If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

What Was The Big Bang & Big Change?
Unity Consciousness #1705


(Part 9tv of 11)

See Remembering The Fundamental Nature Of Remember, Unity Consciousness #1703

The mountain surging rising out of the waters is why the mountain top, the peak, the temple, the natural high places are what we are naturally drawn to physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. This is why the voice of many waters rose to the top to release the Word of God (the instructions of genetic potential to form creation). The word was being held in the hand of God in the shape of the mountain top. That first release of the Word, contained all information necessary to create the first cycle of Creation, the seven elemental souls of life. All of this in one WORD that then immediately began to release more words, more bangs. The first outward event of this instantaneous lengthy series of processes is the Big Bang. (BB 152-3, 15, 176, 204, 206, 212, 375, 422, 459)

Bang is Ba-ing. Ba-ing is Ka-ing is Rema-Ka-ing is remaking is King Rema is all the same as God in any form.
Bang is what we use to describe the sound, but it is also Khang, which is also Change. Yes, the Big Bang is the same thang as the Big Change. Isn't it? Wasn't there?

Ankh as Ng is the first person who duplicates. (NG1 190/208)
Ka” is to call, cry. Thus when a child is born out of the organized Khaos womb of the Universal Supreme Being, the child cries. God cried out when God had an orgasm and gave rebirth to self in the form of Many Creations. This crying out of the Ka has never ceased since the very first cry and shall not cease until all sounds are once again, sound asleep, in the cradle cocoon of preexistence. (BB 170/182)

Yes, the Big Bang is the Supreme Being Crying Out (Kaing Out) for joy for more than one reason. Since the Supreme Being is giving rebirth to self in another form, the KA and the BA are coming together and creating the Big Change so these two truths can come into existence together.
Contrary to the popular miseducation of current day science, The Big Bang is not a once in a lifetime thing. Since the ever-coming one is being continuously reborn, there are other Big Bangs that take place that usher in Big Change. These Bangs and Changes coincide with the Ages, especially at the quarter-points and halfway-points of the Circle Cycle of the Great Year. We are right now in the timeframe of another Big Bang Change.

Furthermore, since the letter K came out before the letter G, then Bang is Bank.
The Big Bang is the same thing as breaking open the Big Bank, pouring out resources, no expense spared in order to create creation.
The Bank is the Bankh, the Ba Ankh. (UC#940)
Since ang is ank then anger is anker is ankur or anhh-ur. In a simple sense, anger is a great expression of life. And so are calmness, peace and love and harmony. At the root, the meanings start out the same, and remain so, even though the forms change. But it does not always remain so in our understandings. This is the basic quest of the Supreme Being. To understand self in all forms. This is the primary point of Creation and is where you and I and all else “come into play.” God needs the help of all creatures in all sorts of conditions in order for God to fully understand self. See:
1. Understanding The Essential Need To Help God Remember, Unity Consciousness #1675
2. God Says If You Love Me, Set Me Free, Unity Consciousness #1676