All this is to say, the song Lucy In the Sky with Diamonds is subtly about the unfair characterization of the Mother and Child of the Mother as devils and demons. It is also about honoring their return to being viewed favorably during the Ages of Aquaria, the Great Mother and Kepheus the son of the Mother. Lucy Lucy.

Gods, Devils, Angels and Demons rise and fall in and out of favor in accordance with the Great Year Ages. All the Gods of today are falling as consciousness is rising.

12. The Lucifer in Isaiah is about the Mother because the big battle on High was the Father beating down the mother while their children fought in the Sekari sandbox of Amenta below. Misunderstood is Sut Satan the born of flesh mama's boy and Horus Jesus, the begotten of spirit daddy's boy. This is why the JC bible contains several instances of twins or siblings being favored in the eyes of the parents and/or grandparents. This is not true in Heaven or Hell. God is not a respecter of persons or gods or Gods. Yet we carry foolishness into the human world and this is what we get.

13. John is a form of the announcer who bears witness to the ever-coming one (the next phase). John Lennon wrote the song Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, spiritually subtitled Lucifer in the Sky with Demons.

14. There was no revolt in heaven, only the scientific principles of pressure tension between truths that must continuously exist to maintain dynamic balance as everything continuously shifts. When one truth rises, another truth falls on the opposite side. All the truths in between these two opposites, shift move over one space.
As discussed in detail elsewhere, when we only have a one-sided half-circle perspective, then one has to rise and fall plus one has to be good and one evil. However, under a two-sided full-circle perspective, we recognize that when the sun goes down in our hemisphere, it is simultaneously rising in the opposite hemisphere. Same sun. Therefore, our Devil, our Lucifer, is Jesus on the other side of Earth. In other words when you have a one-sided utamawazo worldview context, those with opposite views become Devils of wrong and you become Gods of right. The real problem among humans is when we don't allow each other to operate as they wish without invading the space they need to experience their Rights Of Creation. This creates the secondary problem of one group seeking a maximum mindset rather than an optimal. In other world, they seek to rule the whole circle of the world using a partial world perspective, respective and retrospective. Thus, lacking equal consideration for all creation, starting with self. Thus the Devil, Evil, Devilish and Wrong things they need and depend on and can't live without or exist without, are still treated as the enemy when that has never been the case in heaven above, heaven below, heaven on the left or heaven on the right.

Be certain, most of the world would not give a damn about the racist collective in America, and their worldwide multi-colored wannabes, if they took their asses back to Eurasia and stayed north and west of the Great Green Sea Mediterranean, except in Russia-Siberia. Under those conditions, it is guaranteed their already present de-evolution would increase exponentially into their fourth or fifth Dark Ages. Vampires cannot survive just by staying among vampires. (from The Virus Handbook of Per-versions)

15. Furthermore, we recognize the self-evidence that all truths are forms of each other and transform in and out of each other. Thus light is a form of darkness and darkness is a form of light. The Angel of light transforms into the Angel of darkness. Satan transforms into Jesus who transforms into Satan.

16. John Lennon denies Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds is about LSD. I say he was definitely high on something. Why? Because all of us are always high on something, or better said as, we are always in a drug-induced state produced by the logic by which we operate. We're so used to it, it feels normal and no longer feels like we're high. Which is why we seek additional doses of false utopias, false euphorias, false opiates. They are false, not because they are not true, but because they don't fit into the optimal theory context necessary for the simultaneous existence of peace, harmony, health, abundance for self and all else.

17. The imagery of the first verse of Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds is the same as the soul of life in the sun that travels in a boat around the Daily Circle, Annual Circle and Great Year Circle. The nature imagery is clearly that of an idyllic paradise. Heaven. The kaleidoscope indicates the whole circle ever-changing diversity of the universe where everything merges into and out of each other. Heaven. And how beautiful heaven is, how beautiful the world is when viewed through kaleidoscope eyes. Lucy is telling John and John is announcing it to us before Lucy returns, or better stated as, as Lucy is returning to her rightful position of equal honor and respect as that given to that which already has the HIGHEST honored position.

