If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Understanding The Essential Need To Help God Remember
Unity Consciousness #1675


(Part 9su of 11)

Understanding is the beginning of all processes. It doesn't matter what level of understanding it is, understanding is still at the beginning of every process in the universe. Both hydrogen and oxygen must at least have the understanding of what attracts them or repels them, in order for hydrogen and oxygen to form water. Cells must have understanding in order to carry out tasks.
Every atom and particle must have information about self in order to know how to relate to something else.
This is why understanding of self is the beginning of the process of salvation. There is no escaping the need for knowledge of self.
Currently knowledge has largely been replaced by belief of self in the most critical aspects of life.
Since salvation is the same thing as the process of maintaining eternal life, then neither salvation nor eternal life can be separated from any process we are involved in, in our daily lives.
There is no such thing as something not involving the physical or mental or emotional or spiritual. All four are always involved. They are just sometimes in different configurations such that one or the other is more easily noticeable and/or is positioned out front.

We can combine this logic with the obvious logic that all relationships are a two-way street of give and take. All relationships, including between God and Su. Of course God wants Us to do the will of God but what we have forgotten is that God NEEDS our help. As discussed elsewhere, God is a living God, a living Being, A Living Creature, an IU manifestation, an IU-man who must renew self through cycles of Preexistence as One and Existence As Many. Through the experiences of the Many, God is able to optimize self, thus maintain eternal life.

Remember How To Help God Understand & Re-member Self

As God remembers self, God is automatically remapping relationships by reorganizing the universe of logic. The recent awareness of climate change in the mind of the masses, tells us God is gaining understandings which are reaching critical mass.
We can consciously help ourselves, God and other creations by:
1. Doing more of the things we should and less of the things we shouldn't. Every little bit helps. Of course, the more we add or subtract increases the momentum in a given direction. This is a good spot to remind ourselves of the Multiplier Effect of our actions as they travel from us out into the world. The energy we started continues to build through others, and is thus enhanced if enough of us are likeminded and simultaneously doing the better we already know to do.

2. Learning anything and everything possible that comes into your awareness and experiences. This learning will be uploaded to the spirit-web to help others and God. God needs us in the form and conditions we are in so God can understand self. We go back and fetch it, fetch logic from recent message, UC#1670, Last Minute God & Tomorrow People. Our main job is to seek understanding so we can better do the will of God, which includes doing our part in helping God fulfill the need incentive. God needs us to love God because God needs us to love self through the self-esteem of understanding self better. These understandings guide how we use our energy and help guide God in the use of energy. If it is true the actions of the people of Sodom & Gomorrah is what got them killed by God, then how important are our actions in avoiding the wipe-you-out wrath of God? What do we think is going to happen to societies worldwide based on our miscreant felonious dereliction of duty to the Rights of Creation? We can foolishly say that unlike our societies, Sodom & Gomorrah were filled with the awfullest sinners.
We err when we don't understand that lack of pursuit of understandings is a constant sin at the root of all sin because understanding in our logic forms the thought that comes before behavior manifests.
It's one thing to learn something through memorization; and another thing to understand something through realization of metaphors.
Because the universe is the One Metaform who creates Many Metaphors, seeking these understandings is the primary job of all creations.
The universe is filled with endless activity of information being processed in us, through us, from us and back the other way, and across the way and any way there is a way or an angle of light or line of sight into self.

3. Don't allow what you already know, prevent you from knowing what you don't know.
The only reason and only way God is capable of being all-knowing as One is through the understandings of the Many, Us the Su, the Childrenderings of God.