If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Natural Selection, Extinction & Dinosaur Dominion
Unity Consciousness #1700

(Part 9tq of 11)

Humans are in danger of extinction because we have been functioning as maximum-minded creatures for too long.
If we don't optimize (harmonize), the ecosystem will do it for us.

Earth is a living being, a person, a human, a specie who also contains genes and genetics. We humans are part of the genetics of Earth, the body of Earth. Currently humans are a cancer to Earth.
Earth can and will turn us on or off, upsize us or downsize us or reorganize us in order to optimize itself.
God is Earth.
The ecosensibility of Earth's ecosystem is always naturally selecting the forms of species able to function optimally.
When we reflect on the dinosaurs and their abilities, prowess and size, we understand their dominance. Yet we make the mistake of thinking dominance, especially by forced rule gained by perpetual fighting is praiseworthy.

Even if it was a meteor, it was still the ecosystem that knocked the dinosaurs down to size and took away some of their abilities such as in elephants, crocodiles, whales, giraffe, bears and ostriches to name a few. All of these creatures are the descendants of dinosaurs and are suffering payback at the hands of human dinosaurs.
What specie will God use to inflict upon humans that which humans have inflicted upon all else? It would be too merciful just to drown us. That pain doesn't last long enough.
Humans are certainly on the dinosaur path to be knocked down in number and configuration.

Nature brought us into this world. Nature always takes us out.

The ability to dominate doesn't mean that's the path one should take.
There is no wisdom in that; therefore understanding lacks. And this is the quickest way to sudden second death.

Natural Selection Has Many Stages, Here Are Two

1. The suboptimal when the maximum-minded survive at each other's and everybody's expense. The optimal still survive.
2. The optimal when the optimal-minded thrive and multiply. The maximum are minimized.

Natural Selection Is Two-sided

1. Each organism can select certain uses and degrees of how it will use its genetic potential.
2. The main environment that species lives in, can, will and always does select how it will manage the genetic potential within it. This continues on to larger and larger environments. We have stopped our example at Earth, because Earth is enough of a force to be reckoned with to naturally select the types of species that gives Earth the optimal chance of survival as Earth continues to change. Understand clearly, if Earth doesn't optimize itself, the Solar System will optimize Earth because the Solar System must optimize itself. And then the Galaxy.

For a while now, humans have been experiencing the type of natural selection that is caused by organisms within a group choosing which genetics are preferable. That period is near its end. After killing billions of darker people, the racist collective are hurriedly heading towards the minority level they were when they came out the deep freeze, thus their logic has caused a shorter period of rule and made post-rule life certain to go in the manner they treat others. Debt accrued has to be paid or forgiven. Unless Earth and all other species vote for forgiveness, neither will we. The self-judgment of cancers ain't forgiving them and their wannabe followers. There has been no repentance, no remorse, no 180 degree change of course, and no recompense to cover the cost of all that has been lost. Darker humans, are paying triple full price, interest and penalties for their destruction, including continued self-destruction. It is unlikely climate change will spare the current branch of humans and their descendants either.

Do we not understand why life exists anywhere?
Because an ecosystem exists and that life fits into the system to allow the system to remain a system.
Humans were more optimal at the point of evolution from primates than we are today.
Humans have grown into the classic Mr. Big Stuff who do you think you are.
All the things you have can't make up for or protect you from the balance you lack.

This must be properly understood.
God is the Head Dinosaur and God is the Dinosaur that existed on Earth. Dinosaurs are also children of God. Dinosaurs are also God.
God, the dinosaur in heaven, was reborn in the form of the dinosaur on Earth. In that form, God functioned in a one-sided destructive terrorist, superpower mode that did not allow for the optimizing of other species, thus not of genetic potential spirit-soul resources of Earth, Solar System, Galaxy, Universe, God.

However it happened, God the dinosaur in heaven, took down God the dinosaur on Earth.
God created dinosaurs out of self, then God reconfigured the dinosaur and removed incompatible versions.
God has reconfigured humans multiple times already. At some point, a re-balancing of human impact must take place. Humans are even polluting outer space, moon and mars. The dinosaurs didn't go that far and still they fell way down on the totem pole due to their misapplication of dominance. Humans supposedly have greater reasoning skills and greater free will. If so, we also have greater responsibilities for all creatures over which we can have dominance or dominion. Extinction of most humans might be the only choice left as God is changing the climate within self to limit the overbearing nature of humans.

So be certain your darkness of color won't save you if your logic is incompatible with Aquaria and Kepheus. And if you are not seeking to practice any of the “21 Behaviors To Counteract Human Racism White Supremacy., you and your descendants are in a lot of trouble.
I'm talking to you Africans in Haiti, Brazil and doubly so in Africa. We in the Diaspora look to you for in kind spirit vibration even as you look to us for the same kind of inspiration. You are responsible for us as we are for you. Yet you've become a prodigal even while living at home under the same roof claiming to be different countries just because you live in a wing of a mansion. Strangers to each other in the holy garden birthplace of all humans and foundation of all human knowledge. You have created a diaspora among yourself where there is no diaspora just because you are following the wrong logic that supersedes your will to be healthy and supersedes knowledge of self. That is dinosaur logic that will become extinct. And so will humans possessing it, short of an exorcism.

Right now is the time of remembering and realigning before it's too late for the next generation.

Nobody's asking you to go do battle in the streets against guns, dogs and fire-hoses.
You mean to tell me you're too scared or stuck on dumb luck to battle against your own logic in private?

As the wise one said, quit pledging your allegiance following logic and wasting resources towards things that are not instruments of your liberation. John Henry was a steel-driving man and the same soul of life in darkness and lightness, reincarnated as John Henrik Clarke, another steel driven man.