If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Friday, August 16, 2019

I Am Nothing, If Not God Or African, But Confused
Unity Consciousness #1681


(Part 9ta of 11)

If I am not God, I am not spirit.
If I am not soul, I am not animal.
If I am not animated, I am not a primate.
If I am not primitive, I am not human.
If I am not humane, I am not African.
If I am one or some of those things, but not the others, I cancel myself out and become nothing only.

Wait a minute!
Before there was something, there must have been nothing.
The only person, being and entity around when there was nothing, must have been God.
Therefore, God must be nothing.
God must be the Nothing who creates Something.
Something out of Nothing. Hmm.

That makes something and nothing the same things. Hmm.

So even if I think I'm something, I still came from nothing.

Humans were created out of nothing.
Where on Earth?
Place called Africa.
Using what?
Where did that come from?

You mean to tell me, my spirit came from nothing, then made me something, but the greater portion of me is still nothing?
No sir. You are always something and nothing.
How much of each?
It changes based on logic currently manifesting.

Seems like no matter what or who I say I am, I am still everything I say I am not. We've talked about nothing before haven't we?
Yes mam! That's all there is to talk about, a bunch of nothing that made something out of self, then took what was made and allowed those creations to make something else out of themselves, until there was so much of something else going on, that nothing was left behind.
Left behind in the mind.

If I am at least one thing in this place called Creation, then I am that thing fully completely, down to its foundation.
Understanding who I say I am down to its foundation, is where I will find convergence of information.

God who is great and good does not get to not also be the anti-god, the anti-Christ. If it's true, Jesus is our closest friend, then truly Jesus is also our worst feared alien.
No one, not even the One, gets to not be the things not liked just because we've forgotten what is different comes from the same basis that makes them alike.
Until we remember that one thing is two things and two things are many, then we will remain self-defeated as we try to function by separating ourselves from the one thing we are absolutely sure of, as it manifests in plenty of things, anything and everything.
This means the results of many thought processes will cause the something we are not, to cancel the power of the nothing we are.
We will remain confused because we refuse to recuse the logic we use because the little we know gets in the way of the heckuva lot more we don't know.

This logical basis is all fine and good, but a more specific example must be properly understood.
America and the European Diaspora, including all of it's UN wannabes, have done such a good job of lying to self, that it is that Asili of a lie, hatched within the individual self, and in the collective society, and allowed to free range worldwide, that has produced the feral nature of the same lie multiplied, that cannot be re-domesticated. The lies keep running amok, consuming, reproducing and coming full circle to roost again and again where it was born. Africa be warned. Each time the lie comes home in a different form or to a different degree of intensity. This is what we see all-around us.
Have you ever seen anyone set up an elaborate domino design, then one falls, intentionally or not. The designer is never able to stop the process from playing itself out once it is set in motion.
Neither can humans stop the chain reactions they have systematically set up in human logic. The current state of human psyche is so frailly established on weak logic, that as the universal foundation of logic shakes the Ages, human logic is crashing, burning, sinking, erupting, bursting, collapsing, deteriorating and upheaving, along with a lot of something we've created. All because we choose to be unstable by refusing to function based on the full foundation of who we are such that the ten things listed at the beginning of this message are not globally shared in human logic. As a result, each one that isn't, causes conflict within self and with all else.
Ain't no stopping us now, is the chant of the truth marching on in twos,fours, sevens, seventies, seventy-twos, five-hundreds. These are just a few truths remembering who they are, why they are here and what their purposes are. Not on their own, but rather due to spirit-soul who is never left behind except in our minds.
The same spirit-soul that created a lot of something out of virtually nothing is certainly saying let's do it again and again, even if it means wiping the slate clean using any means necessary to erase two things: that which means something but not nothing and that which means nothing but not something. That kind of logic will be erased or replaced because it has a glitch that doesn't allow it to recycle, come full circle and remain eternal, thus universal as we pass through the twin truth twilight zone of the Great Year Recycling Of Logic, thus the rearranging of that which has been created.

Now when only a single superhuman spirit-soul, changes its mind, a lot changes. What happens when two or three or more superhumans agree to change their minds at the same time? A whole lot of everything that is something will change. Only nothing will remain the same.

Superhumans can make way more out of nothing in a single moment of time, than limited context humans can make out of all their somethings combined throughout all human lifetimes.

Where much has been constructed and accumulated is where much is being disrupted and rearranged.
The revolution is being televised.

In order to currently be on the right track, and stay there throughout each day, then where we are each moment, must be another right spot. Otherwise we go through the day on track off track on track off track until we forget to check to see which is which.
This is especially true in terms of what thought process track our logic is on.

The spirit-soul tide has changed.
God is now in a different celestial position to better help those who help God help Self.
If the intentions of my heart spirit are in the right place, God will help me.
If my intentions are not, God will help me stay in the wrong place, wrong time, on the wrong track, confused.