18. The newspaper taxis are paper boats made on Earth that we like to make and watch float when we are in a more pure state of childlike fancy. Newspaper is a reference to how the media shapes our perspectives, but now are being transformed to take us from Earth, back up into the clouds where Lucy lives with kaleidoscope eyes. Media in this instance is likely broadly referring to the effects of our belief in words written on paper, including school books and religious books. This is in contrast to the Word of God on display speaking to us everywhere in all forms, including right before our eyes.

19. 2 Peter 1:19 describes the Word (Jesus) as a light shining in a dark, murky place, a Morning Star who will rise in hearts. Lucifer is a light shining in a dark murky place. Lucifer, the Morning star fell; therefore what falls must rise again. This verse could just as well be talking about the Devil. The difference in the way we understand it is our preset preconceived pre-programmed default culture-based logic. These are our presuppositions, our presupposes, what we suppose is true and false before we encounter information and before we encounter additional information.

Human societies are dark murky places that are suffocating the light of the polestar and moonstar while keeping the true family nature of the sunstar covered. Our understandings are dim-inished, yet we somehow, for reasons unverified supported, think we are displaying the apex of human enlightenment.

20. We are now in the twinlight zone where increasingly, there is less darkness and less light. And more twilight.

21. Lucifer is God The Mother and God the Elder Twin, the Dark Child. Lucifer is God, the Younger Twin, the Light Child and God The Father.

22. Think about our logic. If Lucifer is the Lord of Darkness, then Lucifer's time is nighttime; therefore the stars we see at night are Lucifer's angels, demons. Yet, we the contradictionless ones, admire night-stars. Where are the stars of Jesus Horus on display for us to praise?

Short List Of Variations That Mostly Reflect A Suboptimal Worldview: Abaddon, Abel, Adversary, Akhekh, Angra Mainyu, Apap, Apophis, Ares, Beast, Behemoth, Bringer-forth of Light, Cain, Criminal, Darkness, Death, Deluder, Demon, Destroyer, Devil, Devourer, Diablo, Diabolos, Dragon, Ego, Enemy, Evil, Fiend, Hefa, Impious, Kak, Leviathan, Lower self, Lucifer, Lucy, Lusifer, Mars, Monster, Naga, NĂ¢ka, Nakak, Negation, Negative, Noglah, Ogo, Revealer of Light, Satan, Set, Setar, Setekh, Setesh, Setian, Setifan, Seth, Snake, Serpent, Sin, Sut, Typhon, Vice-Lord, Wickedness, Yurugu, (Jerahmeel 40:17 pdf 99)

01.24.21 Update

Lucy is also a form of rekhi. Rekhi are the spirits, humans, stars and other creatures who are the knowers, teachers, mages, healers, the wise whose use of their sensing abilities serve as accurate signs of the times. These are the experts who can help us understand what is taking place in the mesti. The rekhi are pure spirits in this dimension, the next and other dimensions. Thus, great pure spirits are in the space surrounding this Earth. Their expertise is manifesting outside Earth and inside Earth to change the Ages. This is why human experts, as certified by humans, are put in our faces as the ones to trust first and foremost, even before our own sensing abilities and ways of knowing. Human forms of media are the biggest experts we rely on to our own demise. If human media was so beneficial that it could be taken at face value, then those who rely on it would be far better off than they are. That's why the masses are the asses of human experts who are aligned with the society's status quo.

Yes, everything has the ability to be a rekhi of some sort but stars have a lot of overall power and are the basis of determining the set of conditions on Earth.

rekhi, reckon, recognition, rekhi-nition, recognize, rekhi-eyes, reckon-eyes, rekhi-wise, reckon-wise, kher, occur, wreck, Kharrekh, karrekh, kherrekh, correct, collect, circle, certain, lesson, ric, rick, trick, direction, resurrection, erect, elect, kherub, kherma, karma, spirit, rep, repa, rek, rex are all transformations of each other.
Through kherub and makher it seems we can reach reckon.